dbo:PopulatedPlace/areaTotal |
16.86 16.86082259828736 |
dbo:PopulatedPlace/populationDensity |
422.17 422.1872662798229 |
dbo:abstract |
ستورجيس (داكوتا الجنوبية) (بالإنجليزية: Sturgis, South Dakota) هي مدينة و مقر المقاطعة تقع في الولايات المتحدة في مقاطعة ميد، داكوتا الجنوبية. يقدر عدد سكانها بـ 6,627 نسمة ومساحتها 10.33 كم2 وترتفع عن سطح البحر 1,043 متر. (ar) Sturgis je město v Spojených státech amerických, v západní části Jižní Dakoty. Je sídlem Meade County. K roku 2010 zde žilo 6 627 obyvatel. (cs) Sturgis és una població dels Estats Units a l'estat de Dakota del Sud. Segons el cens del 2000 tenia una població de 6.442 habitants. (ca) Sturgis ist eine Kleinstadt und Verwaltungssitz von Meade County, South Dakota, USA.Die Einwohnerzahl beträgt 6627 (Stand: 2010). Sturgis ist bekannt für die jährliche Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, die mit etwa einer halben Million Besuchern eine der größten Motorradveranstaltungen der Welt ist. Benannt wurde die Stadt nach General Samuel D. Sturgis. (de) Sturgis Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako hiri bat da. Meade konderrian dago, Hego Dakota estatuan. 6.627 biztanle ditu, 15,110026 eta 10,327835 kilometro koadroko azaleran banatuta. (eu) Sturgis es una ciudad ubicada en el condado de Meade en el estado estadounidense de Dakota del Sur. En el censo de 2010 tenía una población de 6627 habitantes y una densidad poblacional de 641,6 personas por km². (es) Sturgis est une ville américaine, siège du comté de Meade à l'ouest du Dakota du Sud dans la région des Black Hills. Lors du recensement de 2010, la municipalité comptait 6 627 habitants et s'étendait sur une superficie de 3,99 milles carrés (10,33 km2). (fr) Sturgis is a city in Meade County, South Dakota, United States. The population was 7,020 as of the 2020 census. It is the county seat of Meade County and is named after Samuel D. Sturgis, a Union general during the Civil War. Sturgis is notable as the location of one of the largest annual motorcycle events in the world: the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, which lasts for 10 days beginning on the first Friday of August. It attracts large numbers of motorcycle enthusiasts from around the world. Sturgis is also noted for hosting WCW's Hog Wild/Road Wild events from 1996 to 1999. (en) Sturgis è un comune (city) degli Stati Uniti d'America e capoluogo della contea di Meade nello Stato del Dakota del Sud. La popolazione era di 6,627 abitanti al censimento del 2010. Deve il suo nome all'ex generale dell'Unione, Samuel Davis Sturgis. Sturgis è nota per essere la sede di uno dei più grandi eventi motociclistici annuale del mondo, che si tiene ogni anno nella seconda settimana completa di agosto. Gli appassionati di motociclisti provenienti da tutto il mondo si trovano in questa città durante il . Sturgis è anche nota per aver ospitato l'edizione del 1996 del WCW Hog Wild. (it) Sturgis is een plaats (city) in de Amerikaanse staat South Dakota en is de zetel van Meade County. Het doorgaans slaperige stadje is jaarlijks in de eerste volle week van augustus het toneel van de . (nl) スタージス(Sturgis)とはアメリカ合衆国サウスダコタ州に位置する町。 サウスダコタ州ラピッドシティからすぐ北にあり、ブラックヒルズの近くに位置し、標高は1,075mである。人口は約6,442人。 小さな町だがバイクのハーレーダビッドソンを乗るライダー達の聖地となっており、毎年夏にという祭典が開催され、世界各地から約100万台以上のハーレーが集まる。そのことからアメリカを代表するモーターサイクル・シティでもある。 1888年アメリカ騎兵隊が駐屯するミード砦の近くにあることから、騎兵隊の町として建設され、後にブラックヒルズの金鉱地帯の通関口として発展していた。バイクの町としてしられる様に、1938年8月にスタージス・ラリーが始まり、以後バイクのイベントが開催され現在にいたる。 (ja) Sturgis – miasto w Stanach Zjednoczonych, w stanie Dakota Południowa, siedziba administracyjna hrabstwie Meade. (pl) Sturgis é uma cidade localizada no estado norte-americano de Dacota do Sul, no Condado de Meade.É famosa por sediar um dos maiores rally de motocicletas do mundo. (pt) Sturgis är administrativ huvudort i Meade County i South Dakota. Enligt 2010 års folkräkning hade Sturgis 6 627 invånare. Sturgis Motorcycle Rally hålls årligen i början av augusti i Sturgis. (sv) 斯特吉斯(英語:Sturgis),是美国南达科他州下属的一座城市。根据2010年美国人口普查,该市有人口6,627人。2011年估计该市人口约有6,656人,年增长率为0.44%。该镇以其一年一度的斯特吉斯摩托车集会闻名于世。每年8月的第一个星期,是拉力赛举办时期。来自美国和世界各地的摩托车爱好者们在这个时候云集于该镇,穿着奇装异服,骑着千奇百怪的摩托车,举办比赛活动。 (zh) Стерджис (англ. Sturgis) — город в штате Южная Дакота США. Население составляет 6442 человека по оценкам 2000 года. (ru) Стерджис (англ. Sturgis) — місто (англ. city) в США, в окрузі Мід штату Південна Дакота. Населення — 6627 осіб (2010). (uk) |
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605 |
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16627723.668357 (xsd:double) 16630000.000000 (xsd:double) |
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dbr:United_States |
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1043.000000 (xsd:double) 1043.025600 (xsd:double) |
dbo:politicalLeader |
dbr:Sturgis,_South_Dakota__PoliticalFunction__1 |
dbo:populationDensity |
422.170000 (xsd:double) 422.187266 (xsd:double) |
dbo:populationTotal |
7020 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger) |
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57785 |
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dbr:Meade_County,_South_Dakota dbr:South_Dakota |
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wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Sturgis,_South_Dakota_(2014).jpg?width=300 |
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http://www.sturgis-sd.gov/ http://www.sturgis-sd.org/ |
