Swimming at the 2012 Summer Olympics (original) (raw)
- Als Jocs Olímpics d'Estiu de 2012, realitzats a la ciutat de Londres (Anglaterra, Regne Unit), es disputaren trenta-quatre proves de natació, les mateixes que en l'edició anterior, disset en categoria masculina i disset més en categoria femenina. La competició es realitzà entre el 28 de juliol i el 4 d'agost a les instal·lacions del pel que fa a les proves realitzades en pisicina, i entre el 9 i 10 d'agost a les instal·lacions del llac Serpetine pel que fa a les proves en aigües obertes. (ca)
- Plavání na Letních olympijských hrách 2012 probíhalo ve dnech 28. července až 4. srpna 2012 v Londýnském centru plaveckých sportů pro bazénové disciplíny a v Hyde Parku pro dálkové plavání. Obě místa se nacházejí v Londýně. Celkem se závodilo v 34 disciplínách. (cs)
- Bei den Olympischen Sommerspielen 2012 in der britischen Hauptstadt London fanden 34 Wettbewerbe im Schwimmen statt. Vom 28. Juli bis zum 4. August wurden im Aquatics Centre auf einer 50-Meter-Bahn 32 Wettbewerbe im Beckenschwimmen ausgetragen, für Frauen und Männer jeweils 16. Am 9. und 10. August wurden im Serpentine Lake (Hyde Park) zwei Wettbewerbe im Freiwasserschwimmen ausgetragen, jeweils ein 10-Kilometer-Rennen für Frauen und Männer. Das Programm war somit identisch mit dem der Olympischen Sommerspiele 2008 in Peking. (de)
- Les épreuves de natation aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 2012 ont eu lieu du 28 juillet au 10 août 2012 à Londres, au Royaume-Uni. Les compétitions rassemblent 931 athlètes, issus de 167 fédérations affiliées au Comité international olympique. Les épreuves en bassin se déroulent au sein de l'Aquatics Centre, pendant que les épreuves en eau libre ont lieu dans la rivière Serpentine. Trente-quatre finales figurent au programme de cette compétition (17 masculines et 17 féminines), soit les mêmes que lors de la précédente édition des Jeux à Pékin. Les États-Unis occupent la première place du classement par nations avec 31 médailles remportées (dont 16 en or), devant la Chine (10 dont 5 en or) et la France (7 dont 4 en or). Neuf records du monde sont améliorés durant ces quatorze jours de compétitions : celui du 100 mètres brasse par le Sud-Africain Cameron van der Burgh, celui du 200 mètres brasse par le Hongrois Dániel Gyurta et celui du 1 500 mètres nage libre par le Chinois Sun Yang pour les records masculins. Chez les dames, la Chinoise Ye Shiwen sur 400 mètres 4 nages, les Américaines Dana Vollmer, Rebecca Soni (par deux fois) et Missy Franklin sur respectivement 100 mètres papillon, 200 mètres brasse et 200 mètres dos et l'équipe des États-Unis sur le 4 × 100 mètres 4 nages. Par ailleurs, vingt-cinq sont établis. (fr)
- Renang pada Olimpiade Musim Panas 2012 adalah pelaksanaan cabang olahraga renang pada penyelenggaraan Olimpiade Musim Panas 2012. Kompetisi pada cabang olahraga ini berlangsung di Pusat Akuatik dan di Taman Hyde, London untuk perairan terbuka. Edisi ini menandingkan 29 nomor. Total 950 atlet dari 166 negara bertanding dalam edisi ini. (in)
