The New Avengers is a secret agent action television series produced during 1976 and 1977. It is a sequel to the 1960s series The Avengers and was developed by original series producers Albert Fennell and Brian Clemens. The series was produced by The Avengers (Film and TV) Enterprises Ltd for the ITV network, cost £125,000 per episode to produce at Pinewood Studios, and was seen in 120 countries. A joint United Kingdom-France-Canada production, the series picks up the adventures of John Steed (again played by Patrick Macnee) as he and his team of "Avengers" fight evil plots and world domination. Whereas in the original series Steed had almost always been partnered with a woman, in the new series he had two partners: Mike Gambit (Gareth Hunt), a top agent, crack marksman and trained martial artist, and Purdey (Joanna Lumley), a former trainee with The Royal Ballet (to which she ascribed the high-kicking skills she frequently used in the series) who was an amalgam of many of the best talents from Steed's female partners in The Avengers. (en)
Gli infallibili tre (The New Avengers) è una serie televisiva britannica, trasmessa dal 1976 al 1977. È il sequel del telefilm Agente speciale.Quando nell'aprile del 1980 la serie fu trasmessa in replica, alcune reti locali ne trasmisero la seconda stagione con un nuovo titolo: Sempre tre, sempre infallibili. (it)
Gli infallibili tre (The New Avengers) è una serie televisiva britannica, trasmessa dal 1976 al 1977. È il sequel del telefilm Agente speciale.Quando nell'aprile del 1980 la serie fu trasmessa in replica, alcune reti locali ne trasmisero la seconda stagione con un nuovo titolo: Sempre tre, sempre infallibili. (it)
The New Avengers is a secret agent action television series produced during 1976 and 1977. It is a sequel to the 1960s series The Avengers and was developed by original series producers Albert Fennell and Brian Clemens. The series was produced by The Avengers (Film and TV) Enterprises Ltd for the ITV network, cost £125,000 per episode to produce at Pinewood Studios, and was seen in 120 countries. (en)