Snow on tha Bluff is a 2012 American found footage-style drama film directed by Damon Russell. It stars Curtis Snow, a real-life Atlanta "robbery boy" and drug dealer, playing a fictionalized version of himself, as he gets into various dangerous and criminal situations. The film's title refers to protagonist Snow and to Atlanta's neighborhood The Bluff, which is infamous for crime and drug dealing. The film gained a following within the hip hop community due to its verisimilitude. Actor Michael K. Williams, who was an executive producer on the film, stated, "everything that is wrong with the hood, is in this movie". An unauthorized sequel, Snow on tha Bluff 2, starring Snow and Snoop Dogg, was released direct-to-video in 2015. (en)
Snow on tha Bluff is a 2012 American found footage-style drama film directed by Damon Russell. It stars Curtis Snow, a real-life Atlanta "robbery boy" and drug dealer, playing a fictionalized version of himself, as he gets into various dangerous and criminal situations. The film's title refers to protagonist Snow and to Atlanta's neighborhood The Bluff, which is infamous for crime and drug dealing. (en)