- The Frozen Dead is a 1966 British science fiction horror film written, produced and directed by Herbert J. Leder and starring Dana Andrews, Anna Palk and Philip Gilbert. In this film, Nazi scientist Dr. Norberg (Dana Andrews) attempts to revive a number of frozen Nazi soldiers at his English estate so that the Third Reich can arise anew 20 years after the end of World War II. Norberg is unsuccessful, however, as his thawed Nazis are only zombie-like creatures, including his vicious brother, Prisoner no. 3 (Edward Fox), who attempts to strangle anyone who comes near. Norberg reduces Elsa (Kathleen Breck), the best friend of his niece Jean (Anna Palk), to a living head as part of the Nazi plot. The film was released in the U.K. in 1966. In the U.S., The Frozen Dead was released in 1967 as a double feature with It!, a film which Leder also wrote, produced and directed. (en)
- 『怪奇! 呪いの生体実験』(かいき! のろいのせいたいじっけん、原題:The Frozen Dead)は、1967年に製作されたホラー映画である。 (ja)
- 『怪奇! 呪いの生体実験』(かいき! のろいのせいたいじっけん、原題:The Frozen Dead)は、1967年に製作されたホラー映画である。 (ja)
- The Frozen Dead is a 1966 British science fiction horror film written, produced and directed by Herbert J. Leder and starring Dana Andrews, Anna Palk and Philip Gilbert. In this film, Nazi scientist Dr. Norberg (Dana Andrews) attempts to revive a number of frozen Nazi soldiers at his English estate so that the Third Reich can arise anew 20 years after the end of World War II. Norberg is unsuccessful, however, as his thawed Nazis are only zombie-like creatures, including his vicious brother, Prisoner no. 3 (Edward Fox), who attempts to strangle anyone who comes near. Norberg reduces Elsa (Kathleen Breck), the best friend of his niece Jean (Anna Palk), to a living head as part of the Nazi plot. (en)