Red-toothed shrew (original) (raw)
- Els soricins (Soricinae) són una de les tres subfamílies de musaranyes, juntament amb els miosoricins i els crocidurins. (ca)
- الزباباوات (الاسم العلمي: Soricinae) هي أسرة من الثدييات تتبع فصيلة الزبابات من رتبة زباببات الشكل. (ar)
- Die Soricinae, ebenso wie die größte ihrer Gattungen auch bekannt als Rotzahnspitzmäuse, sind eine Unterfamilie der Spitzmäuse (Soricidae) innerhalb der Insektenfresser (Eulipotyphla). Das Taxon enthält etwa 148 Arten, die auf 14 Gattungen aufgeteilt werden. (de)
- La sous-famille des Soricinae regroupe plusieurs genres de musaraignes appelées Musaraignes à dents rouges, à distinguer des Myosoricinae, les musaraignes à dents rouges africaines. Elles sont présentes de l'Amérique du Nord au nord de l'Amérique du Sud, en Europe et dans le nord de l'Asie. L'émail de la pointe de leurs dents est rendu rougeâtre par des pigments ferriques. Ces dépôts de fer renforcent l'émail et se concentrent dans les parties de leurs dents les plus soumises à l'usure. (fr)
- Los soricinos (Soricinae) son una subfamilia de mamíferos soricomorfos de la familia Soricidae. El contenido de Soricinae ha sido definido principalmente por Repenning (1967) y modificado por Reumer (1984-1998). (es)
- The red-toothed shrews of the subfamily Soricinae are one of three living subfamilies of shrews, along with Crocidurinae (white-toothed shrews) and Myosoricinae (African white-toothed shrews). In addition, the family contains the extinct subfamilies , , and . These species are typically found in North America, northern South America, Europe and northern Asia. The enamel of the tips of their teeth is reddish due to iron pigment. The iron deposits serve to harden the enamel and are concentrated in those parts of the teeth most subject to wear. The list of species is: * Tribe Anourosoricini * Genus Anourosorex (Asian mole shrews) * Assam mole shrew, A. assamensis * Giant mole shrew, A. schmidi * Chinese mole shrew, A. squamipes * Taiwanese mole shrew, A. yamashinai * Tribe Blarinellini * Genus Blarinella (Asiatic short-tailed shrews) * Indochinese short-tailed shrew, B. griselda * Asiatic short-tailed shrew, B. quadraticauda * Burmese short-tailed shrew, B. wardi * Tribe * Genus Blarina (American short-tailed shrews) * Northern short-tailed shrew, B. brevicauda * Southern short-tailed shrew, B. carolinensis * Elliot's short-tailed shrew, B. hylophaga * Everglades short-tailed shrew, B. peninsulae * Genus Cryptotis (small-eared shrews) * Cryptotis mexicana group * Mexican small-eared shrew, C. mexicana * Nelson's small-eared shrew, C. nelsoni * Grizzled Mexican small-eared shrew, C. obscura * Phillips's small-eared shrew, C. phillipsii * Cryptotis goldmani set * Central Mexican broad-clawed shrew, C. alticola * Goldman's broad-clawed shrew, C. goldmani * Goodwin's broad-clawed shrew, C. goodwini * Guatemalan broad-clawed shrew, C. griseoventris * C. lacertosus * C. mam * Oaxacan broad-clawed shrew, C. peregrina * Cryptotis nigrescens group * Eastern Cordillera small-footed shrew, C. brachyonyx * Colombian small-eared shrew, C. colombiana * Honduran small-eared shrew, C. hondurensis * Yucatan small-eared shrew, C. mayensis * Darién small-eared shrew, C. mera * Merriam's small-eared shrew, C. merriami * Blackish small-eared shrew, C. nigrescens * Cryptotis thomasi group * Ecuadoran small-eared shrew, C. equatoris * Medellín small-eared shrew, C. medellinia * Merida small-eared shrew, C. meridensis * Wandering small-eared shrew, C. montivaga * Peruvian small-eared shrew, C. peruviensis * Scaly-footed small-eared shrew or Western Colombian small-eared shrew, C. squamipes * Tamá small-eared shrew, C. tamensis * Thomas's small-eared shrew, C. thomasi * Cryptotis parva group * Central American least shrew, C. orophila * North American least shrew, C. parva * Tropical small-eared shrew, C. tropicalis * ungrouped/relict * Enders's small-eared shrew, C. endersi * Talamancan small-eared