Sangeeta N. Bhatia (original) (raw)
- Sangeeta N. Bhatia, M.D., Ph.D. (1968) és una enginyera biològica indoamericana i professora en l'Institut de Tecnològic de Massachusetts (MIT) a Cambridge (Massachusetts). En 2003, va ser esmentada en la MIT Technology Review com un dels cent principals innovadors del món amb menys de 35 anys. The Scientist la va incloure com a "Científic a seguir" en 2006. Es va incorporar a l'Institut Mèdic Howard Hughes en 2008. Bhatia va ser coautora del primer llibre de text sobre enginyeria de teixits i ha editat dos llibres sobre aquest camp: Microdevices in Biology and Medicine i Biosensing. (ca)
- سانچيتا ن. باهاتيا (مواليد 1968) هي مهندسة حيوية أمريكية وأستاذ في معهد MIT للهندسة الطبية والعلوم والهندسة الكهربائية وعلوم الكمبيوتر (EECS) وفي معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا في كامبريدج، ماساتشوستس، الولايات المتحدة. يركز بحثها على تطبيقات التكنولوجيا الدقيقة والنانوية لإصلاح الأنسجة وتجديدها. تطبق سانچيتا أفكارًا من تكنولوجيا الكمبيوتر والهندسة لتصميم أدوات طبية حيوية مصغرة لدراسة وعلاج الأمراض، ولا سيما أمراض الكبد والتهاب الكبد والملاريا والسرطان. في عام 2003، تم تسميتها من قبل إم آي تي تكنولوجي ريفيو كواحدة من أفضل 100 مبتكر في العالم تحت سن 35. كما تم تسميتها «عالمة تحت الملاحظة» من قبل ذا ساينتست في عام 2006. حصلت على العديد من الجوائز وانتخبت في الأكاديمية الوطنية للعلوم، الأكاديمية الوطنية للهندسة، الأكاديمية الوطنية للطب، والأكاديمية الوطنية للمخترعين. أصبحت أطروحة سانچيتا بهاتيا أساس التصنيع الدقيق في هندسة الأنسجة والأعضاء الاصطناعية الحيوية (1999). كما شاركت في تأليف أول كتاب دراسي للطلاب الجامعيين عن هندسة الأنسجة، وقد كُتب لدورات الدراسات العليا في المستوى الأول والسنة الأولى مع برنارد بالسون. وكانت محررة مشاركة في Microdevices in Biology and Medicine (2009)، وBiosensing: International Research and Development (2005). (ar)
- Sangeeta N. Bhatia (* 1968) ist eine US-amerikanische Bioingenieurin und Medizinerin. Sie ist Professorin am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Ihr Forschungsgebiet ist die Entwicklung neuartiger Materialsysteme mittels Mikrostrukturtechnik und Nanotechnologie zur Erforschung, Diagnose und Behandlung von Krankheiten, insbesondere von Krebs und Lebererkrankungen. (de)
- Sangeeta N. Bhatia, M.D., Ph.D. (1968) es una ingeniera biológica indoamericana y profesora en el Instituto de Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT) en Cambridge (Massachusetts)Estados Unidos. En 2003, fue mencionada en la MIT Technology Review como una de los cien principales innovadores del mundo con menos de 35 años. The Scientist la incluyó como "Científico a seguir" en 2006. Se incorporó al Instituto Médico Howard Hughes en 2008. Bhatia fue coautora del primer libro de texto sobre Ingeniería de tejidos y ha editado dos libros sobre este campo: Microdevices in Biology and Medicine y Biosensing. (es)
- Sangeeta N. Bhatia (born 1968) is an American biological engineer and the John J. and Dorothy Wilson Professor at MIT’s Institute for Medical Engineering and Science and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. Bhatia's research investigates applications of micro- and nano-technology for tissue repair and regeneration. She applies ideas from computer technology and engineering to the design of miniaturized biomedical tools for the study and treatment of diseases, in particular liver disease, hepatitis, malaria and cancer. In 2003, she was named by the MIT Technology Review as one of the top 100 innovators in the world under the age of 35. She was also named a "Scientist to Watch" by The Scientist in 2006.She has received multiple awards and has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the National Academy of Medicine, and the National Academy of Inventors. Bhatia's dissertation became the basis for Microfabrication in tissue engineering and bioartificial organs (1999).Bhatia co-authored the first undergraduate textbook on tissue engineering, Tissue engineering (2004), written for senior-level and first-year graduate courses with Bernhard Palsson.She was a co-editor of Microdevices in Biology and Medicine (2009) and Biosensing: International Research and Development (2005). (en)
- 1968-06-24 (xsd:date)