- The swimming competitions at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London took place from 28 July to 4 August at the Aquatics Centre. The open-water competition took place from 9 to 10 August in Hyde Park. Swimming featured 34 events (17 male, 17 female), including two 10 km open-water marathons in Hyde Park's Serpentine Lake. The remaining 32 were contested in a 50 m long course pool within the Olympic Park. United States claimed a total of 31 medals (16 golds, 9 silver, and 6 bronze) in the leaderboard to maintain its supremacy as the most successful nation in swimming. Brought by an unprecedented sporting domination, Michael Phelps emerged as the most decorated Olympian of all time after winning six more medals at these Games to bring his total after the 2012 games to 22 (18 golds, 2 silver, and 2 bronze). Battling against the Americans for an overall medal count, China mounted to an unexpected second-place effort on the leaderboard with a tally of 10 medals (five golds, three silver, and bronze) after striking a superb double from Sun Yang in long-distance freestyle (both 400 and 1500 m) and Ye Shiwen in the individual medley (both 200 and 400 m). Meanwhile, France ended on a spectacular fashion in third spot with a total of seven medals (four golds, two silver, and one bronze), followed by the Netherlands with four, including two golds from Ranomi Kromowidjojo in sprint freestyle (both 50 and 100 m), and South Africa with three. For the first time since 1992, Australia delivered an underwhelming performance with only a single triumph in the freestyle relay, but managed to bring home a total of ten medals. After not winning a gold in swimming since 2000, Japan produced the most medals in the post-war era to build a tally of eleven (three silver and eight bronze). A total of nine world records and twenty five Olympic records were set during the competition. (en)
- Le competizioni di nuoto alle olimpiadi estive del 2012 si sono svolte dal 28 luglio al 4 agosto, con l'evento conclusivo della maratona il 9 ed il 10 agosto. Tutti gli eventi, ad eccezione delle due maratone che si sono svolte ad Hyde Park, sono stati allocati al London Aquatics Centre. (it)
- 2012年ロンドンオリンピックの競泳競技(2012ねんロンドンオリンピックのきょうえいきょうぎ)は、2012年7月28日から8月10日までアクアティクス・センター (ロンドン)などで実施された水泳競技の競泳である。 (ja)
- 제30회 하계 올림픽 수영은 2012년 7월 28일부터 8월 10일까지 영국의 런던에서 열렸다. (ko)
- Zwemmen is een van de sporten die beoefend werden tijdens de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 in Londen. Baan- en openwaterzwemmen zijn twee van de vijf zwemdisciplines (naast schoonspringen, synchroonzwemmen en waterpolo) die op de Olympische Spelen beoefend worden. De 32 onderdelen in het baanzwemmen werden van 28 juli tot en met 4 augustus in het London Aquatics Centre gehouden. De beide onderdelen in het open water vonden op 9 (vrouwen) en 10 augustus (mannen) in het Hyde Park, in het water van het Serpentine Lake, plaats. (nl)
- Pływanie na Letnich Igrzyskach Olimpijskich 2012 w Londynie rozgrywane było w Aquatics Centre. Zawody w basenie odbywały się w dniach 28 lipca–4 sierpnia, a na otwartym akwenie w dniach 9-10 sierpnia w Hyde Parku, na jeziorze Serpentine. (pl)
- Соревнования по плаванию на летних Олимпийских играх 2012 проходили с 28 июля по 10 августа в Лондоне. Были разыграны 34 комплекта наград (по 17 у мужчин и женщин), из которых 32 — в бассейне и 2 — на открытой воде. (ru)
- As competições de natação nos Jogos Olímpicos de Verão de 2012 foi realizada entre 28 de julho e 10 de agosto. Os eventos em piscina foram disputados no Centro Aquático e a maratona de 10 km foi disputada no Hyde Park, ambos em Londres, no Reino Unido. (pt)
- Змагання з плавання на літніх Олімпійських іграх 2012 відбулися з 28 липня по 4 серпня в Лондонському акватик-центрі та на озері Серпентайн у Гайд-парку. У змаганнях розігрувалися 34 комплекти нагород, 17 для чловіків та 17 для жінок. Було встановлено 9 світових та 25 олімпійських рекордів. (uk)
