The Cyprus Institute is a non-profit research and educational institution with a strong scientific and technological orientation, addressing issues of regional interest but of global significance, with an emphasis on cross-disciplinary research and international collaborations. It was formally established in 2005, and started operations in 2007. The institute operates under the aegis of the , which is governed by a board of trustees, composed of leading personalities of the international academic, political and business world; it is currently chaired by Dan-Olof Riska, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Helsinki and treasurer and former president of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters. The Cyprus Institute is being developed by establishing research centers which address challenging problems that are important at both the regional and international levels. Its research centers are developed in partnership with leading institutions in the respective thematic areas. The Energy, Environment and Water Research Center (EEWRC) is developed in partnership with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Science and Technology in Archaeology Research Center (STARC) in partnership with the Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France, headquartered in the Louvre and the Computation-based Science and Technology Research Center (CaSToRC) in partnership with the University of Illinois. A fourth Center, the Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) was formally launched on January 1, 2020, within the framework of the European Commission Horizon-2020-TEAMING project “EMME-CARE” (Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East Climate and Atmosphere Research Centre; Grant no. 856612). Multi-level founding partnerships with internationally prominent institutions ensure the development of the Centers in close collaboration with world leaders in their respective fields. Additional collaborations with other research and academic institutions together with local authorities further enhance the development. Having launched its first center in 2007, The Cyprus Institute has secured a large number of research projects, including an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC), three European Research Area Chairs (ERA Chairs), and three Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Joint Doctorates (EJD). The Cyprus Institute is also an accredited, degree-granting institution of higher education, offering Master’s and PhD programs in thematic areas of its expertise to select students from around the world. (en)
The Cyprus Institute is a non-profit research and educational institution with a strong scientific and technological orientation, addressing issues of regional interest but of global significance, with an emphasis on cross-disciplinary research and international collaborations. It was formally established in 2005, and started operations in 2007. The Cyprus Institute is also an accredited, degree-granting institution of higher education, offering Master’s and PhD programs in thematic areas of its expertise to select students from around the world. (en)