- Sega Ages est une gamme de jeux vidéo compilant d'anciens titres développés et édités par Sega. (fr)
- Sega Ages se refiere al relanzamiento de un compilado de juegos clásicos de la desarrolladora y editora de videojuegos Sega. (es)
- Sega Ages is a series of video game ports, remakes, and compilations published by Sega. It consists of Sega arcade games and home console games, typically those for the Sega Genesis and Master System. The series was launched on the Sega Saturn in 1996. Entries were published for the PlayStation 2 as Sega Ages 2500, a reference to its bargain ¥2500 price point. The series later came to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 as Sega Ages Online, and finally to the Nintendo Switch as simply Sega Ages. The name Sega Ages is a palindrome, with "Ages" being "Sega" backwards — this was previously used by Sega in European marketing strategies from the late 1980s to early 1990s. The Sega Saturn and PlayStation 2 releases usually feature a singular game alongside extras such as remakes or developer info, and sold at a low price point. Most of these releases were exclusive to Japan. Three games in the Sega Saturn series - Space Harrier, Out Run and After Burner II - were selected for Sega Ages Vol. 1, released in Europe in 1996 and in North America in 1997. Several games in the PlayStation 2 series were released in Europe and North America as part of the Sega Classics Collection compilation in 2005. The PlayStation 2 series was initially developed by 3D Ages, a collaborative effort between Sega and D3 Publisher, however Sega would soon develop the games in-house following the departure of D3 Publisher from the project. (en)
- Sega Ages indica diverse raccolte di videogiochi pubblicate da SEGA. Originariamente il nome è stato utilizzato per indicare una serie di conversioni di videogiochi arcade per Sega Saturn commercializzate in Giappone tra il 1996 e il 1998. Tra i titoli prodotti figuravano Space Harrier, Out Run e After Burner II, in seguito inclusi nella collezione Sega Ages: Volume 1 pubblicata nel 1997 anche in Occidente. A partire dal 2003 SEGA e D3 Publisher hanno prodotto una serie remake di videogiochi classici per PlayStation 2 denominata Sega Ages 2500. Ogni titolo veniva venduto al prezzo di 2 500 yen, da cui il nome della serie. Nel 2012 SEGA ha distribuito alcuni titoli per PlayStation 3 e Xbox 360 utilizzando il nome di Sega Ages Online. Nel 2018 SEGA ha annunciato una nuova serie di videogiochi omonima per Nintendo Switch. Nel 2020 è stato pubblicato l'ultimo videogioco della serie, Herzog Zwei. (it)
- SEGA AGES(セガ エイジス)とは、セガが過去にリリースしたゲーム作品を、原典のプラットホーム(家庭用ゲーム機および業務用ゲーム基板)から、その時代における最新ゲーム機に移植(復刻)・リリースするシリーズの総称である。 この項では、セガは様々なゲーム機で過去作を移植している中、「SEGA AGES」というブランドを冠したシリーズのみに限定して解説。1996年から2012年までの各シリーズの概要、および2018年から展開中のNintendo Switch版「SEGA AGES」シリーズについて述べる。 「SEGA AGES」の和訳は「セガ時代」という意味になる。また、回文にもなっており、逆から読んでも「SEGA AGES」となる。 (ja)
- Sega Ages is een serie van computerspellen die zijn uitgegeven door Sega. De serie bestaat uit ports, remakes en compilaties van Sega's arcade- en consolespellen, specifiek die van de Mega Drive en Master System. (nl)
- Sega Ages est une gamme de jeux vidéo compilant d'anciens titres développés et édités par Sega. (fr)
- Sega Ages se refiere al relanzamiento de un compilado de juegos clásicos de la desarrolladora y editora de videojuegos Sega. (es)
- SEGA AGES(セガ エイジス)とは、セガが過去にリリースしたゲーム作品を、原典のプラットホーム(家庭用ゲーム機および業務用ゲーム基板)から、その時代における最新ゲーム機に移植(復刻)・リリースするシリーズの総称である。 この項では、セガは様々なゲーム機で過去作を移植している中、「SEGA AGES」というブランドを冠したシリーズのみに限定して解説。1996年から2012年までの各シリーズの概要、および2018年から展開中のNintendo Switch版「SEGA AGES」シリーズについて述べる。 「SEGA AGES」の和訳は「セガ時代」という意味になる。また、回文にもなっており、逆から読んでも「SEGA AGES」となる。 (ja)
- Sega Ages is een serie van computerspellen die zijn uitgegeven door Sega. De serie bestaat uit ports, remakes en compilaties van Sega's arcade- en consolespellen, specifiek die van de Mega Drive en Master System. (nl)
- Sega Ages is a series of video game ports, remakes, and compilations published by Sega. It consists of Sega arcade games and home console games, typically those for the Sega Genesis and Master System. The series was launched on the Sega Saturn in 1996. Entries were published for the PlayStation 2 as Sega Ages 2500, a reference to its bargain ¥2500 price point. The series later came to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 as Sega Ages Online, and finally to the Nintendo Switch as simply Sega Ages. The name Sega Ages is a palindrome, with "Ages" being "Sega" backwards — this was previously used by Sega in European marketing strategies from the late 1980s to early 1990s. (en)
- Sega Ages indica diverse raccolte di videogiochi pubblicate da SEGA. Originariamente il nome è stato utilizzato per indicare una serie di conversioni di videogiochi arcade per Sega Saturn commercializzate in Giappone tra il 1996 e il 1998. Tra i titoli prodotti figuravano Space Harrier, Out Run e After Burner II, in seguito inclusi nella collezione Sega Ages: Volume 1 pubblicata nel 1997 anche in Occidente. Nel 2018 SEGA ha annunciato una nuova serie di videogiochi omonima per Nintendo Switch. Nel 2020 è stato pubblicato l'ultimo videogioco della serie, Herzog Zwei. (it)