- Shuntarō Itō (伊東 俊太郎, Itō Shuntarō, born April 25, 1930) is a Japanese scholar of the history of science and the study of comparative civilization. Itō is an honorary professor of University of Tokyo and International Research Center for Japanese Studies, and a professor of Reitaku University, and the Chairman of Japan Seaology Promotion Organization. He is also a former president of the . Itō was born in Tokyo, and obtained his bachelor's degree in literature from Tokyo University in 1953, his master's in 1955, and Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1964. Itō taught at the University of Tokyo, as Professor, from 1978 to 1989, and in International Research Center for Japanese Studies from 1989 to 1995, and in Reitaku University from 1995. (en)
- 伊東 俊太郎(いとう しゅんたろう、1930年4月25日 - )は、日本の歴史学者(科学史・)。Ph.D.(ウィスコンシン大学)。東京大学名誉教授・国際日本文化研究センター名誉教授・麗澤大学名誉教授。瑞宝中綬章受章者・文化功労者。 ウィスコンシン大学人文科学研究所助手、東京大学教養学部教授、麗澤大学教授、麗澤大学比較文明文化研究センター所長(初代)などを歴任した。 (ja)