shrew, C. gracilis * Big Mexican small-eared shrew, C. magna * Tribe Nectogalini * Genus Chimarrogale (Asiatic water shrews) * Malayan water shrew, C. hantu * Himalayan water shrew, C. himalayica * Bornean water shrew, C. phaeura * Japanese water shrew, C. platycephalus * Chinese water shrew, C. styani * Sumatran water shrew, C. sumatrana * Genus Chodsigoa * Van Sung's shrew, C. cauvansunga * (Anthony, 1941) * Zhong-Zheng Chen et al., 2017 * De Winton's shrew, C. hypsibia * Lamulate shrew, C. lamula (Soriculus lamula) * Lowe's shrew, C. parca * Pygmy brown-toothed shrew, C. parva * Salenski's shrew, C. salenskii * Smith's shrew, C. smithii * Lesser Taiwanese shrew, C. sodalis * Genus Episoriculus * Hodgsons's brown-toothed shrew, E. caudatus * Taiwanese brown-toothed shrew, E. fumidus * Long-tailed brown-toothed shrew, E. leucops * Long-tailed mountain shrew, E. macrurus * Genus Nectogale * Elegant water shrew, N. elegans * Genus Neomys (Eurasian water shrews) * Mediterranean water shrew, N. anomalus * Eurasian water shrew, N. fodiens * Transcaucasian water shrew, N. teres * Genus †Nesiotites * Balearic shrew, †N. hidalgo * Sardinian shrew, †N. similis * Corsican giant shrew,†N. corsicanus * Genus Soriculus * Himalayan shrew, S. nigrescens * Tribe Notiosoricini * Genus Megasorex * Mexican shrew, M. gigas * Genus Notiosorex * Cockrum's gray shrew, N. cockrumi * Crawford's gray shrew, N. crawfordi * Large-eared gray shrew, N. evotis * Villa's gray shrew, N. villai * † * † * †N. harrisi * †N. dalquesti * Tribe Soricini * Genus Sorex (long-tailed shrews) * Subgenus Otisorex * Long-tailed shrew, Sorex dispar * Smoky shrew, Sorex fumeus * American pygmy shrew, Sorex hoyi * Large-toothed shrew, Sorex macrodon * Carmen Mountain shrew, Sorex milleri * Dwarf shrew, Sorex nanus * Mexican long-tailed shrew, Sorex oreopolus * Orizaba long-tailed shrew, Sorex orizabae * Ornate shrew, Sorex ornatus * Inyo shrew, Sorex tenellus * Verapaz shrew, Sorex veraepacis * (Carraway, 2007) * Sorex vagrans complex * Glacier Bay water shrew, Sorex alaskanus * Baird's shrew, Sorex bairdii * Marsh shrew, Sorex bendirii * Montane shrew, Sorex monticolus * New Mexico shrew, Sorex neomexicanus * Pacific shrew, Sorex pacificus * American water shrew, Sorex palustris * Fog shrew, Sorex sonomae * Vagrant shrew, Sorex vagrans * Sorex cinereus group * Kamchatka shrew, Sorex camtschatica * Cinereus shrew, Sorex cinereus * Prairie shrew, Sorex haydeni * Saint Lawrence Island shrew, Sorex jacksoni * Paramushir shrew, Sorex leucogaster * Southeastern shrew, Sorex longirostris * Mount Lyell shrew, Sorex lyelli * Portenko's shrew, Sorex portenkoi * Preble's shrew, Sorex preblei * Pribilof Island shrew, Sorex pribilofensis * Olympic shrew, Sorex rohweri * Barren ground shrew, Sorex ugyunak * Subgenus Sorex * Dneper common shrew, Sorex averini * Lesser striped shrew, Sorex bedfordiae * Stripe-backed shrew, Sorex cylindricauda * Chinese highland shrew, Sorex excelsus * Azumi shrew, Sorex hosonoi * Chinese shrew, Sorex sinalis * Alaska tiny shrew, Sorex yukonicus * Sorex alpinus group * Alpine shrew, Sorex alpinus * Ussuri shrew, Sorex mirabilis * Sorex araneus group * Valais shrew, Sorex antinorii * Common shrew, Sorex araneus * Udine shrew, Sorex arunchi * Millet's shrew, Sorex coronatus * Siberian large-toothed shrew, Sorex daphaenodon * Iberian shrew, Sorex granarius * Caucasian shrew, Sorex satunini * Sorex arcticus group * Arctic shrew, Sorex arcticus * Maritime shrew, Sorex maritimensis * Sorex tundrensis group * Tien Shan shrew, Sorex asper * Gansu shrew, Sorex cansulus * Tundra shrew, Sorex tundrensis * Sorex minutus group * Buchara shrew, Sorex buchariensis * Kozlov's shrew, Sorex kozlovi * Caucasian pygmy shrew, Sorex volnuchini * Sorex caecutiens group * Laxmann's shrew, Sorex caecutiens * Taiga shrew, Sorex isodon * Eurasian least shrew, Sorex minutissimus * Eurasian pygmy shrew, Sorex minutus * Flat-skulled shrew, Sorex roboratus * Shinto shrew, Sorex shinto * Long-clawed shrew, Sorex unguiculatus * Sorex gracillimus group * Slender shrew, Sorex gracillimus * Sorex raddei group * Radde's shrew, Sorex raddei * Sorex samniticus group * Apennine shrew, Sorex samniticus * Subgenus incertae sedis * Arizona shrew, Sorex arizonae * Zacatecas shrew, Sorex emarginatus * Merriam's shrew, Sorex merriami * Kashmir pygmy shrew, Sorex planiceps * Saussure's shrew, Sorex saussurei * (Carraway, 2007) * Sclater's shrew, Sorex sclateri * San Cristobal shrew, Sorex stizodon * Tibetan shrew, Sorex thibetanus * Trowbridge's shrew, Sorex trowbridgii * Chestnut-bellied shrew, Sorex ventralis * Veracruz shrew, Sorex veraecrucis (en)
- Celurut gigi merah dari sub-keluarga Soricinae adalah salah satu dari tiga sub-keluarga celurut yang masih hidup, bersama dengan (celurut gigi putih) dan Myosoricinae (celurut gigi putih Afrika). Selain itu, keluarga tersebut juga meliputi sub-keluarga punah , , dan . Spesies-spesiesnya biasanya ditemukan di Amerika Utara, utara Amerika Selatan, Eropa dan utara Asia. Enamel ujung gigi mereka berwarna kemerahan karena pigmen besi. (in)
- 붉은이땃쥐류는 진무맹장목 땃쥐과를 구성하는 3개의 아과 중의 하나인 붉은이땃쥐아과(Soricinae)의 포유동물을 두루 일컫는 말이다. 북아메리카와 남아메리카 북부, 유럽 그리고 아시아 북부 지역에서 주로 발견된다. 이빨 끝단의 에나멜 층이 붉은 이유는 철 성분 때문이다. (ko)
- Ryjówki (Soricinae) – podrodzina ssaków z rodziny ryjówkowatych (Soricidae). (pl)
- Soricinae är en underfamilj av näbbmöss med arter som vanligen förekommer i Europa, Nordamerika, norra Sydamerika och norra Asien. Inget svenskt namn är etablerade men i andra språk kallas de ofta för "rödtandade näbbmöss" på grund av att deras tandemalj vanligen har en rödaktig färg. Den röda tandemaljen saknas hos släktena Anourosorex, Chimarrogale och Nectogale. (sv)
- Бурозубочьи (лат. Soricinae) — одно из подсемейств млекопитающих семейства Землеройковые. В отличие от белозубок, у этих млекопитающих кончики зубов окрашены в бурый цвет. Водятся они преимущественно в Северной Америке, Европе и северной Азии. В природе у подсемейства бурозубок эмаль зубов армирована пигментами железа. Что позволяет зубам быть прочнее и меньше стачиваться. Содержание железа в зубах делает их цвет чёрно-красным. По-английски бурозубки зовутся краснозубыми землеройками (red-toothed shrew). * Кротовые белозубки (Anourosorex) * Американские короткохвостые бурозубки (Blarina) * (Blarinella) * (Chimarrogale) * Короткоухие бурозубки (Cryptotis) * Пустынная бурозубка (Megasorex gigas) * (Nectogale elegans) * Куторы, водяные землеройки (Neomys) * † (Nesiotites) * Серые бурозубки (Notiosorex) * Бурозубки (Sorex) * Азиатские бурозубки (Soriculus) (ru)
- 鼩鼱亞科(Soricinae)是鼩鼱科下的一亞科,主要分布於北美、南美北部、歐洲及亞洲北部,牙齒頂端因含有鐵質而呈現紅色,所以又被稱為「紅齒鼩」。 (zh)
- Бурозубки (Soricinae) — загальна назва кількох родів ссавців з родини мідицеві (Soricidae), які мають унікальну ознаку — виразний бурий або темно-червоний колір зубних коронок. (uk)
- dbo:Mollusca
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- yago:PhysicalEntity100001930
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- yago:Whole100003553
- yago:WikicatRed-toothedShrews
- زباباوات (ar)
- Soricins (ca)
- Soricinae (de)
- Soricinae (es)
- Celurut gigi merah (in)
- Soricinae (fr)
- 붉은이땃쥐류 (ko)
- Red-toothed shrew (en)
- Ryjówki (pl)
- Бурозубочьи (ru)
- Soricinae (sv)
- Бурозубки (uk)
- 鼩鼱亞科 (zh)
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Episoriculus
- dbr:2022_in_paleomammalogy
- dbr:List_of_mammals_of_Bhutan
- dbr:Northern_short-tailed_shrew
- dbr:Notiosorex_cockrumi
- dbr:Water_shrew
- dbr:Taiwanese_mole_shrew
- dbr:Cryptotis
- dbr:2013_in_paleomammalogy
- dbr:Shrew
- dbr:Kozlov's_shrew
- dbr:Malayan_water_shrew
- dbr:Gansu_shrew
- dbr:Salenski's_shrew
- dbr:Island_gigantism
- dbr:Atapuerca_Mountains
- dbr:Blarina
- dbr:Assam_mole_shrew
- dbr:Insectivora
- dbr:List_of_wildlife_of_the_Skagit_River_Basin
- dbr:White-toothed_shrew
- dbr:Giant_mole_shrew
- dbr:Sumatran_water_shrew
- dbr:Soricinae
- dbr:Red-toothed_shrews