- Philip Rosseter (* 1568 vermutlich in London; † 5. Mai 1623 ebenda) war ein britischer Komponist und Lautenist. (de)
- Philip Rosseter est un luthiste, compositeur et directeur de théâtre anglais, né en 1568 et décédé à Londres le 5 mai 1623. (fr)
- Philip Rosseter (1568 – 5 May 1623) was an English composer and musician, as well as a theatrical manager. His family seems to have been from Somerset or Lincolnshire, he may have been employed with the Countess of Sussex by 1596, and he was living in London by 1598. In 1604 Rosseter was appointed a court lutenist for James I of England, a position he held until his death in 1623. Rosseter is best known for A Book of Ayres which was written with Thomas Campion and published in 1601. Some literary critics have held that Campion wrote the poems for Rosseter's songs; however, this seems not to be the case. It is likely that Campion was the author of the book's preface, which criticizes complex counterpoint and "intricate" harmonies that leave the words inaudible. The two men had a close professional and personal relationship; when Campion died in 1620, he had named Rosseter his sole heir. Rosseter's lute songs are generally short, homophonic, with minimal repetition or word painting (imitating textual meanings through music), while at the same time being rich in musical invention. Rosseter's only other book was Lessons for Consort (1609) for a broken consort of bandora, cittern, lute, flute, and treble and bass viol, which contains arrangements of his own and others' music. Rosseter was also involved in the Jacobean theatre. In 1609 he and became shareholders in a company of boy actors, the Children of the Chapel. The company had lost their royal patronage in 1606 as a result of their satire of Jacobean court scandals, but Rosseter was permitted to restore their former title, the Children of the Queen's Revels, in 1610. Rosseter remained connected to the Jacobean court during this period, in 1612 and 1613 he produced three play by the "Children of the Chapel" for Prince Charles, Princess Elizabeth and the Prince Palatine, and he played the lute on 15 February 1613 in George Chapman's The Memorable Masque of the Middle Temple and Lincoln's Inn, a part of the celebrations at the wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Frederick V of the Palatinate. In 1614, the Children of the Queen's Revels' lease for Whitefriars Theatre expired, and Rosseter obtained a license from King James to build a new theatre at Porter's Hall, near the Blackfriars Theatre. Boundary changes brought the site within the City of London, however, where the lord mayor and aldermen strongly objected to the establishment of the theater. After a controversial trial in which Lord Chief Justice Coke found for the London authorities, the nearly-completed playhouse was demolished in 1617. Rosseter made attempts to operate the boy actors, now known as the Children of the Late Queen's Revels, as a touring company, but he withdrew as a shareholder by 1620, and the company disbanded shortly afterwards. A piece entitled Rosseter's Galliard by Giles Farnaby is included in the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book (no. CCLXXXIII), probably a setting of one of Rosseter's compositions. One of his compositions was used by Martin Shaw and then arranged by Mont Campbell to become 'Garden of Earthly Delights' on the album Arzachel by Prog Rock group Uriel in 1969. (en)
- フィリップ・ロセター(Philip Rosseter, 1567年または1568年 - 1623年5月5日)はイングランドの音楽家・劇場支配人。1603年から没年まで、ジェームズ1世の宮廷リュート奏者を務めた。ロセターの最も有名な曲集『エア集 A Book of Aires 』は、トマス・カンピオンとの共作である。文学評論家の中には、カンピオンがロセターの歌曲のために詩作をしたと見なす者もいるようだが、どうやらこれは見当違いらしい。とはいえ、カンピオンが曲集に序文を寄せたということはありそうだ。そこには、過度のや複雑な対位法への非難が記されているからである。 ロセターのリュート歌曲は、一般的に短く、ホモフォニックで、ごく短い反復があり、テクストの音楽化に慎重で、それでいて音楽的な発想力に富んでいる。ロセターの次の曲集は、、シターン、リュート、フルート、いくつかのヴァイオルからなるブロークン・コンソートのための《コンソートのレッスン Lessons for Consort 》(1609年)であり、これは自作や他人の作品の編曲も含んでいる。 ロセターは劇場人としては、やや波瀾万丈の、おおむね失敗続きの生涯を送ったらしい。1609年にロバート・カイザーとともに少年劇団の経営に乗り出すが、とどのつまりは両者が認可状をめぐって揉めた末に、1617年に劇団の解散に追い込まれたのである。 (ja)
- Philip Rosseter (1567 o 1568 – Londra, 5 maggio 1623) è stato un compositore, liutista e impresario teatrale inglese. (it)
- Philip Rosseter (ur. 1567 lub 1568, zm. 5 maja 1623 w Londynie) – angielski kompozytor i lutnista. (pl)
- Philip Rosseter (* 1568 vermutlich in London; † 5. Mai 1623 ebenda) war ein britischer Komponist und Lautenist. (de)
- Philip Rosseter est un luthiste, compositeur et directeur de théâtre anglais, né en 1568 et décédé à Londres le 5 mai 1623. (fr)
- フィリップ・ロセター(Philip Rosseter, 1567年または1568年 - 1623年5月5日)はイングランドの音楽家・劇場支配人。1603年から没年まで、ジェームズ1世の宮廷リュート奏者を務めた。ロセターの最も有名な曲集『エア集 A Book of Aires 』は、トマス・カンピオンとの共作である。文学評論家の中には、カンピオンがロセターの歌曲のために詩作をしたと見なす者もいるようだが、どうやらこれは見当違いらしい。とはいえ、カンピオンが曲集に序文を寄せたということはありそうだ。そこには、過度のや複雑な対位法への非難が記されているからである。 ロセターのリュート歌曲は、一般的に短く、ホモフォニックで、ごく短い反復があり、テクストの音楽化に慎重で、それでいて音楽的な発想力に富んでいる。ロセターの次の曲集は、、シターン、リュート、フルート、いくつかのヴァイオルからなるブロークン・コンソートのための《コンソートのレッスン Lessons for Consort 》(1609年)であり、これは自作や他人の作品の編曲も含んでいる。 ロセターは劇場人としては、やや波瀾万丈の、おおむね失敗続きの生涯を送ったらしい。1609年にロバート・カイザーとともに少年劇団の経営に乗り出すが、とどのつまりは両者が認可状をめぐって揉めた末に、1617年に劇団の解散に追い込まれたのである。 (ja)
- Philip Rosseter (1567 o 1568 – Londra, 5 maggio 1623) è stato un compositore, liutista e impresario teatrale inglese. (it)
- Philip Rosseter (ur. 1567 lub 1568, zm. 5 maja 1623 w Londynie) – angielski kompozytor i lutnista. (pl)
- Philip Rosseter (1568 – 5 May 1623) was an English composer and musician, as well as a theatrical manager. His family seems to have been from Somerset or Lincolnshire, he may have been employed with the Countess of Sussex by 1596, and he was living in London by 1598. In 1604 Rosseter was appointed a court lutenist for James I of England, a position he held until his death in 1623. Rosseter is best known for A Book of Ayres which was written with Thomas Campion and published in 1601. Some literary critics have held that Campion wrote the poems for Rosseter's songs; however, this seems not to be the case. It is likely that Campion was the author of the book's preface, which criticizes complex counterpoint and "intricate" harmonies that leave the words inaudible. The two men had a close profe (en)