- Poa secunda es una especie de planta herbácea perteneciente a la familia de las poáceas. Es nativa de Norteamérica. (es)
- Poa secunda (variously known by the common names of Sandberg bluegrass, alkali bluegrass, big bluegrass, Canby's bluegrass, Nevada bluegrass, one-sided bluegrass, Pacific bluegrass, pine blugrass, slender bluegrass, wild bluegrass, and curly bluegrass) is a widespread species of perennial bunchgrass native to North and South America. It is highly resistant to drought conditions, and provides excellent fodder; and has also been used in controlling soil erosion, and as revegetator, often after forest fires. Cultivars include 'Canbar', 'Service', 'Sherman', and 'Supernova'. Historically, indigenous Americans, such as the Gosiute of Utah, have used P. secunda for food. It was originally described botanically in 1830 by Jan Svatopluk Presl, from a holotype collected from Chile by Thaddäus Haenke in 1790. (en)
- Poa secunda är en gräsart som beskrevs av Jan Svatopluk Presl. Poa secunda ingår i släktet gröen, och familjen gräs. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. (sv)
- 巨早熟禾(学名:Poa ampla)为禾本科早熟禾属下的一个种。 (zh)
- N O T E : This list has been aggregated from three sources, each having considerably differing lists of taxa * Festuca oregona (Vasey) * Glyceria canbyi (Scribn.) * Poa ampla (Merr.) * P. brachyglossa (Piper) * P. buckleyana (Nash) * P. canbyi ( Howell) * P. confusa (Rydb.) * P. englishii (H.St.John & Hardin) * P. gracillima (Vasey) * P. g. var. multnomae ( C.L.Hitchc.) * P. incurva (Scribn. & T.A.Williams) * P. juncifolia (Scribn.) * P. j. var. juncifolia * P. j. subsp. porteri (D.D.Keck) * P. j. var. ampla ( Dorn) * P. laevigata (Scribn.) * P. nevadensis (Vasey ex Scribn.) * P. n. var. juncifolia ( Beetle) * P. orcuttiana (Vasey) * P. sandbergii (Vasey) * P. scabrella ( Benth. ex Vasey) * P. secunda (Zea ex Roem. & Schult.) * P. se. var. elongata ( Dorn) * P. se. var. incurva ( Beetle) * P. se. subsp. juncifolia ( Soreng) * P. se. subsp. secunda * P. se. var. stenophylla ( Beetle) * P. stenantha var. sandbergii ( B.Boivin) (en)
- Poa secunda es una especie de planta herbácea perteneciente a la familia de las poáceas. Es nativa de Norteamérica. (es)
- Poa secunda är en gräsart som beskrevs av Jan Svatopluk Presl. Poa secunda ingår i släktet gröen, och familjen gräs. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. (sv)
- 巨早熟禾(学名:Poa ampla)为禾本科早熟禾属下的一个种。 (zh)
- Poa secunda (variously known by the common names of Sandberg bluegrass, alkali bluegrass, big bluegrass, Canby's bluegrass, Nevada bluegrass, one-sided bluegrass, Pacific bluegrass, pine blugrass, slender bluegrass, wild bluegrass, and curly bluegrass) is a widespread species of perennial bunchgrass native to North and South America. It is highly resistant to drought conditions, and provides excellent fodder; and has also been used in controlling soil erosion, and as revegetator, often after forest fires. Cultivars include 'Canbar', 'Service', 'Sherman', and 'Supernova'. Historically, indigenous Americans, such as the Gosiute of Utah, have used P. secunda for food. It was originally described botanically in 1830 by Jan Svatopluk Presl, from a holotype collected from Chile by Thaddäus Haenk (en)