- Shehua (畲话, Shēhuà, meaning 'She speech') is an unclassified Sinitic language spoken by the She people of Southeastern China. It is also called Shanha, San-hak (山哈) or Shanhahua (山哈话). Shehua speakers are located mainly in Fujian and Zhejiang provinces of Southeastern China, with smaller numbers of speakers in a few locations of Jiangxi (in Guixi and Yanshan County), Guangdong (in Chaozhou and Fengshun County) and Anhui (in Ningguo) provinces. Shēhuà (畲话) is not to be confused with Shēyǔ (畲语, also known as Ho Ne), which is a Hmong–Mien language spoken in East-Central Guangdong. Shehua and Sheyu speakers have separate histories and identities, although both are officially classified by the Chinese government as She people. The Dongjia of Majiang County, Guizhou are also officially classified as She people, but speak a Western Hmongic language closely related to Chong'anjiang Miao (重安江苗语). (en)
- 畲話,俗称山哈話、山瑤話,是中国的少数民族畬族所使用的一種土语,其使用者分布于福建、浙江、江西、安徽等省以及广东省凤凰山区的潮州、丰顺等地的畲族族群中,使用人数占畲族总人口的99%。 畲话接近于客家语,其语言学归属存在争议,有學者認為是客家语的一种方言;但这种观点受到另一些学者的反对,因为畲话与现今各地的客家语都有所不同,含有大量古畲语的“底层”,具有明显的自身特色。 畲话是使用者分散在闽、粤、赣、浙等各地,虽分为许多种方言,但它们内部却保持着高度统一。与活聂话一样,山哈话的使用者也全部是双语使用者,他们同时会说当地的汉语方言。 (zh)
- 畲話,俗称山哈話、山瑤話,是中国的少数民族畬族所使用的一種土语,其使用者分布于福建、浙江、江西、安徽等省以及广东省凤凰山区的潮州、丰顺等地的畲族族群中,使用人数占畲族总人口的99%。 畲话接近于客家语,其语言学归属存在争议,有學者認為是客家语的一种方言;但这种观点受到另一些学者的反对,因为畲话与现今各地的客家语都有所不同,含有大量古畲语的“底层”,具有明显的自身特色。 畲话是使用者分散在闽、粤、赣、浙等各地,虽分为许多种方言,但它们内部却保持着高度统一。与活聂话一样,山哈话的使用者也全部是双语使用者,他们同时会说当地的汉语方言。 (zh)
- Shehua (畲话, Shēhuà, meaning 'She speech') is an unclassified Sinitic language spoken by the She people of Southeastern China. It is also called Shanha, San-hak (山哈) or Shanhahua (山哈话). Shehua speakers are located mainly in Fujian and Zhejiang provinces of Southeastern China, with smaller numbers of speakers in a few locations of Jiangxi (in Guixi and Yanshan County), Guangdong (in Chaozhou and Fengshun County) and Anhui (in Ningguo) provinces. (en)