- Simning vid olympiska sommarspelen 2012 avgjordes från 28 juli till 4 augusti 2012 i London. 34 grenar stod på programmet, av dem var två längre lopp i öppet vatten, resterande avgjordes inomhus i en 50 meter lång bassäng. (sv)
- 2012年夏季奧林匹克運動會游泳比賽於2012年7月28日至8月4日在倫敦倫敦水上運動中心中舉行;公開水域游泳於2012年8月9日至8月10日在倫敦海德公園中舉行,共有900名運動員參加游泳比賽,以及50名運動員參加10公里馬拉松游泳競賽項目。 (zh)
- https://archive.today/20130703184425/http:/www.2012.nbcolympics.com/swimming/results-schedules/index.html%7Carchive-date=3
- https://archive.today/20130703184505/http:/www.2012.nbcolympics.com/swimming/index.html
- https://web.archive.org/web/20130511022252/http:/www.london2012.com/mm/Document/sport/General/01/40/25/62/SWResultsBookV1_Neutral.pdf
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/olympics/2012/sports/swimming
- http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20130228083922/http:/www.london2012.com/swimming/
- dbr:Caitlin_Leverenz
- dbr:Cameron_van_der_Burgh
- dbr:Camille_Muffat
- dbr:Cate_Campbell
- dbr:Satomi_Suzuki
- dbc:International_aquatics_competitions_hosted_by_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Blair_Evans
- dbr:Breeja_Larson
- dbr:Brendan_Hansen
- dbr:Brent_Hayden
- dbr:Brenton_Rickard
- dbr:Davis_Tarwater
- dbr:Derya_Büyükuncu
- dbc:2012_Summer_Olympics_events
- dbr:Hyde_Park,_London
- dbr:List_of_British_records_in_swimming
- dbr:List_of_Chinese_records_in_swimming
- dbr:List_of_European_records_in_swimming
- dbr:List_of_French_records_in_swimming
- dbr:List_of_Olympic_records_in_swimming
- dbr:List_of_South_American_records_in_swimming
- dbr:List_of_Spanish_records_in_swimming
- dbr:List_of_world_records_in_swimming
- dbr:Peter_Vanderkaay
- dbr:Richard_Weinberger
- dbr:Ricky_Berens
- dbr:United_States_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics
- dbr:Vladimir_Morozov_(swimmer)
- dbr:List_of_multiple_Olympic_medalists
- dbr:Conor_Dwyer
- dbr:Coralie_Balmy
- dbr:Matt_Grevers
- dbr:Matt_McLean
- dbr:Matt_Targett_(swimmer)
- dbr:Melanie_Schlanger
- dbr:Ryan_Cochrane_(swimmer)
- dbr:Ryan_Lochte
- dbr:Ryo_Tateishi
- dbr:Ryosuke_Irie
- dbr:Rūta_Meilutytė
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Women's_marathon_10_kilometre
- dbr:Christian_Sprenger
- dbr:Claire_Donahue
- dbr:Clément_Lefert
- dbr:Elizabeth_Beisel
- dbr:Emily_Seebohm
- dbr:Missy_Franklin
- dbr:Mylène_Lazare
- dbr:Thiago_Pereira
- dbr:Thomas_Lurz
- dbr:2011_World_Aquatics_Championships
- dbr:2012_Summer_Olympics
- dbc:2012_in_swimming
- dbr:Andrey_Grechin
- dbr:Angie_Bainbridge
- dbr:Leisel_Jones
- dbr:Li_Xuanxu
- dbr:Li_Yunqi
- dbr:Lia_Neal
- dbr:Libby_Trickett
- dbr:List_of_African_records_in_swimming
- dbr:List_of_Americas_records_in_swimming
- dbr:List_of_Asian_records_in_swimming
- dbr:List_of_Belarusian_records_in_swimming
- dbr:Anastasia_Valeryevna_Zuyeva
- dbr:London
- dbr:London_Aquatics_Centre
- dbr:Lu_Ying
- dbr:László_Cseh
- dbr:Lü_Zhiwu
- dbr:Yuka_Kato
- dbr:Yuliya_Yefimova
- dbr:Éva_Risztov
- dbr:Olympic-size_swimming_pool
- dbr:Swimming_(sport)
- dbr:Australia_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics
- dbr:Aya_Terakawa
- dbc:Hyde_Park,_London
- dbr:Brittany_Elmslie
- dbr:Bronte_Barratt
- dbr:Tommaso_D'Orsogna
- dbr:Tyler_Clary
- dbr:Tyler_McGill
- dbr:Alain_Bernard
- dbr:Aliaksandra_Herasimenia
- dbr:Alicia_Coutts
