Richmond Centre (electoral district) (original ) (raw )dbo:wikiPageExternalLink
Canadian Alliance (en)
PC (en)
Conservative (en)
Liberal (en)
Chart | width = 700 | height = 300 | type = line | xAxisTitle = Year | yAxisTitle = Vote Share | xAxisMin = 1988 | xAxisMax = 2021 | yAxisMin = 0 | yAxisMax = 0.6 | yAxisFormat = % | legend = Legend | y1Title = Liberal | y2Title = Conservative | y3Title = New Democratic | y4Title = Green | y5Title = People's | y6Title = PC | y7Title = Reform/Alliance | linewidth = 2 | x = 1988,1993,1997,2000,2004,2006,2008,2011,2015,2019,2021 | y1 = 0.2280,0.3700,0.4381,0.4204,0.4448,0.4283,0.3085,0.1866,0.4136,0.2847,0.3934 | y2 = , , , ,0.3532,0.3869,0.4977,0.5836,0.4421,0.4904,0.3708 | y3 = 0.2721,0.0625,0.0956,0.0568,0.1500,0.1398,0.1181,0.1827,0.1154,0.1447,0.1814 | y4 = 0.0044,0.0058,0.0136,0.0189,0.0425,0.0450,0.0643,0.0472,0.0289,0.0612,0.0325 | y5 = , , , , , , , , ,0.0139,0.0219 | y6 = 0.4405,0.1900,0.0828,0.0543 | y7 = 0.0332,0.3089,0.3596,0.4440 | colors = #DC241F,#1C1CFF,#FAA61A,#6AB023,#4E5180,#3686FF,#018A63 | showSymbols = true (en)
Chart | width=700 | height=300 | type=line | xAxisTitle=Year | yAxisTitle=Student Vote share | xAxisMin=2011 | xAxisMax=2021 | yAxisMin=0 | yAxisMax=0.6 | yAxisFormat=% | legend=Legend | y1Title=Liberal | y2Title=Conservative | y3Title=NDP | y4Title=Green | y5Title=People's | x=2011,2015,2019,2021 | y1=0.2602,0.3716,0.1790,0.2726 | y2=0.3199,0.2859,0.2827,0.2522 | y3=0.2557,0.2176,0.2869,0.2515 | y4=0.1640,0.1205,0.1824,0.1735 | y5=,,0.0460,0.0502 | colors=#DC241f,#1C1CFF,#FAA61A,#6AB023,#4E5180 | showSymbols=true (en)
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2021 (xsd:integer)
Richmond-Centre ((en) Richmond Centre, auparavant Richmond) est une circonscription électorale fédérale canadienne de la Colombie-Britannique. (fr)
Richmond Centre (French: Richmond-Centre; formerly Richmond) is a federal electoral district in British Columbia, Canada, that has been represented in the House of Commons of Canada since 1988. (en)
列治文中選區(英語:Richmond Centre,法語:Richmond-Centre),前稱列治文選區(英語:Richmond),是一個位於加拿大卑詩省列治文的聯邦選區,覆蓋該市西部。此選區於1987年從列治文-南三角洲選區分割而成,1988年起在加拿大國會眾議院駐有議席。加拿大聯邦選區從2012年起重新分配,此選區的界線出現變動,部份範圍改撥史提夫斯頓-列治文東選區,2015年聯邦大選起生效並改為現稱。 (zh)