The first series of Special Agent Oso aired between 4 April 2009 and 16 January 2010 on Playhouse Disney. (en)
Questa è la lista degli episodi della prima stagione di Agente Speciale Oso, serie animata prodotta da The Walt Disney Company e trasmessa negli Stati Uniti dal 4 aprile 2009 al 17 aprile 2010 su Playhouse Disney, Disney Junior e Disney Channel. In Italia è andata in onda su Playhouse Disney e Disney Channel dal 7 settembre 2009 e in chiaro su Rai 2 dal 14 dicembre dello stesso anno. L'edizione italiana ha seguito l'ordine di trasmissione statunitense degli episodi e perciò questi presentano un ordine diverso rispetto a quello di produzione. (it)
A special alert is called as Oso searches for a hidden tunnel in the city. He helps a girl named Addison save power and water, by turning off all unused lights, TVs, and faucets before family game night. (en)
"A Zoo To A Thrill" airs as a part of Playhouse Disney UK's celebration for its new show, Jungle Junction. (en)
Oso is trained to transport Wolfie's boat into the lake. Oso tries filling the passageway with water when a special alert is called, and the water overflows. He helps a boy named Andrew blow bubbles for his grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary dance, before the band begins playing for the anniversary dance. (en)
Notes: Quinn is mentioned in both 'The Boy With the Golden Gift' and 'Birthdays Are Forever'. (en)
While Oso lumbers through the forest following Agent Wolfie's footprints, a special alert is called. A girl at the beach, named Katie, is going to build a sandcastle as a surprise for her mother, only she is not sure yet. It will be up to Oso to help Katie make the sandcastle before her mother finishes reading her book. (en)
Oso receives a special alert while looking for a hidden spy plane in the Sahara Desert. A boy named Aaron is having trouble with his mother's camera, so Oso teaches him how to take a picture of his kitten before his mother finishes making the fruit salad. (en)
While Wolfie trains Oso to cross a zip line from one iceberg to another, a special alert is called. He helps a girl named Brianna, who finds a bird's nest, make a bird feeder in order to prevent the birds from flying away for the winter. (en)
As Oso is trained to fire his laser pen for target practice, Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. Oso teaches a girl named Chloe how to play horseshoes before her grandpa arrives. (en)
Step 2: Swing the rope over your head, then jump when it gets to your feet (en)
Note: The countdown timer is placed in the bottom-left corner, rather than the top-left corner. (en)
While Oso dresses into his scuba gear for a training assignment, he receives a special alert after he gets his tuxedo all wet. A boy named Frank has to get dressed for school, but he has trouble doing so. So Oso decides to help Frank get dressed by himself before he leaves for school and Oso learns to get dressed by himself as well. (en)
As Agent Wolfie gives Oso a driving lesson, he receives a special assignment. Oso helps a boy named Joe check out a library book about dinosaurs before the library closes, since his mother is making dinner. He is bringing one of his dinosaurs to show and tell tomorrow. (en)
As Oso prepares to launch a deep sea probe, he receives a special alert. He helps two boys named Theo and Oliver replace the batteries in their flashlight for a sleepover camp out before it gets dark. (en)
As Oso sails his boat to a submarine, he receives a special assignment. He helps a girl named Ava twirl a hoop-a-loop for the party before her sister Alyssa and friends arrive. (en)
As Oso goes in a dark cave on a search of a red jewel, a special alert is called then he is falls and dangling from a ravine. A boy named Jake has trouble finding his soccer shoe, and his room is a mess. So it is up to Oso to help him clean his messy room before he goes to soccer. (en)
Titles reference "Nobody Does It Better," which was not the name of a Bond film, but instead the name of the theme song to The Spy Who Loved Me (en)
Note: The Gator team cheer goes like this: "Go, go, Gators! Fight, fight, fight! Front step, back step, bite, bite, bite!" (en)
Oso is at the South Pole on a training mission. He tries remembering a special password to enter an ice base. But Oso says the incorrect word and gets tossed into a snowbank. That's when a special alert is called. A girl named Anna has made a Valentine's Day card for her dad as a surprise, but her dog, Mitzi ripped it up. Now, Oso shows Anna how to make a new card just like the old one. (en)
