Petrópolis (Russian: Петрополис) is a 2022 Russian science-fiction thriller drama film directed by Valery Fokin, with a script of the tape is based on the story Fire, authored by the director's son Kirill Fokin.The film stars Anton Shagin and Yuliya Snigir, and they will be accompanied by Vladimir Koshevoy, Odin Biron, and Junsuke Kinoshita. Petrópolis is scheduled to be theatrically released on October 27, 2022, by The White Nights film distribution company.
Petrópolis (Russian: Петрополис) is a 2022 Russian science-fiction thriller drama film directed by Valery Fokin, with a script of the tape is based on the story Fire, authored by the director's son Kirill Fokin.The film stars Anton Shagin and Yuliya Snigir, and they will be accompanied by Vladimir Koshevoy, Odin Biron, and Junsuke Kinoshita. Petrópolis is scheduled to be theatrically released on October 27, 2022, by The White Nights film distribution company. (en) «Петрополис» — российский фильм 2022 года, научно-фантастический триллер Валерия Фокина, в котором в главных ролях выступили Антон Шагин и Юлия Снигирь. Вышел в прокат 27 октября 2022 года. (ru)
Petrópolis (Russian: Петрополис) is a 2022 Russian science-fiction thriller drama film directed by Valery Fokin, with a script of the tape is based on the story Fire, authored by the director's son Kirill Fokin.The film stars Anton Shagin and Yuliya Snigir, and they will be accompanied by Vladimir Koshevoy, Odin Biron, and Junsuke Kinoshita. Petrópolis is scheduled to be theatrically released on October 27, 2022, by The White Nights film distribution company. (en) «Петрополис» — российский фильм 2022 года, научно-фантастический триллер Валерия Фокина, в котором в главных ролях выступили Антон Шагин и Юлия Снигирь. Вышел в прокат 27 октября 2022 года. (ru)