"These Delicate and Dark Obsessions" is the sixteenth episode of the third season, and 60th episode overall from the Fox series Gotham. The show is itself based on the characters created by DC Comics set in the Batman mythology. The episode was written by co-executive producer Robert Hull and directed by main cast member Ben McKenzie, making his directorial debut. It was first broadcast on May 1, 2017. During the broadcast of the episode, a trailer for the film Wonder Woman was featured. In the episode, the Court is now planning its next move with Gotham City, this time, they are bringing in a weapon in order to destroy the city, seeing it is beyond salvation. Seeing this, Frank meets with Gordon in order to avoid the weapon from getting to Gotham but Gordon then discovers more information regarding his father's murder and those involved with him. Meanwhile, Bruce is met by a Shaman in his cell, who brings him to a journey of spiritualism in the form of memories, this time with his parents' murder. Also, Cobblepot wakes up and he and Ivy face off against people who want him dead. The episode received generally positive reviews, with critics praising McKenzie's directing and Cobblepot's and Ivy's chemistry although the rest of the subplots received more criticism. (en)