- Pop Girl was a free-to-air children's television channel in the United Kingdom, owned by CSC Media Group (formerly Chart Show Channels), a company associated with the makers of The Chart Show, a television programme that had previously been on Channel 4 and ITV. It broadcast cartoons, live action and pop music videos on Sky and Freesat. Its target audience was 7 to 12-year-old girls. Pop Girl originally broadcast from 6 am until 9 pm in order to share bandwidth with the now-defunct AnimeCentral, a general entertainment channel also owned and operated by CSC Media Group, which broadcast from 9pm until 6am. Subsequently, Pop Girl's broadcast hours were extended to match those of Kix and it broadcast from 6am until 11:30pm. This allowed the sharing arrangement with AnimeCentral to end, thus allowing the entertainment channel to broadcast 24 hours when it became Showcase TV (now 'True Entertainment'). (en)
- Pop Girl è stato un'emittente televisiva britannica rivolto a un target femminile tra 7 e 12 anni. Il 1º ottobre 2015 il canale ha chiuso definitivamente. (it)
- Pop Girl é uma emissora de televisão do Reino Unido mantida pela . Seu público-alvo são as meninas 7 a 12 anos. (pt)