The Warriors (video game) (original) (raw)
- هي لعبة فيديو عالم مفتوح اكشن طورت من قبل روكستار تورونتو والتي نشرتها روكستار جيمز صدارت عام 2005 ذا واريورز هي لعبة مقتبسة من فيلم ذا واريورز عام 1979 الذي هو بدوره مقتبس من رواية مستوحاه من أحداث ذا برونكس في نيويوك، لحياة العصابات في سنة 1970 ، و تتميز اللعبة بنطاق واسع للمشاجرة في بيئات ثلاثية الابعاد تتخللها أنشطة أخرى مثل مطاردة متوالياة . (ar)
- The Warriors es un videojuego de 2005 producido por la compañía Rockstar Games y desarrollado por Rockstar Toronto para PlayStation 2, Xbox y PlayStation Portable. El juego está basado en la película de mismo nombre de 1979, la cual estaba basada a su vez en la de 1965 escrita por Sol Yurick. (es)
- The Warriors ist ein von Rockstar Toronto entwickeltes Videospiel, welches im Oktober 2005 für PlayStation 2 und Xbox veröffentlicht wurde. Die PlayStation-Portable-Umsetzung erschien im Februar 2007. Es basiert auf dem US-amerikanischen Film Die Warriors von 1979. In Deutschland ist das Spiel nie erschienen, da die USK Bedenken aussprach, dem Spiel eine Kennzeichnung geben zu können. Weil Rockstar Games das Spiel nicht extra kürzen wollte, entschied man sich, das Spiel, trotz vorangegangenem PR- und Werbeaufwand, nicht in Deutschland zu veröffentlichen. In Österreich und der Schweiz ist das Spiel allerdings erhältlich. Das Spiel gilt in Fachkreisen als eine der besten Filmumsetzungen überhaupt. (de)
- The Warriors est un jeu vidéo du type beat them all sorti en 2005 sur PlayStation 2 et Xbox puis sur PlayStation Portable en 2007. Basé sur le film de Walter Hill, Les Guerriers de la nuit, ce jeu vidéo a été développé par Rockstar Toronto et édité par Rockstar Games. (fr)
- The Warriors is a 2005 beat 'em up video game based on the 1979 film of the same name (itself based on Sol Yurick's 1965 novel), developed by Rockstar Toronto and published by Rockstar Games. It was released in October 2005 for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox, and February 2007 for the PlayStation Portable; the PSP port was developed by Rockstar Leeds. The game was also ported to the PlayStation 3 in May 2013 and PlayStation 4 in July 2016, via the PlayStation Network. Set in gritty 1970s New York City, the story follows the eponymous street gang, who are framed for the murder of a respected gang leader and must return to their home turf in Coney Island while being hunted by rival gangs and the police. The game expands on the film's plot, with the first half covering events that took place three months before the events of the film. The gameplay revolves around large scale brawling in 3D environments interspersed with other activities such as chase sequences. The game features songs from the film's soundtrack; however, as of 2016, some of them have been removed from the PS3 and PS4 versions, including "I Love Livin' in the City" and "In the City", due to licensing restrictions. Several cast members from the film returned to voice their characters in the game. Following its release, The Warriors received very positive reviews. (en)
- 더 워리어스(The Warriors)는 1979년 영화 워리어에 기반을 둔 2005년 진행형 격투 비디오 게임이다. 록스타 토론토가 개발하고 록스타 게임스가 배급하였다. 2005년 10월 플레이스테이션 2와 엑스박스용으로, 2007년 2월 플레이스테이션 포터블용으로 출시되었다. PSP 이식판은 록스타 리즈가 개발했다. 이 게임은 2013년 5월 플레이스테이션 3으로, 2016년 7월 플레이스테이션 네트워크를 통해 플레이스테이션 4로도 이식되었다. (ko)
- 『The Warriors』(ザ・ウォーリアーズ)は、アメリカのロックスター・トロントにより開発され、ロックスター・ゲームスより2005年10月に発売されたPS2、Xbox用アクションアドベンチャー型クライムアクションゲーム。 1965年のソル・ユーリックの同名小説、及び1979年の映画版を原作としている。 2007年2月にはロックスター・リーズ開発によるPSP版も発売されている。 (ja)
