Secara tradisional, beberapa jenis perahu berbeda dipakai sebagai untuk menangkap ikan di laut, atau danau atau sungai. Saat ini, beberapa perahu nelayan tradisional masih dipakai. Menurut Organisasi Pangan dan Pertanian PBB, pada akhir 2004, armada nelayan dunia terdiri dari sekitar 4 juta kapal, 2.7 juta diantaranya adalah perahu tak berdek (terbuka). Sementara hampir semua kapal berdek memiliki mesin, hanya sepertiga kapal tak berdek yang bertenaga mesin, biasanya dengan mesin di luar badan. 1.8 juta perahu lainnya adalah kerajinan tradisional dari berbagai jenis, yang dioperasikan oleh layar dan kayuh. (in)
Traditionally, many different kinds of boats have been used as fishing boats to catch fish in the sea, or on a lake or river. Even today, many traditional fishing boats are still in use. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), at the end of 2004, the world fishing fleet consisted of about 4 million vessels, of which 2.7 million were undecked (open) boats. While nearly all decked vessels were mechanised, only one-third of the undecked fishing boats were powered, usually with outboard engines. The remaining 1.8 million boats were traditional craft of various types, operated by sail and oars. This article is about the boats used for fishing that are or were built from designs that existed before engines became available. (en)
As embarcações tradicionais, algumas vezes chamadas barcos tipícos, são as embarcações que se foram desenvolvido localmente, adaptadas às condições particulares de uma região ou tarefa. Geralmente construídas localmente, recorrendo aos meios e materiais existentes, tornaram-se parte integrante das economais locais e das culturas regionais. Actualmente, um pouco por todo o mundo, veem reconhecida a sua importância cultural, e são alvo de recuperação e reutilização em novas actividades. Uma das vertentes mais visíveis deste movimento de recuperação das embarcações tradicionais são os festiveis náuticos a elas decidados, tais como o de Brest ou Douarnenez, em França. (pt)
Secara tradisional, beberapa jenis perahu berbeda dipakai sebagai untuk menangkap ikan di laut, atau danau atau sungai. Saat ini, beberapa perahu nelayan tradisional masih dipakai. Menurut Organisasi Pangan dan Pertanian PBB, pada akhir 2004, armada nelayan dunia terdiri dari sekitar 4 juta kapal, 2.7 juta diantaranya adalah perahu tak berdek (terbuka). Sementara hampir semua kapal berdek memiliki mesin, hanya sepertiga kapal tak berdek yang bertenaga mesin, biasanya dengan mesin di luar badan. 1.8 juta perahu lainnya adalah kerajinan tradisional dari berbagai jenis, yang dioperasikan oleh layar dan kayuh. (in)
Traditionally, many different kinds of boats have been used as fishing boats to catch fish in the sea, or on a lake or river. Even today, many traditional fishing boats are still in use. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), at the end of 2004, the world fishing fleet consisted of about 4 million vessels, of which 2.7 million were undecked (open) boats. While nearly all decked vessels were mechanised, only one-third of the undecked fishing boats were powered, usually with outboard engines. The remaining 1.8 million boats were traditional craft of various types, operated by sail and oars. (en)
As embarcações tradicionais, algumas vezes chamadas barcos tipícos, são as embarcações que se foram desenvolvido localmente, adaptadas às condições particulares de uma região ou tarefa. Geralmente construídas localmente, recorrendo aos meios e materiais existentes, tornaram-se parte integrante das economais locais e das culturas regionais. Actualmente, um pouco por todo o mundo, veem reconhecida a sua importância cultural, e são alvo de recuperação e reutilização em novas actividades. (pt)