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33.500000 (xsd:double) |
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2.450000 (xsd:double) |
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92 (xsd:integer) |
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0 (xsd:integer) |
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1.500000 (xsd:double) |
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7.900000 (xsd:double) |
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605 (xsd:integer) |
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16.630000 (xsd:double) |
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6.420000 (xsd:double) |
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16.860000 (xsd:double) |
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6.510000 (xsd:double) |
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0.240000 (xsd:double) |
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0.090000 (xsd:double) |
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85.600000 (xsd:double) |
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57.900000 (xsd:double) |
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71.800000 (xsd:double) |
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7.100000 (xsd:double) |
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1.720000 (xsd:double) |
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107 (xsd:integer) |
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35 (xsd:integer) |
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0 (xsd:integer) |
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5.300000 (xsd:double) |
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0.500000 (xsd:double) |
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74 (xsd:integer) |
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−30 (en) |
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2.900000 (xsd:double) |
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8.200000 (xsd:double) |
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3422 (xsd:integer) |
dbp:elevationM |
1043 (xsd:integer) |
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1878 (xsd:integer) 1888 (xsd:integer) |
dbp:establishedTitle |
Founded (en) Incorporated (en) |
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39.200000 (xsd:double) |
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16.500000 (xsd:double) |
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27.800000 (xsd:double) |
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6.600000 (xsd:double) |
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0.720000 (xsd:double) |
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75 (xsd:integer) |
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−31 (en) |
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3.600000 (xsd:double) |
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8.300000 (xsd:double) |
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View over Sturgis in early 2014 (en) |
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Meade_County_South_Dakota_Incorporated_and_Unincorporated_areas_Sturgis_Highlighted.svg (en) |
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Sturgis, South Dakota .jpg (en) |
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26.400000 (xsd:double) |
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6 (xsd:integer) |
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0.490000 (xsd:double) |
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72 (xsd:integer) |
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−35 (en) |
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3.300000 (xsd:double) |
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5.300000 (xsd:double) |
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86.400000 (xsd:double) |
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59.900000 (xsd:double) |
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73.200000 (xsd:double) |
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9.300000 (xsd:double) |
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2.270000 (xsd:double) |
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109 (xsd:integer) |
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29 (xsd:integer) |
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0 (xsd:integer) |
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0 (xsd:integer) |
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65.700000 (xsd:double) |
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11.800000 (xsd:double) |
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3.300000 (xsd:double) |
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106 (xsd:integer) |
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27 (xsd:integer) |
dbp:junSnowDays |
0 (xsd:integer) |
dbp:junSnowInch |
0 (xsd:integer) |
dbp:leaderName |
Mark Carstensen (en) |
dbp:leaderTitle |
dbr:Mayor |
dbp:location |
Sturgis, South Dakota 1991–2020 normals, extremes 1902–present (en) |
dbp:mapCaption |
Location in Meade County and the state of South Dakota (en) |
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250 (xsd:integer) |
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48.700000 (xsd:double) |
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24.600000 (xsd:double) |
