Der Artikel Geschichte des Bogens in Europa beschreibt die historische Entwicklung des Bogens (Waffe) von den frühesten archäologischen Belegen bis in die Neuzeit. (de)
Archery, or the use of bow and arrows, was probably developed in Africa by the later Middle Stone Age (approx. 70,000 years ago). It is documented as part of warfare and hunting from the classical period (where it figures in the mythologies of many cultures) until the late medieval period when it was made obsolete by the increased use of firearms. Archers were a widespread if supplemental part of the military in the classical period, and bowmen fought on foot, in chariots or mounted on horses. Archery rose to prominence in Europe in the later medieval period, where victories such as the Battle of Agincourt cemented the longbow in military lore. Archery in both hunting and warfare was eventually replaced by firearms in Europe in the Late Middle Ages and early modern period. Firearms eventually diffused throughout Eurasia via the Gunpowder empires, gradually reducing the importance of archery in warfare throughout the world. Archery is still practiced today, for hunting and as a target sport. (en)
Il est difficile de déterminer avec précision le début de l'histoire du tir à l'arc dans la mesure où les éléments susceptibles d'apporter des preuves directes étaient réalisés en matériaux périssables (bois, cordes et plumes). Les recherches archéologiques ont permis la découverte de fragments d'arcs et de flèches exceptionnellement conservés dans des tourbières datant de la fin du Paléolithique supérieur. Toutefois il existe de forte présomption de l'usage de l'arc dès les phases anciennes du Paléolithique supérieur. (fr)