- dbr:Allison_Schmitt
- dbr:Alyssa_Anderson
- dbr:Amanda_Weir
- dbr:Amaury_Leveaux
- dbr:Cullen_Jones
- dbr:César_Cielo
- dbr:Dai_Jun
- dbr:Dana_Vollmer
- dbr:Danila_Izotov
- dbr:Dániel_Gyurta
- dbr:Eric_Shanteau
- dbr:FINA
- dbr:Fabien_Gilot
- dbr:Femke_Heemskerk
- dbr:Florent_Manaudou
- dbr:France_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics
- dbr:Breaststroke
- dbr:Nick_Thoman
- dbr:Nikita_Lobintsev
- dbr:Oussama_Mellouli
- dbr:Grégory_Mallet
- dbr:Haley_Anderson
- dbr:Hao_Yun
- dbr:Haruka_Ueda
- dbr:Hayden_Stoeckel
- dbr:Hinkelien_Schreuder
- dbr:International_Olympic_Committee
- dbr:Jade_Neilsen
- dbr:James_Magnussen
- dbr:Japan_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics
- dbr:Jason_Lezak
- dbr:Backstroke
- dbr:Takeshi_Matsuda
- dbr:Takuro_Fujii
- dbr:Tang_Yi
- dbc:Swimming_competitions_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Chad_le_Clos
- dbr:Charlie_Houchin
- dbr:Charlotte_Bonnet
- dbr:China_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics
- dbr:Jessica_Hardy
- dbr:Jiang_Haiqi
- dbr:Jiao_Liuyang
- dbr:Jimmy_Feigen
- dbr:Jérémy_Stravius
- dbr:Katie_Ledecky
- dbr:Lars_Frölander
- dbr:Lauren_Perdue
- dbr:Sun_Yang
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_100_metre_backstroke
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_100_metre_breaststroke
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_100_metre_butterfly
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_100_metre_freestyle
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_1500_metre_freestyle
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_200_metre_backstroke
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_200_metre_breaststroke
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_200_metre_butterfly
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_200_metre_freestyle
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_200_metre_individual_medley
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_400_metre_freestyle
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_400_metre_individual_medley
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_4_×_100_metre_freestyle_relay
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_4_×_100_metre_medley_relay
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_4_×_200_metre_freestyle_relay
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_50_metre_freestyle
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Women's_100_metre_backstroke
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Women's_100_metre_breaststroke
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Women's_100_metre_butterfly
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Women's_100_metre_freestyle
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Women's_200_metre_backstroke
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Women's_200_metre_breaststroke
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Women's_200_metre_butterfly
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Women's_200_metre_freestyle
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Women's_200_metre_individual_medley
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Women's_400_metre_freestyle
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Women's_400_metre_individual_medley
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Women's_4_×_100_metre_freestyle_relay
