- Thousands of performances of William Shakespeare's plays have been staged since the end of the 16th century. While Shakespeare was alive, many of his greatest plays were performed by the Lord Chamberlain's Men and King's Men acting companies at the Globe and Blackfriars Theatres. Among the actors of these original performances were Richard Burbage (who played the title role in the first performances of Hamlet, Othello, Richard III and King Lear), Richard Cowley, and William Kempe. Shakespeare's plays continued to be staged after his death until the Interregnum (1642–1660), when most public stage performances were banned by the Puritan rulers. After the English Restoration, Shakespeare's plays were performed in playhouses, with elaborate scenery, and staged with music, dancing, thunder, lightning, wave machines, and fireworks. During this time the texts were "reformed" and "improved" for the stage, an undertaking which has seemed shockingly disrespectful to posterity. Victorian productions of Shakespeare often sought pictorial effects in "authentic" historical costumes and sets. The staging of the reported sea fights and barge scene in Antony and Cleopatra was one spectacular example. Such elaborate scenery for the frequently changing locations in Shakespeare's plays often led to a loss of pace. Towards the end of the 19th century, William Poel led a reaction against this heavy style. In a series of "Elizabethan" productions on a thrust stage, he paid fresh attention to the structure of the drama. In the early 20th century, Harley Granville-Barker directed quarto and folio texts with few cuts, while Edward Gordon Craig and others called for abstract staging. Both approaches have influenced the variety of Shakespearean production styles seen today. (en)
- 本項目では、舞台におけるウィリアム・シェイクスピアの上演の歴史を取り扱う。16世紀末以降、シェイクスピアの戯曲の舞台上演は数え切れないほど行われてきた。シェイクスピアの生前は、名作と言われる戯曲の多くはおよび国王一座によりグローブ座やで上演された。初演の役者としてはリチャード・バーベッジ(『ハムレット』、『オセロー』、『リチャード三世』、『リア王』の初演でタイトルロールを演じたと推定されている)、リチャード・カウリー、などがあげられる。 シェイクスピア劇は作者の死後も空位期間(1642–1660)が始まるまで継続的に上演されていたが、1642年にほとんどの一般向け上演はピューリタンの支配層により禁止された。イングランド王政復古の後、シェイクスピア劇は手の込んだ背景を使って芝居小屋で上演されるようになり、さらに音楽やダンスが取り入れられ、雷や波、花火などの効果も舞台で用いられるようになった。この時期にシェイクスピアの台本は上演のために「改作」・「改善」されたが、これは後世の人々にとってはショッキングなほど原作を尊重しないものであった。 ヴィクトリア朝のシェイクスピア上演は大がかりなもので、頻繁に場所が変わるため、凝った背景の転換によりしばしば芝居のペースが失われたが、20世紀にはこれに対して原典に立ち戻ったり、シンプルで抽象的なスタイルで上演する動きが起こった。 (ja)