The Shaggy Dog franchise consists of American science fiction-fantasy-comedy films, with three theatrical releases, and two made-for-television films. The overall story is based on the 1923 novel titled The Hound of Florence by Felix Salten. The overarching story of each installment, follows Wilbur "Wilby" Daniels (portrayed by in each individual film) who is cursed and transforms into a large Old English Sheepdog after attaining an ancient Borgian ring and reciting its inscription. A reimagined-remake was released in 2006, with Tim Allen in the starring role. Though the overall concept was similar, many aspects of the previous films were changed, and thus has more in common with a reboot. The main character David Douglas becomes a Bearded Collie, after being bitten by a 'sacred dog'. The film genre takes on a slapstick comedy style. The films were met with mixed to positive critical reception, while the television remake was met with poor reception. Additionally, the second remake was met with predominantly poor box office and critical reception. It made less in box office returns, than its budget. In 1999 the Shaggy Dog films, along with a number of other , were expanded as a Walt Disney Parks franchise through a themepark , with elements included from each movie. (en)