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Women's_4_×_100_metre_medley_relay
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Women's_4_×_200_metre_freestyle_relay
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Women's_50_metre_freestyle
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Women's_800_metre_freestyle
- dbr:Margaux_Farrell
- dbr:Marleen_Veldhuis
- dbr:Martina_Grimaldi
- dbr:Butterfly_stroke
- dbr:South_Africa_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics
- dbr:Freestyle_swimming
- dbr:Inge_Dekker
- dbr:Kosuke_Hagino
- dbr:Kosuke_Kitajima
- dbr:Kylie_Palmer
- dbr:Michael_Jamieson
- dbr:Michael_Phelps
- dbr:Natalie_Coughlin
- dbr:Nathan_Adrian
- dbr:Natsumi_Hoshi
- dbr:Netherlands_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics
- dbr:Ophélie-Cyrielle_Étienne
- dbr:Rachel_Bootsma
- dbr:Ranomi_Kromowidjojo
- dbr:Rebecca_Adlington
- dbr:Rebecca_Soni
- dbr:Sergey_Fesikov
- dbr:Setúbal
- dbr:Shannon_Vreeland
- dbr:Yannick_Agnel
- dbr:Ye_Shiwen
- dbr:Yevgeny_Korotyshkin
- dbr:Yevgeny_Lagunov
- dbr:Yolane_Kukla
- dbr:Mireia_Belmonte_García
- dbr:Marathon_swimming
- dbr:Medley_swimming
- dbr:Serpentine_(lake)
- dbc:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics
- dbc:Swimming_at_the_Summer_Olympics
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2008_Summer_Olympics
- dbr:Park_Tae-Hwan
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2016_Summer_Olympics
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Men's_marathon_10_kilometre
- dbr:Relay_races
- dbr:London_2012
- dbr:2011_FINA_World_Championships
- dbr:NBC_Olympics
- dbr:File:London_Aquatics_Centre,_16_April_2012.jpg
- 0001-07-28 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 0001-08-10 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- Swimming at the 2012 Summer Olympics. London2012.com. (en)
- NBC – 2012 Olympics: Swimming. 2012.nbcolympics.com. (en)
- Swimming – Official results book. London2012.com. (en)
- dbc:International_aquatics_competitions_hosted_by_the_United_Kingdom
- dbc:2012_Summer_Olympics_events
- dbc:2012_in_swimming
- dbc:Hyde_Park,_London
- dbc:Swimming_competitions_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbc:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics
- dbc:Swimming_at_the_Summer_Olympics
- owl:Thing
- schema:Event
- schema:SportsEvent
- dul:Event
- dbo:SocietalEvent
- wikidata:Q1656682
- geo:SpatialThing
- dbo:OlympicEvent
- yago:Abstraction100002137
- yago:Event100029378
- yago:PsychologicalFeature100023100
- yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity
- dbo:Event
- dbo:Olympics
- dbo:SportsEvent
- yago:Wikicat2012SummerOlympicsEvents
- Als Jocs Olímpics d'Estiu de 2012, realitzats a la ciutat de Londres (Anglaterra, Regne Unit), es disputaren trenta-quatre proves de natació, les mateixes que en l'edició anterior, disset en categoria masculina i disset més en categoria femenina. La competició es realitzà entre el 28 de juliol i el 4 d'agost a les instal·lacions del pel que fa a les proves realitzades en pisicina, i entre el 9 i 10 d'agost a les instal·lacions del llac Serpetine pel que fa a les proves en aigües obertes. (ca)
- Plavání na Letních olympijských hrách 2012 probíhalo ve dnech 28. července až 4. srpna 2012 v Londýnském centru plaveckých sportů pro bazénové disciplíny a v Hyde Parku pro dálkové plavání. Obě místa se nacházejí v Londýně. Celkem se závodilo v 34 disciplínách. (cs)
