The Train to Busan film series consists of South Korean action-horror zombie films, developed and produced by Next Entertainment World. The installments include a theatrical movie, an animated prequel that was released in theaters in the international market, and a standalone sequel that had a limited theatrical release. Based on an original story by Park Joo-suk, the premise centers around a zombie epidemic outbreak that originates in South Korea. Each respective installment details the struggles of the primary characters to withstand the advances of the undead, and survive the events to make their escape.
The Train to Busan film series consists of South Korean action-horror zombie films, developed and produced by Next Entertainment World. The installments include a theatrical movie, an animated prequel that was released in theaters in the international market, and a standalone sequel that had a limited theatrical release. Based on an original story by Park Joo-suk, the premise centers around a zombie epidemic outbreak that originates in South Korea. Each respective installment details the struggles of the primary characters to withstand the advances of the undead, and survive the events to make their escape. The was met with critical and box office success. The was also met with positive critical reception, with praise directed at its expansion to the story; while it also attained monetary gains for the studios. The however, received mixed reviews from critics with the movie being perceived as inferior to its predecessors. Despite its overall reception, and being released during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic impact on the film industry, it was a success financially. The franchise will continue, with an American remake in pre-production, and a sequel movie from Yeon Sang-ho in development. (en)
The Train to Busan film series consists of South Korean action-horror zombie films, developed and produced by Next Entertainment World. The installments include a theatrical movie, an animated prequel that was released in theaters in the international market, and a standalone sequel that had a limited theatrical release. Based on an original story by Park Joo-suk, the premise centers around a zombie epidemic outbreak that originates in South Korea. Each respective installment details the struggles of the primary characters to withstand the advances of the undead, and survive the events to make their escape. (en)