NFL Rush Zone (original) (raw)

NFL Rush Zone is an American action-adventure animated television series. In the first season, the show centers on an 11-year-old football fan named Ish, who learns he must protect shards of a power source called "The Core", hidden at 32 NFL stadiums. The first season ended on February 5, 2011 with a double length episode. Nickelodeon announced a second season, titled NFL Rush Zone: Season of the Guardians on September 6, 2012; it premiered on November 30, 2012. The third season, NFL Rush Zone: Guardians Unleashed, was announced on July 11, 2013; it premiered on November 20, 2013 and ended on October 22, 2014. The series ended on an apparent cliffhanger with Wild Card's escape and return, indicating that a fourth season was planned. However, the season ultimately never materialized.