Absent: Dotty (en)
Absent: Dotty, Rapide (en)
Absent: Dotty, Shutterbug (en)
Absent: Dotty, Shutterbug, Rapide (en)
Absent: Dotty, Shutterbug, Whirly Bird (en)
Absent: Dotty, Shutterbug, Whirly Bird, Rapide (en)
Absent: Dotty, Whirly Bird (en)
Absent: Dotty, Whirly Bird, Rapide (en)
Absent: Rapide (en)
Absent: Whirly Bird (en)
Absent: Wolfie (en)
Absent: Wolfie, Rapide (en)
Absent: Wolfie, Shutterbug (en)
Absent: Wolfie, Shutterbug, Rapide (en)
Absent: Wolfie, Shutterbug, Whirly Bird (en)
Absent: Wolfie, Shutterbug, Whirly Bird, Rapide (en)
Absent: Wolfie, Whirly Bird (en)
Absent: Wolfie, Whirly Bird, Rapide (en)
Absent: Wolfie, Whirly Bird, Shutterbug (en)
Oso wears a diving suit to dives into the sea to for a submarine search to find two-starred submarine when he receives a special alert before he got tangled in seaweed. He helps a girl named Jade prepare a salad for her cousin Rachel who has food allergies, by washing, chopping, and tossing the vegetables to make the lunch. (en)
First Appearance of: Dotty, Shutterbug (en)
First Appearance of: Rapide (en)
Dotty trains Oso to walk across a high, narrow beam to test his balance. He takes a fall when Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. A girl named Carina is at her sister Marie's ice skating party, but she is missing all the fun because she has trouble learning how to ice skate. So Oso teaches her how to ice skate before the next conga line begins. (en)
Oso is learning how to fly his space jet when a special alert is called. He helps a girl named Caroline pick wildflowers for homework before she and her mother and baby sister Morgan leave for home. (en)
Step 1: Close your eyes (en)
Step 1: Cover the cage floor with newspaper (en)
Step 1: Cross the laces, wrap one under and pull (en)
Step 1: Fill a bucket with wet sand (en)
Step 1: Fill an ice cube tray with juice (en)
Step 1: Find a bowl and spoon (en)
Step 1: Find a firefly (en)
Step 1: Find a hoop-a-loop (en)
Step 1: Find a pine cone (en)
Step 1: Find a rake (en)
Step 1: Find a school bus stop (en)
Step 1: Find batteries (en)
Step 1: Find red, ripe strawberries (en)
Step 1: Find the broken piece (en)
Step 1: Find the groceries on the list (en)
Step 1: Find the lost ticket (en)
Step 1: Find the missing wheel and nut (en)
Step 1: Find the right tape for the job (en)
Step 1: Find the things to be recycled (en)
Step 1: Find wildflowers (en)
Step 1: Find wrapping paper (en)
Step 1: Fold a paper circle in half (en)
Step 1: Fold the paper (en)
Step 1: Get a kite (en)
Step 1: Get llama food (en)
Step 1: Get yellow marigold seeds (en)
Step 1: Go to the library (en)
Step 1: Hold onto the chains (en)
Step 1: Make bubble mix (en)
Step 1: Make three snowballs (en)
Step 1: Pick out what to take (en)
Step 1: Pick something to show (en)
Step 1: Point the horseshoe at the wooden stake (en)
Step 1: Put on a shirt (en)
Step 1: Put out the plates (en)
Step 1: Put the books on their shelves (en)
Step 1: Put the jump rope behind your feet (en)
Step 1: Put toothpaste on the toothbrush (en)
Step 1: Say "hi" and introduce yourself (en)
Step 1: Scrub the dishes (en)
Step 1: Sort the pieces (en)
Step 1: Stand up without falling (en)
Step 1: Toss the stone into a square (en)
Step 1: Turn off lights in empty rooms (en)
Step 1: Turn the camera on (en)
Step 1: Wash the vegetables (en)
Step 1: Watch the cheer (en)
Step 2: Add hay and water (en)
Step 2: Ask them their name (en)
Step 2: Build the outside of the puzzle (en)
Step 2: Chop the vegetables (en)
Step 2: Count to 20 (en)
Step 2: Decorate the card (en)
Step 2: Dip the bubble wand (en)
Step 2: Find the dinosaur book (en)
Step 2: Fold and tape it around the present (en)
Step 2: Hop to the last square (en)
Step 2: Make a bunny ear (en)
Step 2: Make circles on your teeth with the brush (en)
Step 2: Measure the ingredients (en)
Step 2: Move your feet to glide across the ice (en)
Step 2: Pack it neatly in the suitcase (en)
Step 2: Pick a horse to ride (en)
Step 2: Pick the wildflowers on the list (en)
Step 2: Place the napkins (en)
Step 2: Plant the seeds in the dirt (en)
Step 2: Point the camera (en)
Step 2: Practice the cheer (en)
Step 2: Pull them off their stems (en)
Step 2: Put batteries in the flashlight (en)
Step 2: Put birdseed on the pine cone (en)
Step 2: Put glue on the broken piece (en)
Step 2: Put in toothpicks (en)
Step 2: Put on pants (en)
