The Best is a Sony PlayStation budget range in Japan and parts of Asia. Similar budget ranges include Greatest Hits in North America, Essentials in PAL regions and BigHit Series in Korea. For the PlayStation, The Best was followed by PS one Books when the PS one was released in 2001. These games were top selling popular titles that were made available again in a low-priced version under this new label. Games released under the PS one Books label did not come in standard jewel cases like other PlayStation games, but instead came packaged in slim jewel cases. The games' instruction booklets were typically placed outside of the case, with both booklet and case sealed in plastic packaging. The software contained on the discs was usually the original retail game, however bug fixes were applied for a few titles. PS one Books titles were still being released until late 2006. The first PlayStation 3 The Best titles were released on March 19, 2008. However Armored Core 4 had been prior released as early as January 10, 2008 in the Best Collection. (en)
The Best é uma linha de qualidade, que visa os jogos mais vendidos, para jogos eletrônicos do console PlayStation, da Sony, que atua no Japão e em outras partes da Ásia. Para o PlayStation, a The Best foi seguida pela PSone Books quando o PSone foi lançado em 2000. Outras linhas de classificação semelhantes incluem Sony Greatest Hits na América do Norte e Platinum nas Regiões PAL. (pt)
The Best是索尼PlayStation在日本和亚洲部分地区的廉价类别。类似的廉价类别还有北美的Greatest Hits、PAL区的Essentials以及韩国的。 在初代PlayStation中,当PSone2000年发行时,Best版为PSone Books名义。此标签下的游戏皆为廉价再次发行的畅销游戏。以PSone Book标签发行的游戏和其他PlayStation游戏不同,使用的是小。游戏说明书通常置于包装盒以外,并和光盘盒封装在包装塑料中。碟中收录的游戏通常为原版零售游戏,但少量作品有修正错误。PSone Books一直销售到2006年下半年。 第一个PlayStation 3 The Best作品2008年3月19日发行。但《》在之前的2008年1月10日以Best Collection名义再版。 (zh)
The Best é uma linha de qualidade, que visa os jogos mais vendidos, para jogos eletrônicos do console PlayStation, da Sony, que atua no Japão e em outras partes da Ásia. Para o PlayStation, a The Best foi seguida pela PSone Books quando o PSone foi lançado em 2000. Outras linhas de classificação semelhantes incluem Sony Greatest Hits na América do Norte e Platinum nas Regiões PAL. (pt)
The Best是索尼PlayStation在日本和亚洲部分地区的廉价类别。类似的廉价类别还有北美的Greatest Hits、PAL区的Essentials以及韩国的。 在初代PlayStation中,当PSone2000年发行时,Best版为PSone Books名义。此标签下的游戏皆为廉价再次发行的畅销游戏。以PSone Book标签发行的游戏和其他PlayStation游戏不同,使用的是小。游戏说明书通常置于包装盒以外,并和光盘盒封装在包装塑料中。碟中收录的游戏通常为原版零售游戏,但少量作品有修正错误。PSone Books一直销售到2006年下半年。 第一个PlayStation 3 The Best作品2008年3月19日发行。但《》在之前的2008年1月10日以Best Collection名义再版。 (zh)
The Best is a Sony PlayStation budget range in Japan and parts of Asia. Similar budget ranges include Greatest Hits in North America, Essentials in PAL regions and BigHit Series in Korea. For the PlayStation, The Best was followed by PS one Books when the PS one was released in 2001. These games were top selling popular titles that were made available again in a low-priced version under this new label. Games released under the PS one Books label did not come in standard jewel cases like other PlayStation games, but instead came packaged in slim jewel cases. The games' instruction booklets were typically placed outside of the case, with both booklet and case sealed in plastic packaging. The software contained on the discs was usually the original retail game, however bug fixes were applied (en)