Ramayan (also known as Ramanand Sagar's Ramayan) is an Indian Hindi-language epic television series based on ancient Indian Sanskrit Epic Ramayana. The show was created, written, and directed by Ramanand Sagar. It originally aired between 1987 and 1988 on DD National and it was narrated by Ashok Kumar and the director Ramanand Sagar. The music was composed by Ravindra Jain. The show became most watched television series in the world, it had a viewership of 82 percent. The repeat telecast was aired on 20 different channels in 17 countries on all the five continents at different times.The success of the series was documented well by the media. According to BBC, the serial has been viewed by over 650 million viewers. Each episode of the series reportedly earned DD National ₹40 Lakh. The series was reaired during the 2020 Coronavirus Lockdown and broke several viewership records globally which includes setting a record for the most watched TV show in the world, with 77 million viewers on 16 April 2020. BBC recalled that when the series was telecast every Sunday morning, "streets would be deserted, shops would be closed and people would bathe and garland their TV sets before the serial began."The show is primarily based on Valmiki's Ramayan (Critical Edition) and Tulsidas' Ramcharitmanas. Other sources used were: Tamil Kamb Ramayan, Marathi Bhavarath Ramayan, Bengali Krutivas Ramayan, Telugu Shri Rangnath Ramayan, Kannada Ramchandra Charit Puranam, Malayalam Adhyatma Ramayan, Urdu Ramayan by Chakbast. (en)
Ramayan est une série mythologique diffusée de 1987 jusqu'en 1988 sur la télévision indienne, sur la chaîne DD National. Créée, écrite et dirigée par Ramanand Sagar, Ramayan est une adaptation télévisée de l'épopée hindoue indienne portant le même nom, mais elle est également basée sur le Ramcharitmanas de Tulsidas. La série a reçu une audience de 82 %, un record pour une série télévisée indienne. Chaque épisode de la série aurait ainsi rapporté environ quatre millions de roupies indiennes. La série a été rediffusée plus récemment sur Star Plus et dans les années 2000. Ramayan a également été retransmise à nouveau, en Inde, sur DD National, du 28 mars 2020 au 18 avril 2020, durant la pandémie de Coronavirus. (fr)
Ramayan é uma série de televisão da Índia baseada no poema épico sânscrito de mesmo nome. Foi exibido originalmente entre 1987 e 1988 pela rede de televisão DD National. Foi idealizado, escrito e dirigido por Ramanand Sagar. A série é baseada primordialmente nos textos épicos Ramayana, de Valmiki, e Ramcharitmanas, de Tulsidas. A série alcançou uma audiência de 82%, um recorde para a televisão indiana. Cada episódio teve um lucro de mais de 40 lahk(40 milhões) de Rupias. A série foi reprisada durante a pandemia de COVID-19 de 2020, batendo mais uma vez recordes de audiência, e se tornou uma das séries de televisão mais assistidas do mundo inteiro, com 77 milhões de espectadores em 16 de abril de 2020. (pt)
Ramayan (also known as Ramanand Sagar's Ramayan) is an Indian Hindi-language epic television series based on ancient Indian Sanskrit Epic Ramayana. The show was created, written, and directed by Ramanand Sagar. It originally aired between 1987 and 1988 on DD National and it was narrated by Ashok Kumar and the director Ramanand Sagar. The music was composed by Ravindra Jain. The show became most watched television series in the world, it had a viewership of 82 percent. The repeat telecast was aired on 20 different channels in 17 countries on all the five continents at different times.The success of the series was documented well by the media. According to BBC, the serial has been viewed by over 650 million viewers. Each episode of the series reportedly earned DD National ₹40 Lakh. (en)
Ramayan est une série mythologique diffusée de 1987 jusqu'en 1988 sur la télévision indienne, sur la chaîne DD National. Créée, écrite et dirigée par Ramanand Sagar, Ramayan est une adaptation télévisée de l'épopée hindoue indienne portant le même nom, mais elle est également basée sur le Ramcharitmanas de Tulsidas. La série a reçu une audience de 82 %, un record pour une série télévisée indienne. Chaque épisode de la série aurait ainsi rapporté environ quatre millions de roupies indiennes. (fr)
Ramayan é uma série de televisão da Índia baseada no poema épico sânscrito de mesmo nome. Foi exibido originalmente entre 1987 e 1988 pela rede de televisão DD National. Foi idealizado, escrito e dirigido por Ramanand Sagar. A série é baseada primordialmente nos textos épicos Ramayana, de Valmiki, e Ramcharitmanas, de Tulsidas. A série alcançou uma audiência de 82%, um recorde para a televisão indiana. Cada episódio teve um lucro de mais de 40 lahk(40 milhões) de Rupias. (pt)