Step 2: Put one hand under the firefly (en)
Step 2: Put the ripped pieces together (en)
Step 2: Put the toys in their boxes (en)
Step 2: Put the wheel and nut back on (en)
Step 2: Rake the leaves into piles (en)
Step 2: Rinse the soap off the dishes (en)
Step 2: Shape the paper into a cone (en)
Step 2: Show it to your friends (en)
Step 2: Sort the cans, bottles, and paper (en)
Step 2: Spin the hoop around your waist (en)
Step 2: Stack the snowballs on top of each other (en)
Step 2: Swing the horseshoe (en)
Step 2: Tie string to the kite (en)
Step 2: Turn off faucets not being used (en)
Step 2: Turn the bucket over and lift it up (en)
Step 2: Wait for bus number 5 (en)
Step 2: Wait in line (en)
Step 2: Wait your turn in line (en)
Step 2: Walk backwards (en)
Step 3: Blow into the circle on the wand (en)
Step 3: Build the inside of the puzzle (en)
Step 3: Check out the book using a library card (en)
Step 3: Climb up onto the horse (en)
Step 3: Decorate the hat (en)
Step 3: Decorate the sandcastle (en)
Step 3: Do the cheer (en)
Step 3: Dry the dishes (en)
Step 3: Feed the llama (en)
Step 3: Find the other players (en)
Step 3: Freeze the juice pops (en)
Step 3: Get on the school bus (en)
Step 3: Glue the pieces together (en)
Step 3: Hang the pine cone bird feeder (en)
Step 3: Help Anna write her name on the card (en)
Step 3: Hop back and pick up the stone (en)
Step 3: Hop on the seat and pump your legs (en)
Step 3: Invite them to play (en)
Step 3: Keep swinging the rope and jumping (en)
Step 3: Let go of the horseshoe (en)
Step 3: Make a snowman face (en)
Step 3: Mix until the batter's smooth (en)
Step 3: Move your hips to keep the hoop spinning (en)
Step 3: Pay for the groceries (en)
Step 3: Practice, practice, practice (en)
Step 3: Press the button to take the picture (en)
Step 3: Press them in a book (en)
Step 3: Put a bow on the wrapped gift (en)
Step 3: Put on socks and shoes (en)
Step 3: Put out the silverware (en)
Step 3: Put the bunny in the cage (en)
Step 3: Put the clothes in their drawers (en)
Step 3: Put the piles into a leaf bin (en)
Step 3: Put them in the correct bins (en)
Step 3: Rinse your mouth with water (en)
Step 3: Tape the page together (en)
Step 3: Tell your friends about it (en)
Step 3: Toss the salad (en)
Step 3: Turn off TVs that aren't being watched (en)
Step 3: Turn the flashlight on. (en)
Step 3: Use the wind to make the kite fly (en)
Step 3: Wash them well (en)
Step 3: Water the planted seeds (en)
Step 3: Zip the suitcase shut (en)
Titles reference A View to a Kill (en)
Titles reference Casino Royale (en)
Titles reference Diamonds Are Forever (en)
Titles reference Die Another Day (en)
Titles reference Dr. No (en)
Titles reference For Your Eyes Only (en)
Titles reference From Russia with Love (en)
Titles reference GoldenEye (en)
Titles reference Goldfinger (en)
Titles reference Licence to Kill (en)
Titles reference License to Kill (en)
Titles reference Live and Let Die (en)
Titles reference Moonraker (en)
Titles reference Never Say Never Again (en)
Titles reference Octopussy (en)
Titles reference On Her Majesty's Secret Service (en)
Titles reference The Living Daylights (en)
Titles reference The Man with the Golden Gun (en)
Titles reference The Spy Who Loved Me (en)
Titles reference The World Is Not Enough (en)
Titles reference Thunderball (en)
Titles reference You Only Live Twice (en)
As Oso tries transporting a package from his train to his helicopter, Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. A girl named Maria wants to do the team cheer to help her sister Josie's team, the Gators, only she has trouble doing so. So Oso must help her cheer before the second half of the game ends. (en)
Oso is in space replacing solar panels of the tracking satellite when he receives a special assignment by accidentally broke the solar panel due to because it can be fragile. He helps girl named Olivia, who is going to make fresh-made pancakes for breakfast, measure out the ingredients and stir the batter up before her grandparents arrive for breakfast. (en)
Paw Pilot calls in a special alert as Oso looks for a disc hidden behind a painting. A girl named Joon-Kim has trouble feeding a llama at a petting zoo. So it is up to Oso to help Joon-Kim feed a llama before the fair closes. (en)
Oso receives a special alert, while practicing walking in space and gets tangled in his space tether. He helps a girl named Molly plant new marigold flowers in her garden for her mother. (en)