- The Warriors è un videogioco action-adventure del 2005, sviluppato Rockstar Leeds e Rockstar Toronto e pubblicato da Rockstar Games per PlayStation 2, Xbox e PlayStation Portable; il titolo è basato sul film I guerrieri della notte di Walter Hill (1979). È stato pubblicato per PlayStation 2 e Xbox il 17 ottobre 2005 in Nord America e il 21 ottobre 2005 in Europa; nel 2007 ne è stata realizzata una versione anche per PlayStation Portable, commercializzata il 12 febbraio in Nord America ed il 23 febbraio in Europa. (it)
- The Warriors é um jogo-eletrônico de ação baseado no filme homônimo, que mostra como funcionava o sistema de gangues na década de 1970, época que fez a fama de bairros como o Bronx. A Rockstar fez uma extensiva pesquisa e recriou o ambiente tal qual como era na época. Além disso, expandiu o universo do filme, mostrando como a gangue se juntou e o que eles fizeram três meses antes dos eventos do filme. (pt)
- 《戰士聯盟幫》(英语:The Warriors)是一款由Rockstar Toronto和Rockstar Leeds開發的清版動作遊戲。這款遊戲的名稱基於一齣1979年的同名電影。 (zh)
- The Warriors (с англ. — «Воины») — видеоигра в жанре beat ’em up, разработанная студией Rockstar Toronto и изданная компанией Rockstar Games в октябре 2005 года для консолей Xbox и PlayStation 2. В феврале 2007 года состоялся выход портированной версии игры для PlayStation Portable, разработанной Rockstar Leeds. Весной 2013 года The Warriors стала доступна в сервисе PlayStation Network для PlayStation 3, а 5 июля 2016 года — для PlayStation 4, где получила переиздание. Игра была основана на одноимённом фильме со значительно расширенными событиями и сюжетом киноленты. Игра повествует о уличных битвах и разборках среди банд Нью-Йорка в конце 70-х, в качестве главных героев выступает банда "Воины", члены которой были ложно обвинены в убийстве уважаемого человека среди банд, после чего на них была начата охота, где они должны выжить и добраться до своего дома на Кони-Айленд. События в первой половине игры посвящены событиям до встречи банд (где начинался сам фильм) и посвящены развитию и жизни банды, также и её проблемам. (ru)
- 2005-10-17 (xsd:date)
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- dbr:Beat_'em_up
- dbr:Protagonist
- dbr:Rockstar_Canada
- dbr:Rockstar_Games
- dbr:Rockstar_Leeds
- dbr:Roger_Hill_(actor)
- dbr:David_Harris_(American_actor)
- dbr:David_Patrick_Kelly
- dbr:Deborah_Van_Valkenburgh
- dbr:Antagonist
- dbr:Jordan_Gelber
- dbr:Riverside_Park_(Manhattan)
- dbr:Cutscene
- dbr:Dabel_Brothers_Productions
- dbr:United_States_dollar
- dbr:Van_Cortlandt_Park
- dbr:Depiction
- dbr:14th_Street_-_Union_Square_(New_York_City_Subway)
- dbc:2005_video_games
- dbc:Cooperative_video_games
- dbc:Multiplayer_and_single-player_video_games
- dbc:Organized_crime_video_games
- dbc:PlayStation_2_games
- dbc:PlayStation_Network_games
- dbc:PlayStation_Portable_games
- dbc:Video_games_based_on_films
- dbc:Video_games_developed_in_Canada
- dbc:Video_games_set_in_New_York_City
- dbr:Coney_Island
- dbr:Corrupt
- dbr:Melee
- dbr:Love_interest
- dbr:Game_Informer
- dbr:Grand_Theft_Auto
- dbr:Grand_Theft_Auto:_San_Andreas
- dbr:Molotov_cocktail
- dbr:NYPD
- dbr:Contract_killing
- dbr:The_Warriors:_Street_Brawl
- dbr:The_Warriors_(film)
- dbr:The_Warriors_(soundtrack)
- dbr:Thomas_G._Waites
- dbc:Xbox_games
- dbc:Video_games_set_in_1978
- dbc:Video_games_set_in_1979
- dbr:Manhattan
- dbr:Manhunt_(video_game)
- dbr:Single-player
- dbr:SoHo
- dbr:Street_gang
- dbr:Xbox_Live_Arcade
- dbr:Spray_painting
- dbc:Rockstar_Games_games
- dbr:Tremont,_Bronx
- dbc:The_Warriors_(franchise)
- dbr:Hearse
- dbr:Darryl_McDaniels
- dbr:Video_game
