The ninth season of Survivor Greece, the Greek version of the popular reality show Survivor, began airing on December 26, 2021, on Skai TV and also in Cyprus on Sigma TV. Giorgos Lianos returned as the host. Twelve players and twelve celebrities, who have been known in Greece through their work, are invited to survive on a deserted island, the exotic La Romana in Dominican Republic, having their luggage, the necessary clothes and basic food supply.
The ninth season of Survivor Greece, the Greek version of the popular reality show Survivor, began airing on December 26, 2021, on Skai TV and also in Cyprus on Sigma TV. Giorgos Lianos returned as the host. Twelve players and twelve celebrities, who have been known in Greece through their work, are invited to survive on a deserted island, the exotic La Romana in Dominican Republic, having their luggage, the necessary clothes and basic food supply. (en)
The ninth season of Survivor Greece, the Greek version of the popular reality show Survivor, began airing on December 26, 2021, on Skai TV and also in Cyprus on Sigma TV. Giorgos Lianos returned as the host. Twelve players and twelve celebrities, who have been known in Greece through their work, are invited to survive on a deserted island, the exotic La Romana in Dominican Republic, having their luggage, the necessary clothes and basic food supply. (en)