While Oso practices jumping laser beams, Paw Pilot calls in a special alert then he sets off the alarms. He helps a girl named Abby jump rope before her friend Sally arrives for a playdate. (en)
The Gold Flower clip is used in the BLAM! episodes, Snow Mountain Climbing and Space Walking. (en)
Oso is in space being trained by Dotty to go from the cargo hole of the space jet to the cockpit. He tries to figure out how to get there the fastest when a special alert comes in. A girl named Natalie is at the playground with her Aunt Susan and her little brother Noah. Natalie wants her aunt to push her on the swings, but her aunt must watch Noah as he plays in the sandbox. Natalie cannot swing by herself, so Oso decides to help her swing before they have to go home. (en)
Oso is trying to get an envelope out of a building while avoiding puppies who are after him in hot pursuit when a special alert is called. He helps two kids named Jim and Mia bring the bunny before they leave for school. (en)
While Oso is doing one of his training missions, a puzzle, he gets a special alert. Oso helps a girl named Samantha fix a torn book page before her mom reads her the story. (en)
Oso is trying to make an eye scanner recognize him by looking directly at it when a special alert is called. He shows a boy named Sam, who just started preschool, how make a new friend before his class goes on a nature walk. (en)
Oso is trying to remember a code word to type in so he can blast off into outer space when Paw Pilot calls in a special alert after he types in the incorrect code word and gets his spacesuit grew obese. A girl named Emma and her dad want to get to school on time to see Animal Annie, but she and her Dad forget where the bus stop is and Dad is not helping her. So Oso must help them find the bus stop before the bus leaves. (en)
While Oso is being trained to hop onto stones across a swamp to bring a tube of sponge animal capsules to the lab, he falls in the swamp and so is the tube of capsules in which they fall into the water and then turned into giant-sized sponge animals , when wet that is. That's when he receives a special alert from Paw Pilot. He helps two kids at school named John and Alexis play hopscotch before recess ends. (en)
As Oso trains to paint his car black, making sure not to touch the wet paint, Paw Pilot calls in a special alert then he and inside of rapide is sprayed. He helps a boy named Tyler make his sick twin sister, Lily who has come down with a cold, feel better by making frozen orange juice pops before Lily takes her medication. The taste of the orange juice is to help remove the taste of her bad-tasting medication. (en)
As Oso tries to figure out a mystery picture, a special assignment is delivered. He helps a boy named Michael wrap a present for his friend Quinn's birthday, before he leaves for the party. (en)
As Oso gets trained to paddle a kayak down a river, he receives a special alert after he missed the dock. A boy named Logan needs to wash and dry dishes, since his mom is getting ready for her day, but he does not know how. So Oso must help Logan wash the dishes before he leaves for school. (en)
As Oso trains a horse to jump over a tall fence and keep him from running off, Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. A girl named Tara has new shoes she wants to wear to school. The only problem is that her new shoes are the lace-up kinds, and Tara has never tied shoelaces before, so Oso teaches her how to tie her shoes before the bus comes to take her to school. (en)
While Oso tries unlocking a high security lock which opens a door to a room full of special gadgets, he receives a special alert after he falls through a trapdoor. Oso helps a boy named Cody, who is having a vacation at the beach, pack a suitcase before he and his family leave for the airport. (en)
Notes: Although Rapide is absent, he appears in the background, and has no lines in this episode. This is the first season finale. (en)
While Oso tries fixing the air brakes on his special agent train, he gets a special assignment to help a boy named Quinn make a party hat for his birthday picture, but he gave the last one to his baby cousin, Madison. So Oso decides to help him make the party hat so he can get a picture of himself wearing it. (en)
As Oso paints his motorcycle with invisibility paint for his training exercise, he accidentally gets some on Rapide when he receives a special alert. He helps a girl named Grace pick strawberries on a farm for her family lunch, before the lunch is served. (en)
