A staphylococcal infection or staph infection is an infection caused by members of the Staphylococcus genus of bacteria. These bacteria commonly inhabit the skin and nose where they are innocuous, but may enter the body through cuts or abrasions which may be nearly invisible. Once inside the body, the bacteria may spread to a number of body systems and organs, including the heart, where the toxins produced by the bacteria may cause cardiac arrest. Once the bacterium has been identified as the cause of the illness, treatment is often in the form of antibiotics and, where possible, drainage of the infected area. However, many strains of this bacterium have become antibiotic resistant; for those with these kinds of infection, the body's own immune system is the only defense against the disease. If that system is weakened or compromised, the disease may progress rapidly. Anyone can contract staph, but pregnant women, children, and people with chronic diseases or who are immuno-deficient are often more susceptible to contracting an infection. (en)
Стафілоко́кова інфекція (грец. staphyle — «виноградне гроно» + kokkos — «зерно») — група різноманітних за клінічними ознаками інфекційних хвороб, які спричинюють стафілококи. Ці хвороби переважно характеризуються наявністю гнійно-запальних вогнищ та інтоксикацією. (uk)
Стафілоко́кова інфекція (грец. staphyle — «виноградне гроно» + kokkos — «зерно») — група різноманітних за клінічними ознаками інфекційних хвороб, які спричинюють стафілококи. Ці хвороби переважно характеризуються наявністю гнійно-запальних вогнищ та інтоксикацією. (uk)
A staphylococcal infection or staph infection is an infection caused by members of the Staphylococcus genus of bacteria. These bacteria commonly inhabit the skin and nose where they are innocuous, but may enter the body through cuts or abrasions which may be nearly invisible. Once inside the body, the bacteria may spread to a number of body systems and organs, including the heart, where the toxins produced by the bacteria may cause cardiac arrest. Once the bacterium has been identified as the cause of the illness, treatment is often in the form of antibiotics and, where possible, drainage of the infected area. However, many strains of this bacterium have become antibiotic resistant; for those with these kinds of infection, the body's own immune system is the only defense against the diseas (en)