- Thomas Ryan Pressly (born December 15, 1988) is an American professional baseball pitcher for the Houston Astros of Major League Baseball (MLB). He has also played in MLB for the Minnesota Twins. Originally selected by the Boston Red Sox in the 11th round of the 2007 MLB draft, Pressly was chosen by the Minnesota Twins in the 2012 Rule 5 draft, and made his MLB debut with the Twins in 2013. The Twins traded Pressly to Houston in 2018, where he serves as the team's closer. In 2019, he set a major league record for consecutive scoreless appearances, with 40. He was an MLB All-Star in 2019 and 2021. During the Astros' World Series championship season in 2022, Pressly closed out two combined no-hitters, including Game 4 of the World Series, just the second no-hitter in World Series history. He became the first relief pitcher in baseball history to be a part of two combined no-hitters. (en)
- Thomas Ryan Pressly (né le 15 décembre 1988 à Dallas, Texas, États-Unis) est un lanceur droitier des Ligues majeures de baseball jouant avec les Twins du Minnesota. (fr)
- トーマス・ライアン・プレスリー(Thomas Ryan Pressly, 1988年12月15日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国テキサス州ダラス出身のプロ野球選手(投手)。右投右打。MLBのヒューストン・アストロズ所属。 (ja)
- Томас Райан Прессли (англ. Thomas Ryan Pressly, 15 декабря 1988, Даллас) — американский бейсболист, питчер клуба МЛБ «Хьюстон Астрос». Участник Матча всех звёзд 2019 года. (ru)
- 湯瑪斯·萊恩·普萊斯利(英語:Thomas Ryan Pressly,1988年12月15日-),為美國職棒大聯盟的投手,目前效力於休士頓太空人。他先前曾效力過明尼蘇達雙城。2007年美國職棒大聯盟選秀,他在第11輪被紅襪隊選走。隔年他透過規則五選秀被雙城隊選中。他在2013年登上大聯盟,2019年和2021年入選明星賽。 (zh)
- Thomas Ryan Pressly (né le 15 décembre 1988 à Dallas, Texas, États-Unis) est un lanceur droitier des Ligues majeures de baseball jouant avec les Twins du Minnesota. (fr)
- トーマス・ライアン・プレスリー(Thomas Ryan Pressly, 1988年12月15日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国テキサス州ダラス出身のプロ野球選手(投手)。右投右打。MLBのヒューストン・アストロズ所属。 (ja)
- Томас Райан Прессли (англ. Thomas Ryan Pressly, 15 декабря 1988, Даллас) — американский бейсболист, питчер клуба МЛБ «Хьюстон Астрос». Участник Матча всех звёзд 2019 года. (ru)
- 湯瑪斯·萊恩·普萊斯利(英語:Thomas Ryan Pressly,1988年12月15日-),為美國職棒大聯盟的投手,目前效力於休士頓太空人。他先前曾效力過明尼蘇達雙城。2007年美國職棒大聯盟選秀,他在第11輪被紅襪隊選走。隔年他透過規則五選秀被雙城隊選中。他在2013年登上大聯盟,2019年和2021年入選明星賽。 (zh)
- Thomas Ryan Pressly (born December 15, 1988) is an American professional baseball pitcher for the Houston Astros of Major League Baseball (MLB). He has also played in MLB for the Minnesota Twins. Originally selected by the Boston Red Sox in the 11th round of the 2007 MLB draft, Pressly was chosen by the Minnesota Twins in the 2012 Rule 5 draft, and made his MLB debut with the Twins in 2013. The Twins traded Pressly to Houston in 2018, where he serves as the team's closer. In 2019, he set a major league record for consecutive scoreless appearances, with 40. He was an MLB All-Star in 2019 and 2021. During the Astros' World Series championship season in 2022, Pressly closed out two combined no-hitters, including Game 4 of the World Series, just the second no-hitter in World Series history. He (en)