The manga series Death Note features an extensive cast of fictional characters designed by Takeshi Obata with their storylines created by Tsugumi Ohba. The story follows the novel of a character named Light Yagami, who uses the notebook he found in order to cleanse the world of those humans which he deemed unfit for society. A team of professional investigators set out to find out the mysterious killer and arrest him, and thus many other characters are introduced until Light is eventually caught. In the fictional stories featured in the Death Note universe, Tsugumi Ohba, the story writer, created characters that lived in a world featuring a notebook in which names written on it would lead to the ones named to die, typically the cause of death being a heart attack when otherwise not specified. Ohba chose names for his characters in a way that, as he described, "seemed real but could not exist in the real world", due to the fact that most of the characters were criminals or victims. Light Yagami, the main character, is depicted as the deadliest of them. Some character details differ between the manga and its anime, live-action film and drama adaptations. (en)
Le manga Death Note inclut une galerie de personnages créés par le scénariste Tsugumi Ōba et le dessinateur Takeshi Obata.Le premier a défini les traits de caractères principaux des personnages, tandis que le second s’est chargé du character design. L'ordre des noms correspond au sens occidental (prénom suivi du nom) et leur orthographe est issue de la version française du manga éditée chez Kana. (fr)
아래는 데스노트 시리즈에 등장하는 등장인물의 소개이다. 데스노트 극장판에서는 일부 성우가 변경되었다. (ko)
Questa è la lista dei personaggi di Death Note, manga ideato e scritto da Tsugumi Ōba e disegnato da Takeshi Obata. Gli stessi personaggi compaiono anche nella serie televisiva anime e nelle altre opere derivate. I nomi dei personaggi sono quelli usati nelle versioni italiane del fumetto e del cartone animato curate da Panini Comics; fra parentesi sono indicate rispettivamente la grafia originale dei nomi e la loro pronuncia in giapponese. (it)
Poniżej znajduje się lista bohaterów występujących w mandze i anime Death Note. (pl)
В данной статье приведена информация о персонажах манги, аниме, фильмов, книг «Тетрадь смерти». Все герои и события, описываемые в произведении, являются вымышленными. Построение имён персонажей в статье приведено согласно европейской, а не азиатской традиции, по которой фамилии следуют после имён. Авторство персонажей манги принадлежит писателю Цугуми Ообе, который отвечал за их основные черты и имена. Автор подбирал реалистичные имена, но не способные существовать в действительности, так как большинство персонажей были либо преступниками, либо жертвами. Внешний вид и дизайн созданы художником Такэси Обатой. (ru)
Le manga Death Note inclut une galerie de personnages créés par le scénariste Tsugumi Ōba et le dessinateur Takeshi Obata.Le premier a défini les traits de caractères principaux des personnages, tandis que le second s’est chargé du character design. L'ordre des noms correspond au sens occidental (prénom suivi du nom) et leur orthographe est issue de la version française du manga éditée chez Kana. (fr)
아래는 데스노트 시리즈에 등장하는 등장인물의 소개이다. 데스노트 극장판에서는 일부 성우가 변경되었다. (ko)
Questa è la lista dei personaggi di Death Note, manga ideato e scritto da Tsugumi Ōba e disegnato da Takeshi Obata. Gli stessi personaggi compaiono anche nella serie televisiva anime e nelle altre opere derivate. I nomi dei personaggi sono quelli usati nelle versioni italiane del fumetto e del cartone animato curate da Panini Comics; fra parentesi sono indicate rispettivamente la grafia originale dei nomi e la loro pronuncia in giapponese. (it)
Poniżej znajduje się lista bohaterów występujących w mandze i anime Death Note. (pl)
The manga series Death Note features an extensive cast of fictional characters designed by Takeshi Obata with their storylines created by Tsugumi Ohba. The story follows the novel of a character named Light Yagami, who uses the notebook he found in order to cleanse the world of those humans which he deemed unfit for society. A team of professional investigators set out to find out the mysterious killer and arrest him, and thus many other characters are introduced until Light is eventually caught. (en)
В данной статье приведена информация о персонажах манги, аниме, фильмов, книг «Тетрадь смерти». Все герои и события, описываемые в произведении, являются вымышленными. Построение имён персонажей в статье приведено согласно европейской, а не азиатской традиции, по которой фамилии следуют после имён. (ru)