Rocky is a 1981 Indian romantic action film directed by Sunil Dutt. This film marks the debut of Sunil Dutt's son Sanjay Dutt and also stars Reena Roy, Tina Munim, Amjad Khan, Raakhee, Ranjeet, Shakti Kapoor and Aruna Irani in pivotal roles. Sunil Dutt also appears in a cameo. Aruna Irani received a Filmfare Nomination for Best Supporting Actress, the only nomination for the film. Shammi Kapoor plays himself, where he gets to judge dancers to the famous song "Aa Dekhe Zara", where Sanjay Dutt and Reena Roy as a pair compete against Shakti Kapoor and Tina Munim. The film was released only a few days after the death of Sunil's wife and Sanjay's mother, Nargis. It was ranked as the 10th highest-grossing film of 1981. (en)
Rocky adalah sebuah film aksi percintaan Bollywood tahun yang disutradarai oleh Sunil Dutt. Film ini menandai debut akting dari Sanjay Dutt dan dibintangi oleh Reena Roy, Tina Munim, , Raakhee, , Shakti Kapoor dan Aruna Irani dalam peran penting. Sunil Dutt juga tampil dalam sebuah penampilan cameo. (in)
Rocky adalah sebuah film aksi percintaan Bollywood tahun yang disutradarai oleh Sunil Dutt. Film ini menandai debut akting dari Sanjay Dutt dan dibintangi oleh Reena Roy, Tina Munim, , Raakhee, , Shakti Kapoor dan Aruna Irani dalam peran penting. Sunil Dutt juga tampil dalam sebuah penampilan cameo. (in)
Rocky is a 1981 Indian romantic action film directed by Sunil Dutt. This film marks the debut of Sunil Dutt's son Sanjay Dutt and also stars Reena Roy, Tina Munim, Amjad Khan, Raakhee, Ranjeet, Shakti Kapoor and Aruna Irani in pivotal roles. Sunil Dutt also appears in a cameo. Aruna Irani received a Filmfare Nomination for Best Supporting Actress, the only nomination for the film. (en)