"Tallahassee" is the fifteenth episode of the eighth season of the American comedy television series The Office and the show's 167th episode overall. The episode aired on NBC in the United States on February 16, 2012. "Tallahassee" was written by co-executive producer Daniel Chun and directed by series cinematographer Matt Sohn. The episode guest stars David Koechner and Wally Amos. The series—presented as if it were a real documentary—depicts the everyday lives of office employees in the Scranton, Pennsylvania, branch of the fictional Dunder Mifflin Paper Company. In this episode, Dwight returns to Tallahassee to meet with the president of Sabre's special projects, Nellie Bertram (Catherine Tate). Meanwhile, in Scranton, Andy fills in for reception and thoroughly enjoys himself. "Tallahassee" saw the reappearance of Tate as Nellie Bertram. Tate had previously appeared in the seventh season finale, "Search Committee". The episode received mostly positive reviews from critics, with many reviewers noting that the "special projects" storyline helped to give the series a focus. The cold opening, in particular, received significant attention from critics, with many calling it the best of the show's eighth season. According to Nielsen Media Research, "Tallahassee" drew 4.38 million viewers and received a 2.3 rating/6% share in the 18–49 demographic, marking a 12% drop in ratings from the previous episode, "Special Project", and becoming the lowest-rated episode of the series to air, beating the previous record holder, "Hot Girl." Despite this, it was the highest-rated NBC series of the night. (en)
"Tallahassee" is the fifteenth episode of the eighth season of the American comedy television series The Office and the show's 167th episode overall. The episode aired on NBC in the United States on February 16, 2012. "Tallahassee" was written by co-executive producer Daniel Chun and directed by series cinematographer Matt Sohn. The episode guest stars David Koechner and Wally Amos. (en)