- The Chew is an American cooking-themed talk show that aired for seven seasons from September 26, 2011 to June 28, 2018, having replaced the soap opera All My Children, on ABC as part of the network's weekday daytime lineup. The name was inspired by fellow ABC talk show The View, but The Chew centered on food and lifestyle topics rather than the news of the day. For most of the show's run, it was hosted by chefs Mario Batali, Carla Hall and Michael Symon, wellness expert Daphne Oz, and Clinton Kelly (who served as the show's moderator). Oz left in August 2017, while Batali left in December 2017, and was later officially terminated, amid sexual misconduct allegations from some of his restaurant workers. The five co-hosts won the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Informative Talk Show Host in 2015. On May 23, 2018, ABC announced that it would be canceling The Chew after seven seasons due to low ratings. The show taped its final scenes on June 15, 2018, and its final episode aired on June 28, 2018. Repeats of The Chew continued airing until September 7, 2018. On September 10, 2018, ABC replaced The Chew with the Good Morning America brand extension GMA Day (which later became GMA3). (en)
- The Chew é um programa de culinária americano em forma de talk show transmitido pela ABC e faz parte dos shows diários da rede. O nome e formato foi inspirado pelo mesmo criador do The View, porem o The Chew esta relacionado com a culinaria e temas de estilo de vida em vez de noticias de celebridades como é o caso do The View . O programa também vai ao ar no Canadá. Um número limitado de afiliadas da ABC no fuso horário Central, locais. Em abril de 2015, The Chew ganhou o Emmy Awards de melhor Talk show informativo diurno. Este é o primeiro Emmy da série a ganhar e também a primeira indicação ao Emmy . O programa estreou em 26 de setembro de 2011, substituido a novela All My Children. (pt)
- 《闲聊》(英語:The Chew)是ABC电视网于2011年9月26日至2018年6月28日日间时段播出的一档以烹饪为主题的谈话节目。《闲聊》取代了该时段早期播出的肥皂剧《我的孩子们》而成为ABC电视网的一部分。《闲聊》的节目名字来自同台节目《》,但《闲聊》所关注的重点是美食和生活风格,而不是当日的新闻。 2015年4月,《闲聊》的五位节目支持人获得了当年的。 2018年5月23日,ABC电视网宣布该节目将在第七季完结。最后一次录制的现场在2018年6月15日播出,但预先录制的内容却一直播出到6月28日,而重播则直至9月7日结束。《早安美国》的品牌拓展节目《GMA日》(最终更名为《》)在9月10日星期一正式取代《闲聊》播出。 (zh)
- 《闲聊》(英語:The Chew)是ABC电视网于2011年9月26日至2018年6月28日日间时段播出的一档以烹饪为主题的谈话节目。《闲聊》取代了该时段早期播出的肥皂剧《我的孩子们》而成为ABC电视网的一部分。《闲聊》的节目名字来自同台节目《》,但《闲聊》所关注的重点是美食和生活风格,而不是当日的新闻。 2015年4月,《闲聊》的五位节目支持人获得了当年的。 2018年5月23日,ABC电视网宣布该节目将在第七季完结。最后一次录制的现场在2018年6月15日播出,但预先录制的内容却一直播出到6月28日,而重播则直至9月7日结束。《早安美国》的品牌拓展节目《GMA日》(最终更名为《》)在9月10日星期一正式取代《闲聊》播出。 (zh)
- The Chew is an American cooking-themed talk show that aired for seven seasons from September 26, 2011 to June 28, 2018, having replaced the soap opera All My Children, on ABC as part of the network's weekday daytime lineup. The name was inspired by fellow ABC talk show The View, but The Chew centered on food and lifestyle topics rather than the news of the day. (en)
- The Chew é um programa de culinária americano em forma de talk show transmitido pela ABC e faz parte dos shows diários da rede. O nome e formato foi inspirado pelo mesmo criador do The View, porem o The Chew esta relacionado com a culinaria e temas de estilo de vida em vez de noticias de celebridades como é o caso do The View . O programa também vai ao ar no Canadá. Um número limitado de afiliadas da ABC no fuso horário Central, locais. O programa estreou em 26 de setembro de 2011, substituido a novela All My Children. (pt)