- dbr:University_of_California,_San_Diego
- dbr:Massachusetts_General_Hospital
- dbr:Massachusetts_Institute_of_Technology
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- 29429 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- dbr:Cambridge,_Massachusetts
- dbr:Probiotics
- dbr:Quantum_dots
- dbr:Science_History_Institute
- dbr:Harvard-MIT_Division_of_Health_Sciences_and_Technology
- dbr:Bernhard_Palsson
- dbr:Bill_&_Melinda_Gates_Foundation
- dbr:Boston
- dbr:Brigham_and_Women's_Hospital
- dbc:American_bioengineers
- dbc:Indian_women_biologists
- dbr:Howard_Hughes_Medical_Institute
- dbr:University_of_California,_San_Diego
- dbr:Utrecht_University
- dbr:David_and_Lucile_Packard_Foundation
- dbr:Dedifferentiation
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- dbr:Warren_Chan
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- dbc:Living_people
- dbr:Massachusetts_General_Hospital
- dbr:Massachusetts_Institute_of_Technology
- dbr:Medicines_for_Malaria_Venture
- dbr:Mehmet_Toner
- dbr:National_Academy_of_Inventors
- dbr:Erkki_Ruoslahti
- dbr:MBA
- dbr:MIT
- dbr:MIT_Technology_Review
- dbr:Malaria
- dbr:Artificial_organs
- dbr:Stem_cells
- dbr:Plasmodium_falciparum
- dbr:Science,_technology,_engineering,_and_mathematics
- dbr:Massachusetts_Institute_of_Technology_School_of_Engineering
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- dbc:20th-century_Indian_biologists
- dbc:20th-century_Indian_engineers
- dbc:American_people_of_Indian_descent
- dbc:American_women_academics
- dbc:American_women_biologists
- dbc:Harvard_Medical_School_alumni
- dbc:Members_of_the_National_Academy_of_Medicine
- dbc:Members_of_the_United_States_National_Academy_of_Engineering
- dbc:Members_of_the_United_States_National_Academy_of_Sciences
- dbr:Brown_University
- dbr:Brown_University_School_of_Engineering
- dbc:20th-century_women_engineers
- dbc:Indian_women_engineers
- dbc:Brown_University_School_of_Engineering_alumni
- dbr:Heinz_Foundations
- dbr:3D_printing
- dbc:Indian_bioengineers
- dbc:Indian_nanotechnologists
- dbc:MIT_School_of_Engineering_faculty
- dbr:Othmer_Gold_Medal
- dbr:Biomarkers
- dbr:Harvard_Medical_School
- dbr:Heinz_Awards
- dbr:Hepatocytes
- dbr:Jacobs_School_of_Engineering
- dbr:Nanoporous
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- dbc:21st-century_women_engineers
- dbc:American_women_engineers
- dbc:Howard_Hughes_Medical_Investigators
- dbc:MIT_School_of_Engineering_alumni
- dbc:Women_bioengineers
- dbr:Bio-MEMS
- dbr:Biomedical_Engineering_Society
- dbr:Hepatitis
- dbr:Theresia_Gouw
- dbr:Photolithography
- dbr:Martin_Yarmush
- dbr:Society_of_Women_Engineers
- dbr:Kiran_Mazumdar-Shaw
- dbr:Koch_Institute_for_Integrative_Cancer_Research
- dbr:Nanoparticles
- dbr:National_Academy_of_Engineering
- dbr:National_Academy_of_Medicine
- dbr:National_Academy_of_Sciences
- dbr:The_Scientist_(magazine)
- dbr:Plasmodium_vivax
- dbr:Urine
- dbr:Liver_disease
- dbr:Nanomaterials
- dbr:MD-PhD
- dbr:Lemelson-MIT_Prize
- dbr:Tissue_engineering
- dbr:Petri_dishes
- dbr:Vascular_system
- dbr:Biological_engineer
- dbr:Ultrasound_machine
- dbr:TR100
- dbr:Christiane_Guguen-Guillouzo
- right (en)
- dbr:David_and_Lucile_Packard_Foundation
- Heinz Award Othmer Gold Medal (en)
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator Lemelson-MIT Prize (en)
- 1968-06-24 (xsd:date)
- Bhatia in 2019 (en)
- American (en)
- Nanotechnology for tissue repair and regeneration (en)
- Sangeeta N. Bhatia (en)
- American (en)
- 0001-01-29 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- “This tiny particle could roam your body to find tumors”, Sangeeta Bhatia, TED Talks Live, November 2015 (en)
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- dbr:Massachusetts_General_Hospital
- dbr:Massachusetts_Institute_of_Technology
- dbc:American_bioengineers
- dbc:Indian_women_biologists
- dbc:21st-century_American_women
- dbc:Living_people
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- dbc:20th-century_American_women
- dbc:20th-century_Indian_biologists
- dbc:20th-century_Indian_engineers
- dbc:American_people_of_Indian_descent
- dbc:American_women_academics
- dbc:American_women_biologists
