- A tenant farmer is a person (farmer or farmworker) who resides on land owned by a landlord. Tenant farming is an agricultural production system in which landowners contribute their land and often a measure of operating capital and management, while tenant farmers contribute their labor along with at times varying amounts of capital and management. Depending on the contract, tenants can make payments to the owner either of a fixed portion of the product, in cash or in a combination. The rights the tenant has over the land, the form, and measures of payment vary across systems (geographically and chronologically). In some systems, the tenant could be evicted at whim (tenancy at will); in others, the landowner and tenant sign a contract for a fixed number of years (tenancy for years or indenture). In most developed countries today, at least some restrictions are placed on the rights of landlords to evict tenants under normal circumstances. (en)
- 소작인(小作人)은 농지를 빌리고, 소득의 일부를 지주에게 바치는 농민을 말한다. 소작농이라고도 한다. (ko)
- Een pachter is iemand die een boerderij, weiland, akker, visgrond, veer of stuk grond huurt van een ander en daarvoor regelmatig, vaak jaarlijks, verplicht is pacht te betalen. Een dergelijke overeenkomst is de pacht. Horecagelegenheden worden vaak door een pachter uitgebaat in opdracht van een brouwerij. Ook een concertzaal of theater kan door pachters worden geëxploiteerd. (nl)
- 소작인(小作人)은 농지를 빌리고, 소득의 일부를 지주에게 바치는 농민을 말한다. 소작농이라고도 한다. (ko)
- Een pachter is iemand die een boerderij, weiland, akker, visgrond, veer of stuk grond huurt van een ander en daarvoor regelmatig, vaak jaarlijks, verplicht is pacht te betalen. Een dergelijke overeenkomst is de pacht. Horecagelegenheden worden vaak door een pachter uitgebaat in opdracht van een brouwerij. Ook een concertzaal of theater kan door pachters worden geëxploiteerd. (nl)
- A tenant farmer is a person (farmer or farmworker) who resides on land owned by a landlord. Tenant farming is an agricultural production system in which landowners contribute their land and often a measure of operating capital and management, while tenant farmers contribute their labor along with at times varying amounts of capital and management. Depending on the contract, tenants can make payments to the owner either of a fixed portion of the product, in cash or in a combination. The rights the tenant has over the land, the form, and measures of payment vary across systems (geographically and chronologically). In some systems, the tenant could be evicted at whim (tenancy at will); in others, the landowner and tenant sign a contract for a fixed number of years (tenancy for years or indent (en)