- dbr:RenderWare
- dbr:96th_Street_(IRT_Broadway_–_Seventh_Avenue_Line)
- dbr:Harlem
- dbr:Action-adventure
- dbr:James_Remar
- dbc:RenderWare_games
- dbc:Take-Two_Interactive_games
- dbc:Video_game_prequels
- dbc:3D_beat_'em_ups
- dbr:Joe_Lo_Truglio
- dbr:Switchblade
- dbr:The_Warriors_(Yurick_novel)
- dbr:Truce
- dbr:Mods_and_rockers
- dbr:Dorsey_Wright
- dbr:Marcelino_Sánchez
- dbr:PlayStation_2
- dbr:PlayStation_3
- dbr:PlayStation_4
- dbr:PlayStation_Network
- dbr:PlayStation_Portable
- dbr:Sol_Yurick
- dbr:Michael_Beck
- dbr:Michael_Potts_(actor)
- dbr:New_York_City
- dbr:Oliver_Wyman_(actor)
- dbr:Red_Dead_Revolver
- dbr:Xbox_(console)
- dbr:I_Love_Livin'_in_the_City
- dbr:In_the_City_(Joe_Walsh_song)
- dbr:Flashback_(narrative)
- dbr:Multiplayer
- dbr:Rockstar_Toronto
- dbr:Graffiti_artist
- dbr:Take-Two
- dbr:Pinball_table
- dbr:Playable_character
- B+ (en)
- Alex Horton (en)
- Steve Donohoe (en)
- April 2020 (en)
- (en)
- John MacPherson (en)
- Sergei Kuprejanov (en)
- Rockstar Toronto (en)
- (en)
- Greg Bick (en)
- Kevin Hoare (en)
- 7 (xsd:integer)
- 8 (xsd:integer)
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- 8.250000 (xsd:double)
- 83.29
- 85.12
- 81.13
- 8.100000 (xsd:double)
- 8.600000 (xsd:double)
- 8.500000 (xsd:double)
- /warriors (en)
- 8.200000 (xsd:double)
- 8.700000 (xsd:double)
- 81 (xsd:integer)
- 84 (xsd:integer)
- 85 (xsd:integer)
- The Warriors (en)
- (en)
- Rob Nelson (en)
- Jeronimo Barrera (en)
- (en)
- Stephen Orr (en)
- Robert Mobbs (en)
- Frank Kozuh (en)
- Grant Kim (en)
- Jon Paul Schelter (en)
- Kashif Shamim (en)
- Leigh McRae (en)
- Matthew Puthiampadavil (en)
- Nick Snell (en)
- Oscar Valer (en)
- almost the entire section is a wall of quotations from a single Game Informer review. (en)
- 0001-10-17 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- The Warriors (en)
- dbt:Cleanup_section
- dbt:Distinguish
- dbt:Efn
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- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:Update_inline
- dbt:Video_game_reviews
- dbt:Video_game_release
- dbt:The_Warriors
- dbt:Rockstar_Games
- dbt:Take-Two_Interactive
- (en)
- John Zurhellen (en)
- Dan Van Zant (en)
- Michael Thomas Zoccano (en)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
- dbc:2005_video_games
- dbc:Cooperative_video_games
- dbc:Multiplayer_and_single-player_video_games
- dbc:Organized_crime_video_games
- dbc:PlayStation_2_games
- dbc:PlayStation_Network_games
- dbc:PlayStation_Portable_games
- dbc:Video_games_based_on_films
- dbc:Video_games_developed_in_Canada
- dbc:Video_games_set_in_New_York_City
- dbc:Xbox_games
- dbc:Video_games_set_in_1978
- dbc:Video_games_set_in_1979
- dbc:Rockstar_Games_games
- dbc:The_Warriors_(franchise)
- dbc:RenderWare_games
- dbc:Take-Two_Interactive_games
- dbc:Video_game_prequels
- dbc:3D_beat_'em_ups
- owl:Thing
- dbo:Software
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- yago:WikicatVideoGamesDevelopedInTheUnitedKingdom
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- yago:WikicatXboxGames
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- yago:Wikicat2005VideoGames
- yago:WikicatPlayStation2Games
- yago:WikicatPlayStationNetworkGames
- yago:WikicatPlayStationPortableGames
- هي لعبة فيديو عالم مفتوح اكشن طورت من قبل روكستار تورونتو والتي نشرتها روكستار جيمز صدارت عام 2005 ذا واريورز هي لعبة مقتبسة من فيلم ذا واريورز عام 1979 الذي هو بدوره مقتبس من رواية مستوحاه من أحداث ذا برونكس في نيويوك، لحياة العصابات في سنة 1970 ، و تتميز اللعبة بنطاق واسع للمشاجرة في بيئات ثلاثية الابعاد تتخللها أنشطة أخرى مثل مطاردة متوالياة . (ar)