- dbc:Harvard_Medical_School_alumni
- dbc:Members_of_the_National_Academy_of_Medicine
- dbc:Members_of_the_United_States_National_Academy_of_Engineering
- dbc:Members_of_the_United_States_National_Academy_of_Sciences
- dbc:20th-century_women_engineers
- dbc:Indian_women_engineers
- dbc:Brown_University_School_of_Engineering_alumni
- dbc:Indian_bioengineers
- dbc:Indian_nanotechnologists
- dbc:MIT_School_of_Engineering_faculty
- dbc:20th-century_Indian_women_scientists
- dbc:21st-century_women_engineers
- dbc:American_women_engineers
- dbc:Howard_Hughes_Medical_Investigators
- dbc:MIT_School_of_Engineering_alumni
- dbc:Women_bioengineers
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- Sangeeta N. Bhatia, M.D., Ph.D. (1968) és una enginyera biològica indoamericana i professora en l'Institut de Tecnològic de Massachusetts (MIT) a Cambridge (Massachusetts). En 2003, va ser esmentada en la MIT Technology Review com un dels cent principals innovadors del món amb menys de 35 anys. The Scientist la va incloure com a "Científic a seguir" en 2006. Es va incorporar a l'Institut Mèdic Howard Hughes en 2008. Bhatia va ser coautora del primer llibre de text sobre enginyeria de teixits i ha editat dos llibres sobre aquest camp: Microdevices in Biology and Medicine i Biosensing. (ca)
- Sangeeta N. Bhatia (* 1968) ist eine US-amerikanische Bioingenieurin und Medizinerin. Sie ist Professorin am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Ihr Forschungsgebiet ist die Entwicklung neuartiger Materialsysteme mittels Mikrostrukturtechnik und Nanotechnologie zur Erforschung, Diagnose und Behandlung von Krankheiten, insbesondere von Krebs und Lebererkrankungen. (de)
- سانچيتا ن. باهاتيا (مواليد 1968) هي مهندسة حيوية أمريكية وأستاذ في معهد MIT للهندسة الطبية والعلوم والهندسة الكهربائية وعلوم الكمبيوتر (EECS) وفي معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا في كامبريدج، ماساتشوستس، الولايات المتحدة. يركز بحثها على تطبيقات التكنولوجيا الدقيقة والنانوية لإصلاح الأنسجة وتجديدها. تطبق سانچيتا أفكارًا من تكنولوجيا الكمبيوتر والهندسة لتصميم أدوات طبية حيوية مصغرة لدراسة وعلاج الأمراض، ولا سيما أمراض الكبد والتهاب الكبد والملاريا والسرطان. (ar)
- Sangeeta N. Bhatia, M.D., Ph.D. (1968) es una ingeniera biológica indoamericana y profesora en el Instituto de Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT) en Cambridge (Massachusetts)Estados Unidos. En 2003, fue mencionada en la MIT Technology Review como una de los cien principales innovadores del mundo con menos de 35 años. The Scientist la incluyó como "Científico a seguir" en 2006. Se incorporó al Instituto Médico Howard Hughes en 2008. (es)
- Sangeeta N. Bhatia (born 1968) is an American biological engineer and the John J. and Dorothy Wilson Professor at MIT’s Institute for Medical Engineering and Science and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. Bhatia's research investigates applications of micro- and nano-technology for tissue repair and regeneration. She applies ideas from computer technology and engineering to the design of miniaturized biomedical tools for the study and treatment of diseases, in particular liver disease, hepatitis, malaria and cancer. (en)
- سانجيتا باهاتيا (ar)
- Sangeeta N. Bhatia (ca)
- Sangeeta Bhatia (de)
- Sangeeta N. Bhatia (es)
- Sangeeta N. Bhatia (en)
- freebase:Sangeeta N. Bhatia
- yago-res:Sangeeta N. Bhatia
- wikidata:Sangeeta N. Bhatia
- dbpedia-ar:Sangeeta N. Bhatia
- dbpedia-ca:Sangeeta N. Bhatia
- dbpedia-de:Sangeeta N. Bhatia
- dbpedia-es:Sangeeta N. Bhatia
- dbpedia-gl:Sangeeta N. Bhatia
- dbpedia-mr:Sangeeta N. Bhatia
- dbpedia-pnb:Sangeeta N. Bhatia
- Sangeeta N. Bhatia (en)
is dbo:academicAdvisor of
is dbo:starring of
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is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Sangeeta_Bhatia
- dbr:List_of_members_of_the_National_Academy_of_Engineering_(Bioengineering)
- dbr:Geoffrey_von_Maltzahn
- dbr:Anukta
- dbr:Bhatia
- dbr:Brown_University_School_of_Engineering
- dbr:List_of_Brown_University_alumni
- dbr:Othmer_Gold_Medal
- dbr:Lemelson–MIT_Prize
- dbr:Koch_Institute_for_Integrative_Cancer_Research
- dbr:Sangeeta
is foaf:primaryTopic of