The New Normal is a 2020 Nigerian dramedy film written by Tunde Babalola, produced and directed by Teniola Olatoni under the production studio of Sourmash Stories. The film stars Richard Mofe Damijo, Mercy Johnson, Broda Shaggi, Bimbo Akintola, Kehinde Bankole, Femi Jacobs, Femi Blaq, Meg Otanwa, and Mofe Duncan.
The New Normal is a 2020 Nigerian dramedy film written by Tunde Babalola, produced and directed by Teniola Olatoni under the production studio of Sourmash Stories. The film stars Richard Mofe Damijo, Mercy Johnson, Broda Shaggi, Bimbo Akintola, Kehinde Bankole, Femi Jacobs, Femi Blaq, Meg Otanwa, and Mofe Duncan. (en)
The New Normal is a 2020 Nigerian dramedy film written by Tunde Babalola, produced and directed by Teniola Olatoni under the production studio of Sourmash Stories. The film stars Richard Mofe Damijo, Mercy Johnson, Broda Shaggi, Bimbo Akintola, Kehinde Bankole, Femi Jacobs, Femi Blaq, Meg Otanwa, and Mofe Duncan. (en)