- The Warriors es un videojuego de 2005 producido por la compañía Rockstar Games y desarrollado por Rockstar Toronto para PlayStation 2, Xbox y PlayStation Portable. El juego está basado en la película de mismo nombre de 1979, la cual estaba basada a su vez en la de 1965 escrita por Sol Yurick. (es)
- The Warriors est un jeu vidéo du type beat them all sorti en 2005 sur PlayStation 2 et Xbox puis sur PlayStation Portable en 2007. Basé sur le film de Walter Hill, Les Guerriers de la nuit, ce jeu vidéo a été développé par Rockstar Toronto et édité par Rockstar Games. (fr)
- 『The Warriors』(ザ・ウォーリアーズ)は、アメリカのロックスター・トロントにより開発され、ロックスター・ゲームスより2005年10月に発売されたPS2、Xbox用アクションアドベンチャー型クライムアクションゲーム。 1965年のソル・ユーリックの同名小説、及び1979年の映画版を原作としている。 2007年2月にはロックスター・リーズ開発によるPSP版も発売されている。 (ja)
- The Warriors è un videogioco action-adventure del 2005, sviluppato Rockstar Leeds e Rockstar Toronto e pubblicato da Rockstar Games per PlayStation 2, Xbox e PlayStation Portable; il titolo è basato sul film I guerrieri della notte di Walter Hill (1979). È stato pubblicato per PlayStation 2 e Xbox il 17 ottobre 2005 in Nord America e il 21 ottobre 2005 in Europa; nel 2007 ne è stata realizzata una versione anche per PlayStation Portable, commercializzata il 12 febbraio in Nord America ed il 23 febbraio in Europa. (it)
- The Warriors é um jogo-eletrônico de ação baseado no filme homônimo, que mostra como funcionava o sistema de gangues na década de 1970, época que fez a fama de bairros como o Bronx. A Rockstar fez uma extensiva pesquisa e recriou o ambiente tal qual como era na época. Além disso, expandiu o universo do filme, mostrando como a gangue se juntou e o que eles fizeram três meses antes dos eventos do filme. (pt)
- 《戰士聯盟幫》(英语:The Warriors)是一款由Rockstar Toronto和Rockstar Leeds開發的清版動作遊戲。這款遊戲的名稱基於一齣1979年的同名電影。 (zh)
- The Warriors ist ein von Rockstar Toronto entwickeltes Videospiel, welches im Oktober 2005 für PlayStation 2 und Xbox veröffentlicht wurde. Die PlayStation-Portable-Umsetzung erschien im Februar 2007. Es basiert auf dem US-amerikanischen Film Die Warriors von 1979. Das Spiel gilt in Fachkreisen als eine der besten Filmumsetzungen überhaupt. (de)
- The Warriors is a 2005 beat 'em up video game based on the 1979 film of the same name (itself based on Sol Yurick's 1965 novel), developed by Rockstar Toronto and published by Rockstar Games. It was released in October 2005 for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox, and February 2007 for the PlayStation Portable; the PSP port was developed by Rockstar Leeds. The game was also ported to the PlayStation 3 in May 2013 and PlayStation 4 in July 2016, via the PlayStation Network. Set in gritty 1970s New York City, the story follows the eponymous street gang, who are framed for the murder of a respected gang leader and must return to their home turf in Coney Island while being hunted by rival gangs and the police. The game expands on the film's plot, with the first half covering events that took place thre (en)
- The Warriors (с англ. — «Воины») — видеоигра в жанре beat ’em up, разработанная студией Rockstar Toronto и изданная компанией Rockstar Games в октябре 2005 года для консолей Xbox и PlayStation 2. В феврале 2007 года состоялся выход портированной версии игры для PlayStation Portable, разработанной Rockstar Leeds. Весной 2013 года The Warriors стала доступна в сервисе PlayStation Network для PlayStation 3, а 5 июля 2016 года — для PlayStation 4, где получила переиздание. (ru)
- ذا واريورز (لعبة فيديو) (ar)
- The Warriors (Computerspiel) (de)
