Shimer College est une ancienne école américaine suivant le programme des Œuvres marquantes. Initialement située au Mont Caroll, puis à Waukegan et enfin à Chicago, en 2017, cette école est insérée dans le North Central College et est renommée Shimer School of Great Books. (fr)
Shimer Great Books School (pronounced /ˈʃaɪmər/ SHY-mər) is a Great Books college that is part of North Central College in Naperville, Illinois. Prior to 2017, Shimer was an independent, accredited college on the south side of Chicago, with a history of being in different cities in Illinois prior to that. Founded in 1853 as the Mount Carroll Seminary in Mount Carroll, Illinois, the school became affiliated with the University of Chicago in 1896 and was renamed the Frances Shimer Academy after founder Frances Wood Shimer. It was renamed Shimer College in 1950, when it began offering a four-year curriculum based on the Hutchins Plan of the University of Chicago. After the University of Chicago parted with both the college and the Hutchins Plan in 1958, Shimer continued to use a version of that curriculum. The college relocated to Waukegan in 1978 and to Chicago in 2006. In 2017, it was acquired by North Central College which established the Shimer Great Books School to continue offering its curriculum. It has a long reputation as being intellectually original, demanding, and rigorous. The current academic program is based on a core curriculum sixteen required courses in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. All courses are small seminars with no more than twelve students, and were based on original sources from a list of about 200 core texts broadly based on the great books canon. Classroom instruction is Socratic discussion. Considerable writing is required, including two comprehensive examinations and a senior thesis. Students are admitted primarily on the basis of essays and interviews; no minimum grades or test scores were required. Shimer has one of the highest alumni doctorate rates in the country. According to The New York Times, students "share[d] a love of books [and] a disdain for the conventional style of education. Many say they did not have a good high school experience". Students, who tend to be individualistic and creative thinkers, are encouraged to ask questions. Shimer historically averaged 125 students, and enrolled 97 in 2014. Most Shimer alumni went on to graduate studies. Shimer was, until joining North Central College, governed internally by an assembly in which all community members had a vote. In 2016, Shimer announced an agreement to be acquired by North Central College. The agreement came to fruition on June 1, 2017, when Shimer's faculty and curriculum were subsumed into North Central as a department known as the Shimer Great Books School of North Central College. (en)
夏默学院(英語:Shimer College;/ˈʃaɪmər/ SHY-mər),通常简称夏默。是一所位于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥的小型、私立、博雅教育类本科院校。1853年,弗朗西丝·伍德·夏默于伊利诺伊州芒特卡罗尔市的边陲城镇创建了该院,初期100年内的大部分时间一直是一所女子学院。 1896年,学院并入芝加哥大学,并于1907年成为美国首批初級学院之一;1950年,学院发展成男女混校的四年制学院,取名“夏默学院”,并在芝加哥大学实施名著和苏格拉底研討會的哈钦斯计划;1958年,学院脱离了与芝加哥大学的关系,成为一所独立学院。1960年代,学院获得国家承认且发展势头强劲,但1978年因资金问题而不得不舍弃原有校园,迁至芝加哥郊区的沃基根,直至2006年;之后,校园迁入芝加哥道格拉斯區,於布朗兹维勒街区(Bronzeville neighborhood)的伊利诺伊科技学院(IIT)校园内落址。 夏默学生专注于小型讨论会,他们讨论原始素材胜过读课本。学院的核心课程包括人文科学、社会科学、自然科学和综合研究,这一系列课程占据了学历教育三分之二的比重。1963年起,夏默提供留學英国牛津大学的課程;1981年起,为在职成人提供周末課程。学院在招生方面,主要根据申请者的论文水平对他们的学术潜质做出评估。夏默对学生的考试成绩不作要求,不设定及格分数线。自1950年起,学院实施入学预科制度,允许尚未毕业的高中生开始大学低年级的課程学习。在美国的博雅类大学中,夏默博士毕业生的比例最高。全院有50%的本科毕业会继续研究生阶段的学习,20%的学生会完成博士学位。 夏默学院一直驻留在由路德维格·迈尔斯·凡德罗(Ludwig Mies van der Rohe)设计的伊利诺伊科技学院主校区内,学院建筑于2005年被编入美国国家史迹名录。夏默学生保持自己固有的校园生活传统,但也会融入科技学院的学生生活。学院施行广泛的民主自治管理,此模式被外界描述为“高校之罕见”。1977年起, 学院的内部管理由教师、职员和学生组成的一个委员会和一个被称为“大会”的公平评价机构来实施。2009年,夏默有在校生104名;毕业生成就卓著,有诗人、作家、政论家、现实派艺术家和顶尖的计算机人才。 (zh)
Shimer College est une ancienne école américaine suivant le programme des Œuvres marquantes. Initialement située au Mont Caroll, puis à Waukegan et enfin à Chicago, en 2017, cette école est insérée dans le North Central College et est renommée Shimer School of Great Books. (fr)
Shimer Great Books School (pronounced /ˈʃaɪmər/ SHY-mər) is a Great Books college that is part of North Central College in Naperville, Illinois. Prior to 2017, Shimer was an independent, accredited college on the south side of Chicago, with a history of being in different cities in Illinois prior to that. (en)