- In medicine and anatomy, the special senses are the senses that have specialized organs devoted to them: * vision (the eye) * hearing and balance (the ear, which includes the auditory system and vestibular system) * smell (the nose) * taste (the tongue) The distinction between special and general senses is used to classify nerve fibers running to and from the central nervous system – information from special senses is carried in special somatic afferents and special visceral afferents. In contrast, the other sense, touch, is a somatic sense which does not have a specialized organ but comes from all over the body, most noticeably the skin but also the internal organs (viscera). Touch includes mechanoreception (pressure, vibration and proprioception), pain (nociception) and heat (thermoception), and such information is carried in general somatic afferents and general visceral afferents. (en)
- 特殊感觉在医学和生理学上所说的是指一切在體感以外的感觉,包括以下四種感覺: * 视觉 * 听觉 * 嗅觉 * 味觉 这四种感觉的一个共同点是其感受器都位于头部。当然另一种感觉:的感受器也在头部,不过一般不算入特殊感觉。 (zh)