- Una carrera en críquet es un punto, y se anote en 3 maneras: por correr entre las zonas seguras, por batear la pelota al borde del campo o a la tierra o objetos que están afuera de él, o por los errores, acciones ilegales, o juegos sucios cometidos por la defensa. (es)
- Die Punkte einer Mannschaft im Cricket werden in Runs angegeben. Runs können, von seltenen Ausnahmen abgesehen, immer nur von der im laufenden Innings schlagenden Mannschaft erzielt werden. Von dieser, der sogenannten batting side, sind immer zwei Batter gleichzeitig auf dem Spielfeld. Sie besetzen jeweils ein Ende der Pitch. Derjenige der beiden Batter, der gerade am Schlag ist, wird Striker genannt, der andere Batter ist der Non-Striker. In Spielen mit zwei Innings pro Mannschaft werden die Runs aus beiden Spieldurchgängen addiert. Hundert Runs eines Batters während eines Innings werden als Century bezeichnet, 50 Runs oft als Half-Century oder Fifty. (de)
- La course (en anglais, run) est l'unité de comptage des points au cricket. Elle sert à mesurer à la fois le score d'une équipe au cours d'un match ou d'une manche et les performances individuelles des batteurs. (fr)
- In cricket, a run is the unit of scoring. The team with the most runs wins in many versions of the game, and always draws at worst (see result), except for some results decided by the DLS method, which is used in rain-shortened limited-overs games when the two teams have had a different number of opportunities to score runs. One run (known as a "single") is scored when the two batters (the striker and the non-striker) start off positioned at opposite ends of the pitch (which has a length of 22 yards) and then they each arrive safely at the other end of the pitch (i.e. they cross each other without being run out). There is no limit on the number of runs that may be scored off of a single delivery, and depending on how long it takes the fielding team to recover the ball, the batters may run more than once. Each completed run, if it occurs after the striker hit the ball with the bat (or a gloved hand holding the bat), increments the scores of both the team and the striker. A batter may also score 4 or 6 runs (without having to run) by striking the ball to the boundary. * If the ball hits the ground before hitting or passing the boundary, then four runs are scored. * If the ball passes or hits the boundary without first bouncing, then six runs are scored. The team's total score in the innings is the aggregate of all its batters' individual scores plus any extras (which are runs scored regardless of whether the bat or glove hit the ball). One extra is scored each time the bowler bowls an illegal delivery to the batter, and four extras are scored if the ball reaches the boundary without having been struck by the batter. To complete a run, both batters must make their ground, with some part of their person or bat touching the ground behind the popping crease at the other end of the pitch. Attempting a run carries a risk factor because either batter can be run out, (one method of dismissal), with the run then not being scored, if the fielding side can break one of the wickets (at either end of the pitch) with the ball before the batter near that wicket has completed the run. (en)
- 런(run)은 크리켓에서 사용되는 점수의 기본 단위이다. 런은 배트맨에 의해 획득되며, 배트맨이 획득한 런은 팀의 총 점수에 합산된다. 50런(‘하프 ’), 100런(‘1 센츄리’ 혹은 ‘1 톤’) 또는 그 이상의 50배수 런은 특히 더 의미있는 기록으로 간주된다. 더불어 팀의 총 점수가 50배수 런을 넘는 것 또한 의미있는 점수로 간주되어 해당 점수가 넘을 경우 팀의 선수들은 이를 자축하는 세레머니를 펼친다. 런의 득점과 관련한 규정은 크리켓 규정 제18항에 대부분 포함되어 있다. (ko)
- Run (pl. bieg) - podstawowa jednostka punktowania w krykiecie. Zasadniczo runy zdobywane są przez batsmanów. Ich łączna liczba, po dodaniu ewentualnych runów karnych (extras) przyznanych za naruszenia regulaminu przez przeciwników, składa się na ogólny wynik danej drużyny. (pl)
- 板球(cricket)运动中,跑(run)是的基本单位。跑通常是由获得,一方所有上场击球手所获得分之和(以及附加分)则为该方的总分。击球手取得50跑(称为“半百”,half century)或100跑(“一百”,century或ton),以及更高的50跑倍数这样的得分,可认为是值得庆祝的成就。同样,两位击球手搭档共同取得50跑倍数,或队伍总分达到50跑倍数的时候,也可以做一番庆祝。 (zh)
- Una carrera en críquet es un punto, y se anote en 3 maneras: por correr entre las zonas seguras, por batear la pelota al borde del campo o a la tierra o objetos que están afuera de él, o por los errores, acciones ilegales, o juegos sucios cometidos por la defensa. (es)
- La course (en anglais, run) est l'unité de comptage des points au cricket. Elle sert à mesurer à la fois le score d'une équipe au cours d'un match ou d'une manche et les performances individuelles des batteurs. (fr)
- 런(run)은 크리켓에서 사용되는 점수의 기본 단위이다. 런은 배트맨에 의해 획득되며, 배트맨이 획득한 런은 팀의 총 점수에 합산된다. 50런(‘하프 ’), 100런(‘1 센츄리’ 혹은 ‘1 톤’) 또는 그 이상의 50배수 런은 특히 더 의미있는 기록으로 간주된다. 더불어 팀의 총 점수가 50배수 런을 넘는 것 또한 의미있는 점수로 간주되어 해당 점수가 넘을 경우 팀의 선수들은 이를 자축하는 세레머니를 펼친다. 런의 득점과 관련한 규정은 크리켓 규정 제18항에 대부분 포함되어 있다. (ko)
- Run (pl. bieg) - podstawowa jednostka punktowania w krykiecie. Zasadniczo runy zdobywane są przez batsmanów. Ich łączna liczba, po dodaniu ewentualnych runów karnych (extras) przyznanych za naruszenia regulaminu przez przeciwników, składa się na ogólny wynik danej drużyny. (pl)
- 板球(cricket)运动中,跑(run)是的基本单位。跑通常是由获得,一方所有上场击球手所获得分之和(以及附加分)则为该方的总分。击球手取得50跑(称为“半百”,half century)或100跑(“一百”,century或ton),以及更高的50跑倍数这样的得分,可认为是值得庆祝的成就。同样,两位击球手搭档共同取得50跑倍数,或队伍总分达到50跑倍数的时候,也可以做一番庆祝。 (zh)
- Die Punkte einer Mannschaft im Cricket werden in Runs angegeben. Runs können, von seltenen Ausnahmen abgesehen, immer nur von der im laufenden Innings schlagenden Mannschaft erzielt werden. Von dieser, der sogenannten batting side, sind immer zwei Batter gleichzeitig auf dem Spielfeld. Sie besetzen jeweils ein Ende der Pitch. Derjenige der beiden Batter, der gerade am Schlag ist, wird Striker genannt, der andere Batter ist der Non-Striker. In Spielen mit zwei Innings pro Mannschaft werden die Runs aus beiden Spieldurchgängen addiert. (de)
- In cricket, a run is the unit of scoring. The team with the most runs wins in many versions of the game, and always draws at worst (see result), except for some results decided by the DLS method, which is used in rain-shortened limited-overs games when the two teams have had a different number of opportunities to score runs. A batter may also score 4 or 6 runs (without having to run) by striking the ball to the boundary. (en)