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36.600000 (xsd:double) |
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7 (xsd:integer) |
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1.250000 (xsd:double) |
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85 (xsd:integer) |
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−20 (en) |
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2.100000 (xsd:double) |
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8.400000 (xsd:double) |
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67 (xsd:integer) |
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43.700000 (xsd:double) |
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55.300000 (xsd:double) |
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12.200000 (xsd:double) |
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4.440000 (xsd:double) |
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100 (xsd:integer) |
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15 (xsd:integer) |
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0.300000 (xsd:double) |
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1.400000 (xsd:double) |
dbp:name |
Sturgis (en) |
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47.800000 (xsd:double) |
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25 (xsd:integer) |
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36.400000 (xsd:double) |
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0.840000 (xsd:double) |
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83 (xsd:integer) |
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−20 (en) |
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1.700000 (xsd:double) |
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5.300000 (xsd:double) |
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60.700000 (xsd:double) |
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36.400000 (xsd:double) |
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48.500000 (xsd:double) |
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7.700000 (xsd:double) |
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1.900000 (xsd:double) |
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93 (xsd:integer) |
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−5 (en) |
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0.900000 (xsd:double) |
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2.800000 (xsd:double) |
dbp:officialName |
Sturgis, South Dakota (en) |
dbp:populationAsOf |
2020 (xsd:integer) |
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422.170000 (xsd:double) |
dbp:populationDensitySqMi |
1093.460000 (xsd:double) |
dbp:populationTotal |
7020 (xsd:integer) |
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57785 (xsd:integer) |
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dbr:ZIP_Code |
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green (en) |
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USA (en) |
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Location in the United States (en) |
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77 (xsd:integer) |
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48.600000 (xsd:double) |
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62.800000 (xsd:double) |
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6.200000 (xsd:double) |
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1.400000 (xsd:double) |
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104 (xsd:integer) |
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20 (xsd:integer) |
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0 (xsd:integer) |
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0 (xsd:integer) |
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dbr:City |
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Y (en) |
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dbr:NOAA |
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dbr:United_States dbr:Meade_County,_South_Dakota dbr:South_Dakota |
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dbr:List_of_counties_in_South_Dakota dbr:List_of_sovereign_states dbr:U.S._state |
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dbr:Mountain_Time_Zone |
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MDT (en) |
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0.01 |
dbp:unitPref |
Imperial (en) |
dbp:unitSnowDays |
0.1 |
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−7 (en) |
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−6 (en) |
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http://www.sturgis-sd.gov/ |
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60.400000 (xsd:double) |
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36 (xsd:integer) |
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48.200000 (xsd:double) |
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94.400000 (xsd:double) |
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21.280000 (xsd:double) |
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109 (xsd:integer) |
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−35 (en) |
dbp:yearSnowDays |
16.300000 (xsd:double) |
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47.600000 (xsd:double) |
dcterms:subject |