- Bei den Olympischen Sommerspielen 2012 in der britischen Hauptstadt London fanden 34 Wettbewerbe im Schwimmen statt. Vom 28. Juli bis zum 4. August wurden im Aquatics Centre auf einer 50-Meter-Bahn 32 Wettbewerbe im Beckenschwimmen ausgetragen, für Frauen und Männer jeweils 16. Am 9. und 10. August wurden im Serpentine Lake (Hyde Park) zwei Wettbewerbe im Freiwasserschwimmen ausgetragen, jeweils ein 10-Kilometer-Rennen für Frauen und Männer. Das Programm war somit identisch mit dem der Olympischen Sommerspiele 2008 in Peking. (de)
- Renang pada Olimpiade Musim Panas 2012 adalah pelaksanaan cabang olahraga renang pada penyelenggaraan Olimpiade Musim Panas 2012. Kompetisi pada cabang olahraga ini berlangsung di Pusat Akuatik dan di Taman Hyde, London untuk perairan terbuka. Edisi ini menandingkan 29 nomor. Total 950 atlet dari 166 negara bertanding dalam edisi ini. (in)
- Le competizioni di nuoto alle olimpiadi estive del 2012 si sono svolte dal 28 luglio al 4 agosto, con l'evento conclusivo della maratona il 9 ed il 10 agosto. Tutti gli eventi, ad eccezione delle due maratone che si sono svolte ad Hyde Park, sono stati allocati al London Aquatics Centre. (it)
- 2012年ロンドンオリンピックの競泳競技(2012ねんロンドンオリンピックのきょうえいきょうぎ)は、2012年7月28日から8月10日までアクアティクス・センター (ロンドン)などで実施された水泳競技の競泳である。 (ja)
- 제30회 하계 올림픽 수영은 2012년 7월 28일부터 8월 10일까지 영국의 런던에서 열렸다. (ko)
- Zwemmen is een van de sporten die beoefend werden tijdens de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 in Londen. Baan- en openwaterzwemmen zijn twee van de vijf zwemdisciplines (naast schoonspringen, synchroonzwemmen en waterpolo) die op de Olympische Spelen beoefend worden. De 32 onderdelen in het baanzwemmen werden van 28 juli tot en met 4 augustus in het London Aquatics Centre gehouden. De beide onderdelen in het open water vonden op 9 (vrouwen) en 10 augustus (mannen) in het Hyde Park, in het water van het Serpentine Lake, plaats. (nl)
- Pływanie na Letnich Igrzyskach Olimpijskich 2012 w Londynie rozgrywane było w Aquatics Centre. Zawody w basenie odbywały się w dniach 28 lipca–4 sierpnia, a na otwartym akwenie w dniach 9-10 sierpnia w Hyde Parku, na jeziorze Serpentine. (pl)
- Соревнования по плаванию на летних Олимпийских играх 2012 проходили с 28 июля по 10 августа в Лондоне. Были разыграны 34 комплекта наград (по 17 у мужчин и женщин), из которых 32 — в бассейне и 2 — на открытой воде. (ru)
- As competições de natação nos Jogos Olímpicos de Verão de 2012 foi realizada entre 28 de julho e 10 de agosto. Os eventos em piscina foram disputados no Centro Aquático e a maratona de 10 km foi disputada no Hyde Park, ambos em Londres, no Reino Unido. (pt)
- Змагання з плавання на літніх Олімпійських іграх 2012 відбулися з 28 липня по 4 серпня в Лондонському акватик-центрі та на озері Серпентайн у Гайд-парку. У змаганнях розігрувалися 34 комплекти нагород, 17 для чловіків та 17 для жінок. Було встановлено 9 світових та 25 олімпійських рекордів. (uk)
- Simning vid olympiska sommarspelen 2012 avgjordes från 28 juli till 4 augusti 2012 i London. 34 grenar stod på programmet, av dem var två längre lopp i öppet vatten, resterande avgjordes inomhus i en 50 meter lång bassäng. (sv)
- 2012年夏季奧林匹克運動會游泳比賽於2012年7月28日至8月4日在倫敦倫敦水上運動中心中舉行;公開水域游泳於2012年8月9日至8月10日在倫敦海德公園中舉行,共有900名運動員參加游泳比賽,以及50名運動員參加10公里馬拉松游泳競賽項目。 (zh)
