Salomon Kalischer (geboren 8. Oktober 1844 in Thorn; gestorben 22. September 1924 in Marienbad) war ein deutscher Physiker. (de)
Salomon Kalischer, or Solomon Kalischer (8 October 1845 – 22 September 1924), was a German Jewish composer, pianist, and physicist. Kalischer was born in Thorn (Toruń) in West Prussia, within the Kingdom of Prussia. He studied at the Jewish Theological Seminary of Breslau and the universities of Breslau and Berlin (Ph.D. 1868, his dissertation being "De Aristotelis Rhetoricis et Ethicis Nicomachæis et in Quo et Cur Inter Se quum Congruant tum Differant", awarded a prize by the philosophical faculty of the University of Berlin). After acting as tutor for a year at Amsterdam he returned to Berlin to study physics and chemistry. In 1876 he established himself as privat-docent at the Bauakademie of Berlin, subsequently connecting himself in the same capacity with the Technische Hochschule at Charlottenburg, at which institution he was appointed lecturer (1894) and professor (1896) of physics. He died in Mariánské Lázně (Marienbad). (en)
Salomon Kalischer (né le 8 octobre 1844 à Thorn, mort le 22 septembre 1924 à Marienbad) est un physicien allemand. (fr)
Salomon Kalischer (Solomon Kalischer, ur. 8 października 1845 w Toruniu, zm. 22 września 1924 w Marienbadzie) – niemiecki kompozytor, pianista, filozof i fizyk. (pl)
Salomon Kalischer (geboren 8. Oktober 1844 in Thorn; gestorben 22. September 1924 in Marienbad) war ein deutscher Physiker. (de)
Salomon Kalischer (né le 8 octobre 1844 à Thorn, mort le 22 septembre 1924 à Marienbad) est un physicien allemand. (fr)
Salomon Kalischer (Solomon Kalischer, ur. 8 października 1845 w Toruniu, zm. 22 września 1924 w Marienbadzie) – niemiecki kompozytor, pianista, filozof i fizyk. (pl)
Salomon Kalischer, or Solomon Kalischer (8 October 1845 – 22 September 1924), was a German Jewish composer, pianist, and physicist. Kalischer was born in Thorn (Toruń) in West Prussia, within the Kingdom of Prussia. He studied at the Jewish Theological Seminary of Breslau and the universities of Breslau and Berlin (Ph.D. 1868, his dissertation being "De Aristotelis Rhetoricis et Ethicis Nicomachæis et in Quo et Cur Inter Se quum Congruant tum Differant", awarded a prize by the philosophical faculty of the University of Berlin). (en)