dbc:Cities_in_Meade_County,_South_Dakota dbc:Black_Hills dbc:Cities_in_South_Dakota dbc:County_seats_in_South_Dakota dbc:1878_establishments_in_Dakota_Territory dbc:Sturgis,_South_Dakota dbc:Rapid_City,_South_Dakota_metropolitan_area |
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http://viaf.org/viaf/136089863 |
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ستورجيس (داكوتا الجنوبية) (بالإنجليزية: Sturgis, South Dakota) هي مدينة و مقر المقاطعة تقع في الولايات المتحدة في مقاطعة ميد، داكوتا الجنوبية. يقدر عدد سكانها بـ 6,627 نسمة ومساحتها 10.33 كم2 وترتفع عن سطح البحر 1,043 متر. (ar) Sturgis je město v Spojených státech amerických, v západní části Jižní Dakoty. Je sídlem Meade County. K roku 2010 zde žilo 6 627 obyvatel. (cs) Sturgis és una població dels Estats Units a l'estat de Dakota del Sud. Segons el cens del 2000 tenia una població de 6.442 habitants. (ca) Sturgis ist eine Kleinstadt und Verwaltungssitz von Meade County, South Dakota, USA.Die Einwohnerzahl beträgt 6627 (Stand: 2010). Sturgis ist bekannt für die jährliche Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, die mit etwa einer halben Million Besuchern eine der größten Motorradveranstaltungen der Welt ist. Benannt wurde die Stadt nach General Samuel D. Sturgis. (de) Sturgis Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako hiri bat da. Meade konderrian dago, Hego Dakota estatuan. 6.627 biztanle ditu, 15,110026 eta 10,327835 kilometro koadroko azaleran banatuta. (eu) Sturgis es una ciudad ubicada en el condado de Meade en el estado estadounidense de Dakota del Sur. En el censo de 2010 tenía una población de 6627 habitantes y una densidad poblacional de 641,6 personas por km². (es) Sturgis est une ville américaine, siège du comté de Meade à l'ouest du Dakota du Sud dans la région des Black Hills. Lors du recensement de 2010, la municipalité comptait 6 627 habitants et s'étendait sur une superficie de 3,99 milles carrés (10,33 km2). (fr) Sturgis is a city in Meade County, South Dakota, United States. The population was 7,020 as of the 2020 census. It is the county seat of Meade County and is named after Samuel D. Sturgis, a Union general during the Civil War. Sturgis is notable as the location of one of the largest annual motorcycle events in the world: the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, which lasts for 10 days beginning on the first Friday of August. It attracts large numbers of motorcycle enthusiasts from around the world. Sturgis is also noted for hosting WCW's Hog Wild/Road Wild events from 1996 to 1999. (en) Sturgis è un comune (city) degli Stati Uniti d'America e capoluogo della contea di Meade nello Stato del Dakota del Sud. La popolazione era di 6,627 abitanti al censimento del 2010. Deve il suo nome all'ex generale dell'Unione, Samuel Davis Sturgis. Sturgis è nota per essere la sede di uno dei più grandi eventi motociclistici annuale del mondo, che si tiene ogni anno nella seconda settimana completa di agosto. Gli appassionati di motociclisti provenienti da tutto il mondo si trovano in questa città durante il . Sturgis è anche nota per aver ospitato l'edizione del 1996 del WCW Hog Wild. (it) Sturgis is een plaats (city) in de Amerikaanse staat South Dakota en is de zetel van Meade County. Het doorgaans slaperige stadje is jaarlijks in de eerste volle week van augustus het toneel van de . (nl) スタージス(Sturgis)とはアメリカ合衆国サウスダコタ州に位置する町。 サウスダコタ州ラピッドシティからすぐ北にあり、ブラックヒルズの近くに位置し、標高は1,075mである。人口は約6,442人。 小さな町だがバイクのハーレーダビッドソンを乗るライダー達の聖地となっており、毎年夏にという祭典が開催され、世界各地から約100万台以上のハーレーが集まる。そのことからアメリカを代表するモーターサイクル・シティでもある。 1888年アメリカ騎兵隊が駐屯するミード砦の近くにあることから、騎兵隊の町として建設され、後にブラックヒルズの金鉱地帯の通関口として発展していた。バイクの町としてしられる様に、1938年8月にスタージス・ラリーが始まり、以後バイクのイベントが開催され現在にいたる。 (ja) Sturgis – miasto w Stanach Zjednoczonych, w stanie Dakota Południowa, siedziba administracyjna hrabstwie Meade. (pl) Sturgis é uma cidade localizada no estado norte-americano de Dacota do Sul, no Condado de Meade.É famosa por sediar um dos maiores rally de motocicletas do mundo. (pt) Sturgis är administrativ huvudort i Meade County i South Dakota. Enligt 2010 års folkräkning hade Sturgis 6 627 invånare. Sturgis Motorcycle Rally hålls årligen i början av augusti i Sturgis. (sv) 斯特吉斯(英語:Sturgis),是美国南达科他州下属的一座城市。根据2010年美国人口普查,该市有人口6,627人。2011年估计该市人口约有6,656人,年增长率为0.44%。该镇以其一年一度的斯特吉斯摩托车集会闻名于世。每年8月的第一个星期,是拉力赛举办时期。来自美国和世界各地的摩托车爱好者们在这个时候云集于该镇,穿着奇装异服,骑着千奇百怪的摩托车,举办比赛活动。 (zh) Стерджис (англ. Sturgis) — город в штате Южная Дакота США. Население составляет 6442 человека по оценкам 2000 года. (ru) Стерджис (англ. Sturgis) — місто (англ. city) в США, в окрузі Мід штату Південна Дакота. Населення — 6627 осіб (2010). (uk) |
rdfs:label |
Sturgis, South Dakota (en) ستورجيس (ar) Sturgis (Dakota del Sud) (ca) Sturgis (Jižní Dakota) (cs) Sturgis (South Dakota) (de) Sturgis (Hego Dakota) (eu) Sturgis (Dakota del Sur) (es) Sturgis (Dakota del Sud) (it) Sturgis (Dakota du Sud) (fr) スタージス (サウスダコタ州) (ja) Sturgis (South Dakota) (nl) Sturgis (Dakota Południowa) (pl) Sturgis (Dacota do Sul) (pt) Стерджис (Южная Дакота) (ru) Sturgis, South Dakota (sv) Стерджис (Південна Дакота) (uk) 斯特吉斯 (南达科他州) (zh) |
owl:sameAs |
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dbr:Meade_County,_South_Dakota |
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dbr:Korczak_Ziolkowski dbr:James_B._Dunn |
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dbr:Judd_Hoos |
is dbo:largestCity of |
dbr:Meade_County,_South_Dakota |
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