- Billy Joe McCombs, né le 19 octobre 1927 à Spur, aux États-Unis, est un milliardaire américain, fondateur du groupe . (fr)
- Billy Joe "Red" McCombs (born October 19, 1927) is an American businessman. He is the founder of the Red McCombs Automotive Group in San Antonio, Texas, a co-founder of Clear Channel Communications, former chairman of Constellis Group, a former owner of the San Antonio Spurs, San Antonio Force, Denver Nuggets, the Minnesota Vikings, and the namesake of the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin. He is on the Forbes 400 list of richest Americans. In 2012, the San Antonio Express-News reported McCombs' net worth at 1.4billion.Hewasrankedthe913thrichestmanintheworld.TwootherSanAntoniomenatthetime,CharlesButtoftheH−E−BsupermarketchainandRodneyLewis,anaturalgasdriller,finishedaboveMcCombsonthelist.In2017,ForbesplacedthevalueofMcCombs′fortuneat1.4 billion. He was ranked the 913th richest man in the world. Two other San Antonio men at the time, Charles Butt of the H-E-B supermarket chain and Rodney Lewis, a natural gas driller, finished above McCombs on the list. In 2017, Forbes placed the value of McCombs' fortune at 1.4billion.Hewasrankedthe913thrichestmanintheworld.TwootherSanAntoniomenatthetime,CharlesButtoftheH−E−BsupermarketchainandRodneyLewis,anaturalgasdriller,finishedaboveMcCombsonthelist.In2017,ForbesplacedthevalueofMcCombs′fortuneat1.6 billion with a ranking of No. 1,290 on a list of the world's billionaires. (en)
- Billy Joe "Red" McCombs (Spur, 19 ottobre 1927) è un imprenditore statunitense. Co-fondatore di Clear Channel Communications, è stato proprietario dei San Antonio Spurs, dei Denver Nuggets e dei Minnesota Vikings. Nel 2014 è stato incluso nella lista Forbes 400. Nel 1950 ha sposato Charline McCombs, morta nel 2019 all'età di 91 anni. (it)
- Billy Joe McCombs, né le 19 octobre 1927 à Spur, aux États-Unis, est un milliardaire américain, fondateur du groupe . (fr)
- Billy Joe "Red" McCombs (Spur, 19 ottobre 1927) è un imprenditore statunitense. Co-fondatore di Clear Channel Communications, è stato proprietario dei San Antonio Spurs, dei Denver Nuggets e dei Minnesota Vikings. Nel 2014 è stato incluso nella lista Forbes 400. Nel 1950 ha sposato Charline McCombs, morta nel 2019 all'età di 91 anni. (it)
- Billy Joe "Red" McCombs (born October 19, 1927) is an American businessman. He is the founder of the Red McCombs Automotive Group in San Antonio, Texas, a co-founder of Clear Channel Communications, former chairman of Constellis Group, a former owner of the San Antonio Spurs, San Antonio Force, Denver Nuggets, the Minnesota Vikings, and the namesake of the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin. He is on the Forbes 400 list of richest Americans. (en)