- Les épreuves de natation aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 2012 ont eu lieu du 28 juillet au 10 août 2012 à Londres, au Royaume-Uni. Les compétitions rassemblent 931 athlètes, issus de 167 fédérations affiliées au Comité international olympique. Les épreuves en bassin se déroulent au sein de l'Aquatics Centre, pendant que les épreuves en eau libre ont lieu dans la rivière Serpentine. Trente-quatre finales figurent au programme de cette compétition (17 masculines et 17 féminines), soit les mêmes que lors de la précédente édition des Jeux à Pékin. (fr)
- The swimming competitions at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London took place from 28 July to 4 August at the Aquatics Centre. The open-water competition took place from 9 to 10 August in Hyde Park. Swimming featured 34 events (17 male, 17 female), including two 10 km open-water marathons in Hyde Park's Serpentine Lake. The remaining 32 were contested in a 50 m long course pool within the Olympic Park. A total of nine world records and twenty five Olympic records were set during the competition. (en)
- Swimming at the 2012 Summer Olympics (en)
- Natació als Jocs Olímpics d'estiu de 2012 (ca)
- Plavání na Letních olympijských hrách 2012 (cs)
- Olympische Sommerspiele 2012/Schwimmen (de)
- Renang pada Olimpiade Musim Panas 2012 (in)
- Nuoto ai Giochi della XXX Olimpiade (it)
- Natation aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 2012 (fr)
- 2012年ロンドンオリンピックの競泳競技 (ja)
- 2012년 하계 올림픽 수영 (ko)
- Zwemmen op de Olympische Zomerspelen 2012 (nl)
- Pływanie na Letnich Igrzyskach Olimpijskich 2012 (pl)
- Natação nos Jogos Olímpicos de Verão de 2012 (pt)
- Плавание на летних Олимпийских играх 2012 (ru)
- Simning vid olympiska sommarspelen 2012 (sv)
- Плавання на літніх Олімпійських іграх 2012 (uk)
- 2012年夏季奧林匹克運動會游泳比賽 (zh)
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is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
- dbr:2012_Olympics_Swimming_schedule
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_-_Event_Schedule
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Event_Schedule
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_-_Event_schedule
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_-_Event_Order
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_in_London
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Event_Order
- dbr:Swimming_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics_–_Event_schedule
is rdfs:seeAlso of
- dbr:Caitlin_Leverenz
- dbr:Sarah_Sjöström
- dbr:Scott_Weltz
- dbr:Brendan_Hansen
- dbr:Pernille_Blume
- dbr:Phathana_Inthavong
- dbr:Vladimir_Morozov_(swimmer)
- dbr:Vladislav_Polyakov
- dbr:Conor_Dwyer
- dbr:Matt_Grevers
- dbr:Ryan_Lochte
- dbr:Rūta_Meilutytė
- dbr:Elizabeth_Beisel
- dbr:Giedrius_Titenis
- dbr:Mireia_Belmonte
- dbr:Missy_Franklin
- dbr:Anthony_Ervin
- dbr:Lia_Neal
- dbr:Bruno_Fratus
- dbr:Tyler_Clary
- dbr:List_of_2012_Summer_Olympics_medal_winners
- dbr:Alia_Atkinson
- dbr:Allison_Schmitt
- dbr:Cullen_Jones
- dbr:Dana_Vollmer
- dbr:Erika_Villaécija
- dbr:Florent_Manaudou
- dbr:Fran_Halsall
- dbr:Nick_Thoman
- dbr:Park_Tae-hwan
- dbr:James_Magnussen
- dbr:Artem_Lobuzov
- dbr:Chad_le_Clos
- dbr:Jessica_Hardy
- dbr:Jimmy_Feigen
- dbr:Kara_Lynn_Joyce
- dbr:Kate_Ziegler
- dbr:Kathleen_Hersey
- dbr:Katie_Ledecky
- dbr:Katinka_Hosszú
- dbr:Martin_Liivamägi
- dbr:Milorad_Čavić
- dbr:Natalie_Coughlin
- dbr:Nathan_Adrian
- dbr:Rachel_Bootsma
- dbr:Raphaël_Stacchiotti
- dbr:Rebecca_Soni
- dbr:Shannon_Vreeland
- dbr:Yannick_Agnel
- dbr:World_and_Olympic_records_set_at_the_2012_Summer_Olympics