- The Warriors (videojuego) (es)
- The Warriors (jeu vidéo) (fr)
- The Warriors (videogioco) (it)
- The Warriors (ja)
- 더 워리어스 (ko)
- The Warriors (игра) (ru)
- The Warriors (video game) (en)
- The Warriors (jogo eletrônico) (pt)
- 戰士聯盟幫 (zh)
- freebase:The Warriors (video game)
- yago-res:The Warriors (video game)
- wikidata:The Warriors (video game)
- dbpedia-ar:The Warriors (video game)
- dbpedia-da:The Warriors (video game)
- dbpedia-de:The Warriors (video game)
- dbpedia-es:The Warriors (video game)
- dbpedia-fr:The Warriors (video game)
- dbpedia-it:The Warriors (video game)
- dbpedia-ja:The Warriors (video game)
- dbpedia-ko:The Warriors (video game)
- dbpedia-pt:The Warriors (video game)
- dbpedia-ro:The Warriors (video game)
- dbpedia-ru:The Warriors (video game)
- dbpedia-tr:The Warriors (video game)
- dbpedia-zh:The Warriors (video game)
- The Warriors (en)
is dbo:wikiPageDisambiguates of
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Beat_'em_up
- dbr:Rocco_Sisto
- dbr:Rockstar_Games
- dbr:Rockstar_Leeds
- dbr:Roger_Hill_(actor)
- dbr:Ron_Simons
- dbr:Sam_Houser
- dbr:List_of_beat_'em_ups
- dbr:List_of_cooperative_video_games
- dbr:List_of_downloadable_PlayStation_Portable_games
- dbr:List_of_fictional_crime_bosses_and_gang_leaders
- dbr:David_Harris_(American_actor)
- dbr:Deborah_Van_Valkenburgh
- dbr:Anthony_Mangano
- dbr:Holter_Graham
- dbr:Jordan_Gelber
- dbr:Josh_Homme
- dbr:List_of_VideoGaiden_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Xbox_games
- dbr:List_of_fictional_portrayals_of_the_NYPD
- dbr:List_of_video_games_based_on_films
- dbr:Rembrandt_(given_name)
- dbr:Charles_Parnell_(actor)
- dbr:DeQuina_Moore
- dbr:List_of_prequels
- dbr:Willie_C._Carpenter
- dbr:Tim_Sweeney_(DJ)
- dbr:Craig_Grant
- dbr:Essentials_(PlayStation)
- dbr:Nowhere_to_Run_(song)
- dbr:Vivien_Vee
- dbr:Grand_Theft_Auto:_San_Andreas
- dbr:Coney_Island_in_popular_culture
- dbr:Cooperative_video_game
- dbr:The_Record_(album)
- dbr:The_Warriors_(film)
- dbr:The_Warriors_(soundtrack)
- dbr:Thomas_G._Waites
- dbr:Andy_Señor_Jr.
- dbr:Lemon_Andersen
- dbr:Dennis_L._A._White
- dbr:Fear_(band)
- dbr:Lloyd_Floyd
- dbr:9th_Annual_Interactive_Achievement_Awards
- dbr:2005_in_video_games
- dbr:2007_in_video_games
- dbr:Aesop_Rock
- dbr:Dan_Houser
- dbr:Danny_Mastrogiorgio
- dbr:Darryl_McDaniels
- dbr:Evan_Seinfeld
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_2_Classics_for_PlayStation_3
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_2_games_(L–Z)
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_2_games_for_PlayStation_4
- dbr:List_of_PlayStation_Portable_games
- dbr:J._D._Williams
- dbr:James_Biberi
- dbr:James_Remar
- dbr:Jamie_Hector
- dbr:Jeff_Siegel
- dbr:Armando_Riesco
- dbr:Joe_Lo_Truglio
- dbr:Joel_de_la_Fuente
- dbr:George_Ibanez
- dbr:The_Warriors
- dbr:Dorsey_Wright
- dbr:Spike_Video_Game_Awards
- dbr:Greatest_Hits_(PlayStation)
- dbr:Iain_Matthews
- dbr:Knock_on_Wood_(Eddie_Floyd_song)
- dbr:Michael_Beck
- dbr:Michael_Potts_(actor)
- dbr:Navid_Khonsari
- dbr:Nelson_Lee
- dbr:Oliver_Vaquer
- dbr:Oliver_Wyman_(actor)
- dbr:Orfeh
- dbr:Chad_L._Coleman
- dbr:Chris_Tardio
- dbr:Seen_(artist)
- dbr:Warrior_(disambiguation)
- dbr:The_Greg_Wilson
- dbr:IZ_the_Wiz
- dbr:I_Love_Livin'_in_the_City
- dbr:Image_Metrics
- dbr:List_of_video_game_industry_people
- dbr:List_of_video_games_published_by_Rockstar_Games
- dbr:List_of_video_games_set_in_New_York_City
- dbr:Rockstar_Toronto
- dbr:List_of_characters_in_The_Warriors_(video_game)
is owl:differentFrom of
is foaf:primaryTopic of