Samrat is a 1997 Tamil language crime thriller film directed by Sakthi Chidambaram (credited as C.Dinakaran) as his first film as a director. The film stars Ramki, Vineetha, and newcomer Rukma, with Mohan Natarajan, R. Sundarrajan, Thalaivasal Vijay, Sabitha Anand, Vasuki, Rajasekhar, and Veera Pandiyan playing supporting roles. The film, produced by Lakshmi Karan, had musical score by Manoj Saran and cinematography by S. Rajasekaran. The film released on 10 October 1997. The film is remake of the Hindi film Baazigar, which was based on the novel A Kiss Before Dying written by Ira Levin. The film became a failure at the box-office.
Samrat is a 1997 Tamil language crime thriller film directed by Sakthi Chidambaram (credited as C.Dinakaran) as his first film as a director. The film stars Ramki, Vineetha, and newcomer Rukma, with Mohan Natarajan, R. Sundarrajan, Thalaivasal Vijay, Sabitha Anand, Vasuki, Rajasekhar, and Veera Pandiyan playing supporting roles. The film, produced by Lakshmi Karan, had musical score by Manoj Saran and cinematography by S. Rajasekaran. The film released on 10 October 1997. The film is remake of the Hindi film Baazigar, which was based on the novel A Kiss Before Dying written by Ira Levin. The film became a failure at the box-office. (en)
Samrat is a 1997 Tamil language crime thriller film directed by Sakthi Chidambaram (credited as C.Dinakaran) as his first film as a director. The film stars Ramki, Vineetha, and newcomer Rukma, with Mohan Natarajan, R. Sundarrajan, Thalaivasal Vijay, Sabitha Anand, Vasuki, Rajasekhar, and Veera Pandiyan playing supporting roles. The film, produced by Lakshmi Karan, had musical score by Manoj Saran and cinematography by S. Rajasekaran. The film released on 10 October 1997. The film is remake of the Hindi film Baazigar, which was based on the novel A Kiss Before Dying written by Ira Levin. The film became a failure at the box-office. (en)