- Pointless is a British television quiz show produced by Banijay subsidiary Remarkable Television for the BBC. It is hosted by Alexander Armstrong. In each episode four teams of two contestants attempt to find correct but obscure answers to four rounds of general knowledge questions, with the winning team eligible to compete for the show's cash jackpot. All questions used on the show are factual in nature, and are asked of a panel of 100 individuals in a pre-conducted public survey. A correct answer scores one point for each survey subject who gave it, and the objective is to achieve as low a score as possible. "Pointless" answers, correct responses that were not given by anyone surveyed, score zero points and are the most desirable. Every pointless answer given during the main game increases the jackpot by £250, and the team that reaches the final round has three chances to win it by giving one such answer. Pointless debuted on BBC Two on 24 August 2009. The success of its first three series led the BBC to move it to BBC One from 2011. From late June to mid-July, the programme usually takes a two-week break to make way for the Wimbledon Tennis Championships. On occasions when BBC1 carries live broadcasts of major news or sport events, the programme is transferred to BBC2, for example during the pandemic of 2020. As of April 2022 the programme is airing its 27th series and has had peak audience figures of over 7 million viewers. An offshoot of the show entitled Pointless Celebrities was first shown in 2011, and as of April 2022 had reached series 15. The format has been exported internationally. On 8 April 2022, Richard Osman announced that he would step down as co-presenter of the series to focus more on his writing career, although he will still co-present with Armstrong on Pointless Celebrities on a short-term contract before leaving the series fully. Rotating guest-presenters will take his place until a new permanent presenter is found. (en)
- Pointless is een populair spelprogramma geproduceerd door voor de BBC dat sinds 24 augustus 2009 wordt uitgezonden op BBC Two en vanaf 2011 op BBC One. (nl)
- Tylko Ty! – polski teleturniej, nadawany od 27 lutego do 30 maja 2014 roku, produkowany przez Endemol Shine Polska, oparty na brytyjskim programie stacji BBC. Prowadzili go Tomasz Kammel i Radosław Kotarski (zadanie drugiego polegało na ocenianiu prawidłowości odpowiedzi i komentowaniu ich). Emitowano go w TVP2 w każdy czwartek i piątek o godzinie 18.50. Wszystkie odcinki programu nadawca udostępniał w serwisie TVP VOD. Z powodu ograniczeń licencyjnych po kilku latach wycofano je z platformy. Realizacja nagrań odbywała się w oddziale Telewizji Polskiej w Lublinie. Mimo zapowiadanych castingów, nie odbyła się druga edycja programu. (pl)
- Pointless (svenska: Poänglöst) är ursprungligen ett brittiskt frågesportprogram som leds av komikern med domaren Richard Osman vid sin sida. Programmet har sedan det dök upp i Storbritannien 24 augusti 2009 spridits till 11 länder. I Storbritannien sänds programmet på BBC One sedan 2012 och i Sverige sänds programmet på . (sv)
- Pointless is een populair spelprogramma geproduceerd door voor de BBC dat sinds 24 augustus 2009 wordt uitgezonden op BBC Two en vanaf 2011 op BBC One. (nl)
- Pointless (svenska: Poänglöst) är ursprungligen ett brittiskt frågesportprogram som leds av komikern med domaren Richard Osman vid sin sida. Programmet har sedan det dök upp i Storbritannien 24 augusti 2009 spridits till 11 länder. I Storbritannien sänds programmet på BBC One sedan 2012 och i Sverige sänds programmet på . (sv)
- Pointless is a British television quiz show produced by Banijay subsidiary Remarkable Television for the BBC. It is hosted by Alexander Armstrong. In each episode four teams of two contestants attempt to find correct but obscure answers to four rounds of general knowledge questions, with the winning team eligible to compete for the show's cash jackpot. All questions used on the show are factual in nature, and are asked of a panel of 100 individuals in a pre-conducted public survey. A correct answer scores one point for each survey subject who gave it, and the objective is to achieve as low a score as possible. "Pointless" answers, correct responses that were not given by anyone surveyed, score zero points and are the most desirable. Every pointless answer given during the main game increas (en)
- Tylko Ty! – polski teleturniej, nadawany od 27 lutego do 30 maja 2014 roku, produkowany przez Endemol Shine Polska, oparty na brytyjskim programie stacji BBC. Prowadzili go Tomasz Kammel i Radosław Kotarski (zadanie drugiego polegało na ocenianiu prawidłowości odpowiedzi i komentowaniu ich). Emitowano go w TVP2 w każdy czwartek i piątek o godzinie 18.50. Wszystkie odcinki programu nadawca udostępniał w serwisie TVP VOD. Z powodu ograniczeń licencyjnych po kilku latach wycofano je z platformy. (pl)