Notes: This is the first time that both Dotty and Wolfie appear in the same episode. (en)
Oso gets a special assignment while being trained to cross a bridge with a green flag to raise it up on the other side of the ravine. He helps a girl named Sarah fly her kite during Kite Day in the park. (en)
Oso is in training to take apart his grappling hook pen and put it back together blindfolded. He tries to find the top of it when he receives a special alert and then he end up getting dressed in scuba gear suit. He helps a boy named David learn how to play hide and go seek with his cousins, Jess, Ben, and Nathan, before he has to go home. (en)
Step 3: Gently cover the firefly with your other hand (en)
Wolfie trains Oso to ride his motorcycle across the lake. Oso does not step on the pedal, presses the red turbo button, and lands his motorbike in a pine tree. Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. A boy named Joshua is helping his parents with house chores, one of which is recycling their bottles, cans, and papers. However, Joshua does not seem to know how to do that job by himself. So Oso helps Joshua recycle everything so the family can go out for some yogurt before the shop closes. (en)
Step 3: Tighten the nut so the wheel won't come off (en)
Notes: After the third step finishes, the countdown finishes at zero, instead of one. Also this episode was the second episode in production order, this was not the second episode to air, it became the ninth episode to air along with "On Her Cousin's Special Salad". Titles reference Licence to Kill (en)
While Oso is in space on a training mission to close the space door tight, a special alert is called. On Earth, a boy named Paulie is pulling a wagon full of party supplies to a friend's house, but then, one of the wheels falls off and Paulie has trouble fixing it. So Oso decides to help Paulie fix the wagon before his best friend Julia comes home for the surprise birthday party. (en)
Step 3: Wrap the other lace around the bunny ear, push it through and pull (en)
While Oso is out on the top of a tall tower looking for a red sports car, a special alert is called. A boy named Jack is trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle of an octopus to show his dad when he comes home, but he is having trouble doing so. So Oso must help Jack sort out the pieces and put the puzzle together before his dad comes home from work. (en)
Oso is in space practicing flying through a meteor shower when he receives a special alert. On Earth, a girl named Michelle accidentally breaks her brother, Eric's piggy bank and it's up to Oso to help her find the broken piece and glue the piggy bank back together before her brother comes home. (en)
While Oso sees how well he does without any of his gadgets, a special alert is called then he uses his jet pack and turns on the sprinklers. A boy named Dawson is having trouble trying to rake the leaves in his front yard. So Oso has to help Dawson rake the leaves before the recycling truck comes. (en)
Oso is trained to slide down a mountain on his snowboard when Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. Three sisters named Isabella, Allie, and Elizabeth, are preparing a big family dinner. Isabella volunteers to set the table, but she is not sure how to yet. Oso helps her out before dinner time. (en)
Oso is being trained by Dotty to insert a device that helps to make the space jet fly smoothly again. However, when a special alert is called, Oso takes a break from his training mission to help a boy named Danny brush his teeth before his mom reads him a bedtime story. (en)
Note: This is the only Season 1 episode where Oso says the code name which happens while he was doing his special assignment. (en)
Wolfie assigns Oso to have Rapide the train carry his boat to the sea. Suddenly, a special alert is called after he forgets to couple Rapide to the boat. A boy named Grayson needs help, because it is his first show and tell at school and he does not know what to bring. It is up to Oso to help him pick something special to show to his classmates and tell them about it. (en)
Oso is being trained to load a statue onto his special agent train when a special alert is called then the statue falls sideways on him. A girl named Cassie has lost her ticket to ride the carousel and it has fallen under the boardwalk. So, Oso must help her find her lost ticket before the last carousel ride of the day starts. (en)