- Suketu Mehta is the New York-based author of Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found, which won the Kiriyama Prize and the Hutch Crossword Award, and was a finalist for the 2005 Pulitzer Prize, the Lettre Ulysses Prize, the BBC4 Samuel Johnson Prize, and the Guardian First Book Award. His autobiographical account of his experiences in Mumbai, Maximum City, was published in 2004. The book, based on two and a half years research, explores the underbelly of the city. He has won a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship for his fiction. Mehta’s work has been published in The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine, National Geographic, Granta, Harper’s, Time, Newsweek, The New York Review of Books and Scroll.in, and has been featured on NPR’s Fresh Air, and NPR's All Things Considered. Mehta has also written original screenplays for films, including New York, I Love You (2008) and Mission Kashmir with novelist Vikram Chandra. His latest book , was published in June 2019 under a 2007 Guggenheim fellowship. (en)
- Suketu Mehta (né en 1963 à Calcutta) est un journaliste, écrivain et scénariste indien. Il vit aujourd'hui à New York. Né dans une famille de joailliers à Calcutta, il grandit à Bombay avant que ses parents n'émigrent aux États-Unis. Il poursuit ses études à l'université de New York, ainsi qu'à l'« atelier des écrivains de l'Iowa » de l'université de l'Iowa. En 2004, il publie Bombay Maximum City (ISBN 2-283-02166-9), enquête à mi-chemin entre le reportage et le récit sur les bas-fonds de Bombay, où il relate son expérience et ses rencontres. L'ouvrage connait un grand succès critique et termine finaliste pour le Prix Pulitzer 2005. Il participe également à l'écriture du scénario du film Mission Kashmir de Vidhu Vinod Chopra. (fr)
- Suketu Mehta (Calcutta, 1963) è uno scrittore indiano naturalizzato statunitense. (it)
- Suketu Mehta (Calcutta, 1963) è uno scrittore indiano naturalizzato statunitense. (it)
- Suketu Mehta (né en 1963 à Calcutta) est un journaliste, écrivain et scénariste indien. Il vit aujourd'hui à New York. Né dans une famille de joailliers à Calcutta, il grandit à Bombay avant que ses parents n'émigrent aux États-Unis. Il poursuit ses études à l'université de New York, ainsi qu'à l'« atelier des écrivains de l'Iowa » de l'université de l'Iowa. Il participe également à l'écriture du scénario du film Mission Kashmir de Vidhu Vinod Chopra. (fr)
- Suketu Mehta is the New York-based author of Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found, which won the Kiriyama Prize and the Hutch Crossword Award, and was a finalist for the 2005 Pulitzer Prize, the Lettre Ulysses Prize, the BBC4 Samuel Johnson Prize, and the Guardian First Book Award. His autobiographical account of his experiences in Mumbai, Maximum City, was published in 2004. The book, based on two and a half years research, explores the underbelly of the city. His latest book , was published in June 2019 under a 2007 Guggenheim fellowship. (en)