The Man Called Flintstone is a 1966 American animated musical comedy film produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions and distributed by Columbia Pictures. The second film by Hanna-Barbera following Hey There, It's Yogi Bear! (1964), it was directed by series creators/studio founders William Hanna and Joseph Barbera from a screenplay by Harvey Bullock and R.S. Allen. A theatrical spin-off of the 1960–66 television series The Flintstones, and a swan song (series finale), produced immediately following the end of production, the film was released just four months after the series ended. The working title was That Man Flintstone, with the film poster featuring Fred Flintstone in the same pose of the Bob Peak poster for Our Man Flint. The plot is a parody of spy films, primarily those featuring James Bond. The film marked the first feature voice role for Gerry Johnson (Betty Rubble), and Henry Corden (Fred's singing voice), the latter of whom would go on to fully assume the role of Fred following Alan Reed's death in 1977. Despite numerous musical interludes, including one performed by Louis Prima, the series' iconic theme song is absent. (en)
Un uomo chiamato Flintstone è un film d'animazione del 1966 diretto e prodotto da Joseph Barbera e William Hanna. È una parodia dei film di James Bond e si ispira alla serie televisiva I Flintstones. In Italia è conosciuto anche con il titolo Un uomo chiamato Flintstone - Intrigo a Bedrock con il quale è stato distribuito in DVD dal 2009 dalla Warner Home Video. (it)
Człowiek zwany Flintstonem / Człowiek zwany Flintstone (ang. The Man Called Flintstone, 1966) – amerykański pełnometrażowy film animowany z 1966 roku. Spin off serialu Flinstonowie. (pl)
«Человек, которого зовут Флинтстоун» (англ. «The Man Called Flintstone») — полнометражный анимационный фильм, произведённый студией Hanna-Barbera Productions и выпущенный в США компанией Columbia Pictures 3 августа 1966 года. (ru)
Un uomo chiamato Flintstone è un film d'animazione del 1966 diretto e prodotto da Joseph Barbera e William Hanna. È una parodia dei film di James Bond e si ispira alla serie televisiva I Flintstones. In Italia è conosciuto anche con il titolo Un uomo chiamato Flintstone - Intrigo a Bedrock con il quale è stato distribuito in DVD dal 2009 dalla Warner Home Video. (it)
Człowiek zwany Flintstonem / Człowiek zwany Flintstone (ang. The Man Called Flintstone, 1966) – amerykański pełnometrażowy film animowany z 1966 roku. Spin off serialu Flinstonowie. (pl)
«Человек, которого зовут Флинтстоун» (англ. «The Man Called Flintstone») — полнометражный анимационный фильм, произведённый студией Hanna-Barbera Productions и выпущенный в США компанией Columbia Pictures 3 августа 1966 года. (ru)
The Man Called Flintstone is a 1966 American animated musical comedy film produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions and distributed by Columbia Pictures. The second film by Hanna-Barbera following Hey There, It's Yogi Bear! (1964), it was directed by series creators/studio founders William Hanna and Joseph Barbera from a screenplay by Harvey Bullock and R.S. Allen. (en)