"starting now" is the eighth episode and season finale of the third season of the American dark comedy crime television series Barry. It is the 24th overall episode of the series and was written by series creators Alec Berg and Bill Hader, and directed by Hader, who serves as lead actor. It was first broadcast on HBO in the United States on June 12, 2022, and also was available on HBO Max on the same date. The series follows Barry Berkman, a hitman from Cleveland who travels to Los Angeles to kill someone but finds himself joining an acting class taught by Gene Cousineau, where he meets aspiring actress Sally Reed and begins to question his path in life as he deals with his criminal associates such as Monroe Fuches and NoHo Hank. In the episode, Barry is confronted by his past while Gene is questioned by Jim Moss about Janice's death. Meanwhile, Hank plans his escape from Bolivia. According to Nielsen Media Research, the episode was seen by an estimated 0.221 million household viewers and gained a 0.04 ratings share among adults aged 18–49. The episode received universal acclaim from critics, who praised its writing, directing, performances (particularly Carrigan, Goldberg, Hader, Liao, Root, Wisdom, and Winkler), lack of humor, sound mixing, horror elements, and set-up for the next season. At the 74th Primetime Emmy Awards, the episode received a nomination for Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series. Additionally, Bill Hader and Henry Winkler submitted the episode to support their nominations for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series and Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series, respectively. (en)