Le Chicago Defender (Le défenseur de Chicago) était le plus grand et le plus influent journal hebdomadaire afro-américain des États-Unis au début de la Première Guerre mondiale. Le Défenseur a été fondé le 5 mai 1905 à Chicago par Robert Sengstacke Abbott avec un investissement de 25 cents et une série de presse de 300 copies. Les premiers numéros, qui ont été créées sur la table de cuisine de l'appartement de son propriétaire, consistaient en un hebdomadaire de quatre pages et de six colonnes remplies de nouvelles, recueillies par Abbott comme des coupures à partir d'autres journaux plus établis.En 1956, il devient un quotidien sous le titre Chicago Daily Defender. (fr)
The Chicago Defender is a Chicago-based online African-American newspaper. It was founded in 1905 by Robert S. Abbott and was once considered the "most important" newspaper of its kind. Abbott's newspaper reported and campaigned against Jim Crow-era violence and urged black people in the American South to settle in the north in what became the Great Migration. Abbott worked out an informal distribution system with Pullman porters who surreptitiously (and sometimes against southern state laws and mores) took his paper by rail far beyond Chicago, especially to African American readers in the southern United States. Under his nephew and chosen successor, John H. Sengstacke, the paper dealt with racial segregation in the United States, especially in the U.S. military, during World War II. Copies of the paper were passed along in communities, and it is estimated that at its most successful, each copy was read by four to five people. In 1919–1922, the Defender attracted the writing talents of Langston Hughes; from the 1940s through 1960s, Hughes wrote an opinion column for the paper. Washington D.C. and international correspondent Ethel Payne, poet Gwendolyn Brooks, author Willard Motley, music critic Dave Peyton, journalists Ida B. Wells, L. Alex Wilson and Louis Lomax wrote for the paper at different times. During the height of the civil rights movement era, it was published as The Chicago Daily Defender, a daily newspaper, beginning in 1956. It returned to a weekly paper in 2008. In 2019, its publisher, Real Times Media Inc., announced that the Defender would cease its print edition but continue as an online publication. The editorial board of the Chicago Tribune, observing the impact The Defender has had in its 114 years, praised the continuation of the publication in its new form. (en)
Il The Chicago Defender è una testata giornalistica di Chicago fondata nel 1905 da un afroamericano e destinata principalmente alle comunità afroamericane locali. Tra il 1919 e il 1922, il Defender attrasse diversi talenti giornalistici quali Langston Hughes e Gwendolyn Brooks. Successivamente, Willard Motley scrisse per esso. Nel 1956 il quotidiano passò da settimanale a giornaliero assumendo il nome di The Chicago Daily Defender, per poi tornare all'edizione settimanale a partire dal 2003. (it)
The Chicago Defender é um jornal de Chicago foi fundado em 1905 e que é voltado para a comunidade negra dos EUA. (pt)
Le Chicago Defender (Le défenseur de Chicago) était le plus grand et le plus influent journal hebdomadaire afro-américain des États-Unis au début de la Première Guerre mondiale. Le Défenseur a été fondé le 5 mai 1905 à Chicago par Robert Sengstacke Abbott avec un investissement de 25 cents et une série de presse de 300 copies. Les premiers numéros, qui ont été créées sur la table de cuisine de l'appartement de son propriétaire, consistaient en un hebdomadaire de quatre pages et de six colonnes remplies de nouvelles, recueillies par Abbott comme des coupures à partir d'autres journaux plus établis.En 1956, il devient un quotidien sous le titre Chicago Daily Defender. (fr)
Il The Chicago Defender è una testata giornalistica di Chicago fondata nel 1905 da un afroamericano e destinata principalmente alle comunità afroamericane locali. Tra il 1919 e il 1922, il Defender attrasse diversi talenti giornalistici quali Langston Hughes e Gwendolyn Brooks. Successivamente, Willard Motley scrisse per esso. Nel 1956 il quotidiano passò da settimanale a giornaliero assumendo il nome di The Chicago Daily Defender, per poi tornare all'edizione settimanale a partire dal 2003. (it)
The Chicago Defender é um jornal de Chicago foi fundado em 1905 e que é voltado para a comunidade negra dos EUA. (pt)
The Chicago Defender is a Chicago-based online African-American newspaper. It was founded in 1905 by Robert S. Abbott and was once considered the "most important" newspaper of its kind. Abbott's newspaper reported and campaigned against Jim Crow-era violence and urged black people in the American South to settle in the north in what became the Great Migration. Abbott worked out an informal distribution system with Pullman porters who surreptitiously (and sometimes against southern state laws and mores) took his paper by rail far beyond Chicago, especially to African American readers in the southern United States. Under his nephew and chosen successor, John H. Sengstacke, the paper dealt with racial segregation in the United States, especially in the U.S. military, during World War II. Copi (en)