Cet article présente les épisodes de la neuvième saison du feuilleton télévisé Smallville. Cette saison a été diffusée depuis le 25 septembre 2009 jusqu'au 14 mai 2010 aux États-Unis sur le réseau The CW, le vendredi à 20 h. (fr)
The ninth season of Smallville, an American television series, began airing on September 25, 2009. The series recounts the early adventures of Kryptonian Clark Kent as he adjusts to life in the fictional town of Smallville, Kansas, during the years before he becomes Superman. The ninth season comprises 21 episodes and concluded its initial airing on May 14, 2010, marking the fourth season to air on The CW television network. After four seasons broadcasting on Thursday nights at 8:00 pm, Smallville was moved to Friday nights at 8:00 pm for season nine, to make room for The Vampire Diaries. This season Clark takes his superhero persona into obsessive territory when he leaves behind those he cares for so that he can focus solely on Jor-El's training. In order to accomplish this, Clark wears a new costume that sports his family crest on the chest. The theme of the season is about Clark finally embracing his alien heritage, while also being his darkest hour thus far. As a result, Clark's relationships with Chloe and Oliver suffered this season. Season nine also saw the introduction of more DC Comics characters, including multiple episode appearances for the Justice Society of America, as well as villain Metallo, and government agent Amanda Waller and an appearance by the Wonder Twins. Following the end of season eight, Aaron Ashmore and Sam Witwer departed the series after both their characters were killed off. Regular cast members during season nine include Tom Welling, Allison Mack, Erica Durance, Cassidy Freeman, Justin Hartley, and Callum Blue. With the loss of two series regulars, producers had to look for a new primary villain for season nine. Executive producers Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson decided to use Zod, a character from the comics and Christopher Reeve Superman films. This version of Zod is younger than previous incarnations, including the short appearance he had on Smallville in season six, and goes by the title of "Major Zod". Original depictions list the character as "General Zod". The season premiere brought in 2.58 million viewers and outperformed any other show in the Friday 8:00 pm timeslot in over a year. Furthermore, "Absolute Justice", a two-hour episode featuring the Justice Society of America, aired on February 5, 2010. In an effort to clear up confusion, the Smallville writers announced on their Twitter page that they still consider the two-hour episode to be two separately produced episodes, but was aired and packaged on the season nine DVD as a single episode. Season nine averaged 2.38 million viewers, ranking #129 out of the 140 broadcast primetime shows. (en)
La nona stagione della serie televisiva Smallville è andata in onda sul canale statunitense The CW dal 25 settembre 2009 al 14 maggio 2010. In Italia è stata trasmessa in prima assoluta sul canale a pagamento Steel, della piattaforma Mediaset Premium, dal 15 marzo al 2 agosto 2010. Nelle repliche in chiaro, in onda su Italia 1 dal 23 marzo 2011, non è stato trasmesso il terzo episodio, né in prima tv né nelle repliche successive. L'episodio undici dura il doppio rispetto ad ogni altro episodio tanto da essere considerato come due diversi episodi. L'antagonista principale è il Maggiore Zod, interpretato da Callum Blue che per questa stagione farà parte del cast principale. (it)
«Тайны Смолвиля» (англ. Smallville) — американский научно-фантастический телесериал, исполнительными продюсерами и авторами сценария которого являются Альфред Гоф и Майлз Миллар. Сериал повествует о молодых годах жизни Супермена — Кларка Кента, создателями которого являются Джерри Сигел и Джо Шустер. Действие происходит в вымышленном американском городке Смолвиль штата Канзас. Главным злодеем сезона является Зод. (ru)
Cet article présente les épisodes de la neuvième saison du feuilleton télévisé Smallville. Cette saison a été diffusée depuis le 25 septembre 2009 jusqu'au 14 mai 2010 aux États-Unis sur le réseau The CW, le vendredi à 20 h. (fr)
«Тайны Смолвиля» (англ. Smallville) — американский научно-фантастический телесериал, исполнительными продюсерами и авторами сценария которого являются Альфред Гоф и Майлз Миллар. Сериал повествует о молодых годах жизни Супермена — Кларка Кента, создателями которого являются Джерри Сигел и Джо Шустер. Действие происходит в вымышленном американском городке Смолвиль штата Канзас. Главным злодеем сезона является Зод. (ru)
The ninth season of Smallville, an American television series, began airing on September 25, 2009. The series recounts the early adventures of Kryptonian Clark Kent as he adjusts to life in the fictional town of Smallville, Kansas, during the years before he becomes Superman. The ninth season comprises 21 episodes and concluded its initial airing on May 14, 2010, marking the fourth season to air on The CW television network. After four seasons broadcasting on Thursday nights at 8:00 pm, Smallville was moved to Friday nights at 8:00 pm for season nine, to make room for The Vampire Diaries. (en)
La nona stagione della serie televisiva Smallville è andata in onda sul canale statunitense The CW dal 25 settembre 2009 al 14 maggio 2010. In Italia è stata trasmessa in prima assoluta sul canale a pagamento Steel, della piattaforma Mediaset Premium, dal 15 marzo al 2 agosto 2010. Nelle repliche in chiaro, in onda su Italia 1 dal 23 marzo 2011, non è stato trasmesso il terzo episodio, né in prima tv né nelle repliche successive. L'episodio undici dura il doppio rispetto ad ogni altro episodio tanto da essere considerato come due diversi episodi. (it)