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Sonali Gulati és una cineasta independent, feminista, activista de base i educadora. La seva mare era professora i dissenyadora tèxtil. Gulati va créixer a Nova Delhi i ha realitzat diverses pel·lícules que s'han projectat en més de cinc-cents festivals de cinema d'arreu del món, en llocs com el Museu Hirshhorn, el Museu de Belles Arts de Boston, el Museu Nacional de Dones en les Arts i festivals de cinema com el Margaret Mead Film Festival, el Black Maria Film Festival, el Slamdance Film Festival, i BlackStar Film Festival. Té un MFA en Arts de Cinema i Mitjans de Comunicació a la , i una llicenciatura en al Mount Holyoke College. Actualment és professora al Departament de Fotografia i Cinema de la . (ca) Sonali Gulati is an Indian American independent filmmaker, feminist, grass-roots activist, and educator. Gulati grew up in New Delhi, India. Her mother, a teacher and textile designer, raised her independently, getting single custody for her at a young age. Sonali settled in the United States of America at age 20. She has made several films that have screened at over five hundred film festivals worldwide. Her films have screened at venues such as the Hirshhorn Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, the National Museum of Women in the Arts, and at film festivals such as the Margaret Mead Film Festival, the Black Maria Film Festival, Slamdance Film Festival, and BlackStar Film Festival. She has an MFA in Film & Media Arts from Temple University, and a BA in from Mount Holyoke College. She is currently a professor at Virginia Commonwealth University's Department of Photography & Film. Sonali gave birth to son Rohan Jhaveri with partner Geeta Jhaveri in December 2011. (en) |
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Sonali Gulati és una cineasta independent, feminista, activista de base i educadora. La seva mare era professora i dissenyadora tèxtil. Gulati va créixer a Nova Delhi i ha realitzat diverses pel·lícules que s'han projectat en més de cinc-cents festivals de cinema d'arreu del món, en llocs com el Museu Hirshhorn, el Museu de Belles Arts de Boston, el Museu Nacional de Dones en les Arts i festivals de cinema com el Margaret Mead Film Festival, el Black Maria Film Festival, el Slamdance Film Festival, i BlackStar Film Festival. (ca) Sonali Gulati is an Indian American independent filmmaker, feminist, grass-roots activist, and educator. Gulati grew up in New Delhi, India. Her mother, a teacher and textile designer, raised her independently, getting single custody for her at a young age. Sonali settled in the United States of America at age 20. She has made several films that have screened at over five hundred film festivals worldwide. Her films have screened at venues such as the Hirshhorn Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, the National Museum of Women in the Arts, and at film festivals such as the Margaret Mead Film Festival, the Black Maria Film Festival, Slamdance Film Festival, and BlackStar Film Festival. (en) |