- La négation des Temples est l'assertion niant l’existence des temples de Jérusalem ou leur situation au sommet du mont du Temple. (fr)
- Penyangkalan Bait Suci merujuk kepada anggapan bahwa tak ada Bait Allah (Bait Suci) yang pernah berdiri atau tak terletak di Bukit Bait. Penulis Israel menyebut fenomena tersebut sebagai "kampanye penghapusan intelektual [oleh para pemimpin, penulis dan cendekiawan Palestina] ... yang ditujukan untuk menekan klaim Yahudi teradap bagian wilayah manapun", dan membandingkan fenomena tersebut dengan penyangkalan Holocaust. menyebut penyangkalan Bait Allah sebagai "renomena yang relatif baru" yang "telah menjadi penekanan utama dari nasionalisme Palestina". Ia berkata: "The menghancurkan reruntuhan Yudeo-Kristen terutama Bukit Bait agar dapat menyangkali hubungan apapun antara Yudaisme dan Kristen dan Yerusalem." (in)
- Temple denial is a claim advanced by Palestinian political leaders, religious figures, intellectuals, and authors that the successive Temples in Jerusalem did not exist or were placed other than on the Temple Mount. Yitzhak Reiter describes the growing tendency of Islamic authorities to deny the existence of the Jewish Temples on the Temple Mount, characterizing it as part of a campaign to increase the status of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in Islam as part of the effort to make Jerusalem a Muslim city under Arab governance. The New York Times noted that "Temple denial, increasingly common among Palestinian leaders, also has a long history: After Israel became a state in 1948, the Waqf removed from its guidebooks all references to King Solomon's Temple, whose location at the site it had previously said was 'beyond dispute'." David Hazony has described the phenomenon as "a campaign of intellectual erasure [by Palestinian leaders, writers, and scholars] ... aimed at undermining the Jewish claim to any part of the land", and compared the phenomenon to Holocaust denial. (en)